Search results

  1. O

    You pick Cathe's music

    LAST EDITED ON May-02-02 AT 00:10AM (Est)[p]I like the music in MIC (especially the last song in hi-lo segment!) and I like kind of music Christi Taylor uses in her recent videos like Still Jumpin/Still Steppin. I also think that Richard Simmons has great music in his new workouts (but I would...
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    Numb Feet

    Hi, I have the same problem when I do hi-lo on the carpet. I asked Christi Taylor about it, her answer is here: Loosening the laces seems to really help and yes, it depends on the shoes a lot, unfortunately it is tough to test them at...
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    water retention

    RE: LOL and DH LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-02 AT 05:37PM (Est)[p]Look at this thread about common abbreviations used on the forums: DJ did a great job! :) Hope it helps, Olga
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    Poll: which is tougher - Leaner Legs, PS Strong Legs, or S&H Legs?

    There was a similar poll at Take a look, it's pretty interesting. Most people agreed that LL is the toughest. I personally did not try any of the workouts you mentioned so I can not comment. Olga
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    Ivanko or Troy Lite?

    Sarahl, do you use Ivanko barbell for all Cathe tapes (MIS, PS)? Thanks! Olga
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    Hi Cathe!

    Bobbi, thanks so much for the link! :) I was wondering where people get all these cute icons from :) Thanks, Olga
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    Can you remember how you "found" Cathe?

    I learned about Cathe through I used to hate step aerobics but previewed video clips from Cathe site and decided to get a step - just to be able to try out her tapes! Olga
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    Christi Taylor

    I have only Christi's Still Jumpin and I love it. The thing I love most it the music - GREAT, the best I 've heard on exercise video so far! Read some reviews here: I have yet to write my own review :) It took me several times to pick up the...
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    E-mail first posted 9/11/01

    Thanks a lot for posting it Bobbi ... Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Thanks, Faythe! 30% cal from fat burned is really good, isn't it? I haven't gotten HR monitor yet - next month I think ... You got me thinking: if it takes some time to learn how to use it (and I am usually so bad at figuring out such things) I might need to go for smth simpler, but on the other...
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Faythe, thanks a lot!!! :) Wow, I didn't expect LBS to burn so many calories - I should get it probably :) You did a great job! Thanks again, Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Faythe, here I am again bothering you again :) Did you get a chance to workout to some Cathe tapes with a heart monitor and notice amount of calories burned? Patiently waiting for your reply but no rush :)) Thanks, Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Thanks for the link, Faythe! 465 is great, I wouldn't worry about fat cals being only 35 as long as total is so good. Thanks, Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Renee, thanks so much for all the info!!! It definitely helps - - I was very ignorant thinking the higher the heart rate the better, wonder whether I was burning carbs instead of fat because of that ... Thanks tons! Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Cruz, thanks for the links! I didn't not know that if you are above your target heart rate, you are burning calories from sugar/carbs... So when do I burn cals from fat (when it is below the target hr?) Any idea where I can read about it? Thanks! Olga
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Hi! Thanks for the link - I thought S-series were much much more expensive - and this price seems so good. Wow, 353 cals for just half an hour seems great! Does it also tell you calories from Fat that you burned? Could you please post the burned cals if you do some Cathe's cardio tape? ...
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Thanks, Faythe! The price looks good - the cheapest I found was 130$ I think + shipping. With the shipping it would come to 135 at least, and you also got a pedomonitor! So looks like a very good deal. Did you notice how much the price range varies for different sites - on some I found it for...
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Thanks in advance, Faythe. I will be waiting patiently for your post next week :) Btw, did you buy your HR monitor on-line? If yes, do you mind sharing the link? (I am searching for a good price on Polar M52)... Thanks! Olga
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    knowing your foot type

    Thanks! Pretty useful! Olga
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    Need a good 30-40min video

    Hi, Check forum - they have plenty of information on which tapes are for what level and have reviews for LOTS of fitness videos, and great forum where people will surely help you. When you post there, mention what kind of tape you'd like: step, floor aerobics, toning...