Can you remember how you "found" Cathe?

I have only been suing Cathe's videos for about 6 months now. Compared to most of you I'm just a "newbie." ;-) I was browsing the VF reviews for good kickboxing videos (I was seriously hooked on it, couldn't get me into much else if you tried). I finally ordered Cardio Kicks and kept reading on at VF about Cathe and how amazing she is and how great her videos were. From Cardio Kicks I could tell that she was a great instructor - and the CK video rules. Well, I had no step so I avoided the step aerobic videos until I realized I needed a big change in my routine. Needed to add some spice! I took a great leap of faith and ordered Body Max and bought my step the same day. Now I am hooked on stepping! I still do some kickboxing and hi/lo as well.. but mostly with Cathe because she's the best. She gave my exercise routine a huge boost... more like she put a booster rocket under my butt!

11 Cathe videos later I'm still at it and loving it.
Lizzie, I thought maybe you hurt yourself and drew up an affidavit! Just kidding! I thought that was funny. I am the queen of typos, so I had to get excited!
Great question!! I was browsing through a Collage Video catalogue a few years back, looking for something to challenge me. I was bored with my Firm's & Karen Voigt, and I remember reading the descriptions for PS where it said "very advanced." I thought, "can I do this?" And so the love affair began... once I found her website, I got MIS, MIC, the various step tapes, PH, CTX, and my beloved S/H.

Once I found Cathe, I traded most of my tapes & gave the rest to my sister, and never looked back!

Of course, this forum is the best find of all!!!

I learned about Cathe through I used to hate step aerobics but previewed video clips from Cathe site and decided to get a step - just to be able to try out her tapes!

A Collage catalog just showed up in the mail probably five or six years ago - I didn't even know about other videos besides the Firm, which I had stumbled upon at Blockbuster. I kept seeing all these Cathe vids and was afraid of them. I'll never forget calling Collage and asking them if they thought I could get through one of these 'super'advanced' intense, complicated killer step workouts. The woman said she couldn't do one in its entirety, but she suggested StepMax, so I gulped and ordered. I was so winded the first few times, I couldn't even begin to imagine getting through the whole thing - but, I kept at it, and have enjoyed Cathe ever since!
I found Cathe through VF too :).

Cathe is mentioned on VF a lot....and I got several tapes on VF recommendations but I always thought Cathe would be too :-wow for me. I got into it very slowly....I had MIS for ages before I even tried it was so long to me at the time and I was quite intimidated by the words 'high intensity', 'killer' and 'advanced'. Now I have several step tapes and even IMax and Body Max.....and I even do them now and then ;-)!

I think she is just great!

I was on the Firm forum and people kept mentioning Cathe spelt the same way in their rotations, and I asked a few times who is this Cathe I keep hearing about? and finally got a response and put in my search engine, cathe and it came up right away(which I can't believe). After checking out the video section, had to try one (PS upper body tapes) and ever since I've been hooked. Now I have most of her tapes, and say to friends, you never heard of Cathe??
Chalk another one up to Collage catalog. I was looking for an advanced workout with moderate choreograpy. I got Interval Max. Was then and am now absoulutely amazed at how incredible her work is!

Then when we finally went online a couple of years ago, I came to this website and fell in love with these fourms and the people here, the educated crowd!

About two years ago I decided it was time to get myself back in shape. I had started with walking/jogging but quickly realized that I was going to get bored if I did that exclusively. Still I had no idea what to do.

One day I treated myself to a pedicure at a spa in Southern New Jersey (not too far from Cathe's gym). While I was getting the pedicure I started talking to the women doing it. Somehow we got on the topic of exercising with small children at home. I told her I was in the same boat and wanted to figure out something to do at home. She immediately said "You HAVE to try Cathe!! It will change your life". So I asked what a "Cathe was" and she went on and on about how she was the best home video instructor in the entire world. She gave me the website address too.

Well I immediately went home and found this site. I posted a question on the forum as to what tapes to start with. Within 5 minutes of posting Debbie H sent me back the nicest message welcoming me. :) She told me to get the Wedding Video and Mega Step Blast. So I did and then little by little ordered everything else Cathe has done:D It changed my life completely.

That pedicure turned out to be the most worthwhile investment I could have made! :) Hmmm maybe I should do that more often! I think this was a great post. It's fun to see how everyone else got here too.

Surfin' the Collage Catalog references. That "complex" choreography scared me for a LONG time! It took almost a full year to get up the guts to try a step tape.

I have been a lurker for 3 years now....I can't believe it!!!!! My first intro was MIS, then the PS tapes, then MIC HiLo and right into Imax. I jumped right into the deep end!
I learned about Cathe last summer from all the rave reviews at the Firm Forum. Now, I'm always bragging about Cathe over there. I bought IM and PM first and since then I've gotten all of Cathe's vids except 3-4 of the earliest ones. I'm pregnant now and can't do Cathe tapes and I MISS HER SO MUCH!!!! I've already planned out my post pregnancy "Get in Shape" Cathe rotation!! Robin.
I found Cathe thru Collage Video as well. I was so tired of the store videos that were less than challenging. My first tape was MIC - and boy was I shocked at the level of intensity compared to all the others I had been doing. I fell in love and have since purchased all of her available videos. She is an inspiration in this age of paper-thin public figures. She has shown us that a fit, healthy body can be achieved thru good eating habits and exercise rather than starving ourselves.

I'm soooo looking forward to her upcoming videos!!
I moved to Arizona three years ago, and had to give up the gym membership I had had as a nanny. One weekend I had my wisdom teeth removed, and had plenty of time to be on line! I typed in "aerobic videos", and up came Cathe! ( I actually discovered VF from Cathe, not the other way around... ) I'd been getting Collage's catalog for years before that, and had lots of Kathy Smith and Gin Miller tapes, but I don't think I ever even really noticed Cathe's stuff in there.
Anyway, thank goodness I found this site! Debbie H came to the rescue and suggested TWV, then I got Stepworks, MIS, PS, and everything since! Woooohooo!!!
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
I heard about her on the Firm Forum .....and to make a long story short, now the Firm has lost a customer.:D
Yes, I do indeed remember how I found Cathe. I subscribed to a firm believers mailing list years ago. This is a mailing list that existed before WWWendy created (I believe this was back when she posted several messages in a newsgroup) and before the Firm believers forum was created. In fact, I think there were only 30 or so posts a day in this mailing list! I believe this was 6 years ago or so when I discovered Cathe referenced in some of the posts in the firm mailing list. I was only doing Firm tapes back then and wanted something more challenging. In particular, I wanted to do step aerobics. I believe it was Roberta Tango that recommended that I try either Step Heat or Step Max. I selected Step Max and, wow, I couldn't even do it. I had to back off of this and try something easier until I could work up my endurance. After building up my endurance, I tried Step Max a year later and was hooked. No looking back and, boy, was I hooked. I love Cathe's workouts. They are so much fun. Also, Cathe's personality is really starting to show in her more recent videos. Keep them coming, Cathe. :)

I also found Cathe through the Collage Video Catalog. I was looking for a advanced workout and tried her video. That was the beginning for me. Loved it and kept buying her video's. Never was disappointed with any of hers like I was with many others. She is the best!!

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