Search results

  1. J

    Lower body every day??

    Hi everyone, Wow, I haven't been able to get back on the forum for a few days, and I was surprised at all the responses! Thanks for all the info. I'm going to have to check out that Lower Body Solution book, sounds interesting. I definitely don't want to overtrain, but if changing my...
  2. J

    Lower body every day??

    Hi everyone, I found an interesting comment in the Ask Cathe forum about training your lower body every day and wanted to get more feedback on it: "Ever wonder why bodybuilders dont train the same muscle group daily? Over training sure, but because they lose size! BINGO!!! I have large...
  3. J

    stability ball ?

    Hi Rhonda, I just got a stability ball, too, and the directions said to inflate it initially just to about 80% I think, then let it sit for a day in a room that's not too cold. Then 24 hours later, inflate it more until it feels hard, but not to where it feels like it will burst. Let it sit...
  4. J

    Do you eat prior to A.M. workouts?

    Yep, I love his newsletters - very informative! Jen
  5. J

    Do you eat prior to A.M. workouts?

    Hi bq, I usually eat before working out, but this was the topic of Dr. Weil's newsletter this a.m. Notice what he said: "For effective weight loss, I think it is best to work out on an empty stomach. Whether it be aerobic exercise or lifting weights, exercising before you eat burns fat...
  6. J

    Get Ready To Go Behind The Scenes

    Can't wait for the pics!!! If you don't mind, my husband is a photographer and is very curious what digital cameras you will be using...? Jen
  7. J

    Slow & Heavy!!!

    RE: Slow & Heavy!!! Hi Ruth, Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your results with S&H. It's one of the few DVDs I don't have yet, so you're really tempting me! Your weight loss on the S&H rotation was phenomenal!! I was wondering - Did that put you at your goal weight, or do...
  8. J

    Bad fall - please help

    Okay, thanks. Jen
  9. J

    Bad fall - please help

    I really appreciate all your replies. I am trying to do what I can to let it heal. I did ice initially after I injured it, and I have been taking vitamins C and E, but not the gluco/chron/MSM. How would that be helpful? As far as diet, I know weight loss is more due to eating than...
  10. J

    Bad fall - please help

    Hi Lisa, Thanks so much for replying. I sympathize with you having a chronic problem - at least I know (or I hope) this won't be a long-term thing, should hopefully heal in a matter of weeks. Until then, though, I know I need to keep up my routine somehow. Unfortunately even walking is a...
  11. J

    Bad fall - please help

    Hi Shari, I really appreciate your concern, but no, the problem is not my intake. I NEVER go lower than 1200, usually more like 1400. My BP runs about 100/70 normally, and when the doctor had me stand up from the exam table it dropped to 90/70. I think that combined with dehydration from...
  12. J

    Bad fall - please help

    Hi everyone, Two weeks ago I woke up, apparently got out of bed too quickly, went to leave my bedroom, passed out and fell down my stairs (7 wood stairs). I have low blood pressure and get dizzy if I stand up too quickly, and our best guess is that it dropped out and made me pass out...
  13. J

    My God Cathe is so tiny!!!!

    Hi Rhonda, I'm with Lori ... I MUST know what you are doing!! I'm also 5' 2", stuck around 133 for quite a while now. I would LOVE to get down around 115-120. PLEASE tell us your workout plan and what you're eating.:9 About your question, you would think people would just be happy for...
  14. J

    Low Impact, High Intensity!!!

    Yes, please! Me too!:-) Jen
  15. J

    Gentler on the Knees Please!

    I agree - low impact HIGH intensity!! My knees have never been a problem until I just did a six-week CTX rotation, and started getting a sharp pain in one knee. When I eased off the impact, it stopped. I really don't want to start having problems now, but want to keep up the intensity. Jen
  16. J

    A Workout for when you are Traveling.

    I LOVE this idea. I always get nervous when going away that it will break my routine. I would love a lower impact, high-intensity travel workout. Jen
  17. J

    New Video Poll

    Hi Cathe, 1. STYLIZED STEP: I Love Rhythmic Step, so this sounds great!! 2. PUSH/PULL: Love the gym-style workout idea! 3. INTRO TO CATHE: Some of my favorite moves are rhythmic L's, up-jack/down-jack, and power horses. But I would appreciate if the presale discount had a...
  18. J

    Metal Coating Cracking off my dumbbells!

    What a brilliant idea! What color did you paint them? :9 And did you find one coat sufficient? Jen
  19. J

    My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

    Thanks Nancy! That sounds great - I guess I have to add more sweet potatoes to my diet. If you remember any more, please share. I love hearing about nutrition, and it's not a topic most people I know are interested in. ;-) Jen
  20. J

    My Visit With the Nutrition Consultant

    Thanks so much for sharing all this info, Nancy! This has been really helpful. :) I was wondering if you could just elaborate on why specifically sweet potatoes are so good. Thanks, Jen