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  1. G

    St. Louis Cheesecake Factory girls - pic

    I'm sorry that I missed it. Darn kids, anyway!;-) Hope to make the next get-together.
  2. G

    natural p-nut butter...

    I've made my own peanut butter at home with a food processor-if anyone is interested in how to do it. First and foremost-Don't overload your food processor. I burnt up my 1st one doing this.x( I just used peanuts and added a little peanut oil to get it to the consistancy I wanted...
  3. G

    Ack! My profile said I was Male

    Holy smokes-all this time my profile was showing me as a guy. :o Not that there's anything wrong with being a male-I'm rather fond of some males-but I'm female. So if by chance, anyone checked my profile and noticed that the gender was male, it was very, very wrong.:)
  4. G

    Help for Son's Heel Pain

    Both of my older sons have gone through something similar to this. When I took them to the dr, he said it was very typical for the age (growth spurt), and that stretching and anti-inflammitory meds were the best treatments. I had them stretch by hanging one heel off of a step. Hope he gets...
  5. G

    I can't get back into shape 1 year after having baby

    Thanks for posting that! I'm in the same boat with fitharp. Hope this will help to get me over the hump.
  6. G

    Supersize She--OMG!

    Eh eh, eh eh... Dude looks like a lady! I have seen the Supersize-She show almost 3 times now (nce all the way through, and twice I saw parts of it). I can't get over they things these women are doing to themselves.
  7. G

    All Aboard for St. Louis Outing

    It looks like I won't be able to attend. We just got DS#3's little league football schedule, and he has a game at 2:30.:-( I was really looking forward to meeting you all, too. I'll be with you in spirit.;-)
  8. G

    Anyone from Missouri?

    I live about 45 minutes from Macon, too-although in another direction from Tina. Her post about Macon and the area are right on. This is a very rural and agricultural oriented part of the country. Most people are very friendly. Macon is small. I don't think they even have a WalMart. The...
  9. G

    Posted Sept 8- St. Louis Trippers- Let's Finalize

    Where is the Galleria? Right now, it looks as if either weekend will work for me. Do you need my email address?
  10. G

    St. Louis Trippers!! Which weekend(s) CAN you hangout?

    I'm not going to vote, because right now any weekend seems to be open. As far as location is concerned, I will be driving 1.5 to 2 hours from the North to get to the StL area (about 2 hrs for me to downtown). I'm not sure where most everyone else is located, but I'm not very familiar with...
  11. G

    St. Louis Area Catheites

    I'm about 1.5 hours North (as the river flows) of StL, near Hannibal. I think it would be great to meet some of you. (and give me an extra incentive to 'step up' my workout level :P ) Gail
  12. G

    Favorite Children's Book-revisited

    Falling Up Where the Sidewalk Ends A Light in the Attic and my all time favorite... The Giving Tree (Can you tell I really like Shel Silverstein's work?);-)
  13. G

    Today's Oprah

    She said that she didn't have time to cook her oatmeal~so she eats it raw. She adds milk (if I am remembering correctly) and eats. Don't quite know if I could do that...;)
  14. G

    OT/ Self Tanners?

    I have been using TanTowels from HSN. The color is very good for my day-glo white skin. (I'm a red-head);) No streaking, and very little uneven-ness in the color at difficult spots like ankles. The tanner is on a baby wipe type of thing that comes in individual foil packs.
  15. G

    New facility

    Great Googley Moogley! What a facility. That fitness center alone looks like it would be worth moving to NJ, let alone seeing Cathe!
  16. G

    Sheila-What makes some mothers more sensitive to morning sickness?

    I'm at 17 weeks and still experiencing sickness every day. I know of many women that have never had one moment's worth of sickness during pregnancy, and of course, those in between. Are there differences in hormone levels, a woman's sensitivity to hormones, or some unknown factor that has...
  17. G

    where everyone lives ?

    Another Missouri gal checking in~I'm in NE MO, near Hannibal. Glad to see that there are several others in the area.:-)
  18. G

    New to pregnancy board......

    Hi, and congratulations! I'm early in my first trimester, too~and I have asked the same question about nausia at the Ya ya forum. In addition to what has been listed, Ginger Snaps were suggested. Soneome said that the spice ginger has stomach settling qualities. Hasn't worked for me though...
  19. G

    Ryka shoe sizing question

    Glad your Rykas fit! I have walking style Rykas that are my true size, X-Training Rykas that are true size, and I have Studio style Rykas that are one size larger than normal. Go figure!
  20. G


    LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-02 AT 02:56PM (Est)[p]They've always got something to satisfy us, don't they?:P