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    I'm not Cathe but I worked out until I delivered. I was putting up my step when my water broke with the first and worked out the day before with the second. My doctor was very encouraging.
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    Help.....My milk supply is down

    Thank you all so much for your suggestions and support. I have had a hard time with this since the beginning. I wonder if bf is so natural, why is it soooo HARD? And what on earth did our forefathers do who did not have formula to supplement with? I worry because she is still so small. We have...
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    Help.....My milk supply is down

    I have been a lurker for quite some time, I'm usually too shy to post, but I need help. My little one is four months old, and the other day she just started pulling away from my breast and screaming. The doctor said it was probably her sore throat and she just didn't feel like it. I gave her...
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    Cathe-Did you change your routine during pregnancy?

    Bumping...because I am very interested in your answer too.
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    Workout log for week of October 12th

    Oh Briee, I'm sorry you about your dog. I don't know what I would do without mine. They are such important members of our family. I am so sorry that you have had such a horrible time.
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    Workout log for week of October 5th

    Melanie I am so sorry you are having a hard time. One of my books said that sometimes if the baby get turned around he may be kicking inward and you don't feel it as much. Also he might be more active when your asleep and you might not be awake to feel it. I hope that helps a little. I'll be...
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    How Long Will It Take To Get the Weight Off?

    Bless you guys for answering me. I have been stressing about it. I'm 39 so I know it is going to be harder for me. But I guess i should consentrate on getting the baby here healthy and try to quit worring so much.
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    How Long Will It Take To Get the Weight Off?

    I was reading some in the What to expect when your expecting book and it said you should expect to take 2 years to get the weight off if you gain under 35lbs. Please tell me this is an exageration. I can't afford a new wardrobe and I cannot wear maternity forever.
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    Workout log for week of September 14th

    Ok here goes: Sun. Rebock Powerstep Mon. Stong Bear Tues Mega Step Blast Wens Fast Cheetah Thurs Rest Fri. MIS Sat. Max Cardio
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    How do you Modify Ab work?

    I am at 19 weeks, and I know your not supposed to lie on your back after 20 weeks or is it before? Anyway I have heard that some people modify, so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.
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    New Mom to Be

    I hope so. You would think they would come with an instruction manual.
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    Is childbirth that bad?

    I hope not. Besides if it were unbearable women would not want more than one child. And i haven't talked to a mother yet who after having one said she didn't want another. Please remind me of this post in the future when I freak out. Thanks in advance.
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    New Mom to Be

    Hi ladies, I never thought I would find myself on a pregnacy forum. I am 38 (will be 39 in two weeks) married for 8 years without using contreceptives. Frankly I didn't know we could. My husband is estatic. I the worrier am terrifed. Scared to death I'll do something wrong. I have worked out...
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    Any ladies out there have any spotting during preganancy?

    RE: Any ladies out there have any spotting during prega... I guess I'm lucky when I told my girlfriend that is the first thing she warned me that that might happen. My Mom told me she did when she had me.
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    Behind The Scenes- IMAX2

    Cathe on a 6" step, very scary indeed.
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    Battling depression and maintaining healthy lifestyle

    I've been battling depression my whole life. One thing that really helps me is. Ok maybe I can't drag myself up and do a workout, but as a friend told me. OK what can I do? If I can't get up and do 45 minutes of aerobics. Can I go for a walk for tem minutes? If not can I do abs for 5 minutes...
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    Good news about chocoloate!!

    I hope you enjoy this joke as much as I did. Subject:Chocolate is a Vegetable. Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans. Bean = vegetable. Sugar is derived from either sugar CANE or sugar BEETS. Both are plants, which places them in the vegetable category. Thus, chocolate is a vegetable. To...
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    Can't lose weight

    Could you be gaining Muscle? I know I weigh more now than I did before I started working out consistantly, but everything is firmer.