Workout log for week of September 14th


Hi ladies! We've made it through another week. Wow. Life has been pretty uneventful for me this week. Busy, but uneventful. Belly's getting bigger, baby's moves are getting stronger. I have somehow managed to get 8 pairs of black maternity pants, 1 pr of navy & 1 pr of beige. Looks like I'll be wearing black pants throughout most of my pregnancy. Black is supposed to be flattering & slimming. Maybe that's how I got them. ;)

Sun: off
Mon: off
Tues: MIC--step portion + stability ball abs
Wed: PUB + stability ball abs
Thurs: Cardio & Weights
Fri: off
Sat: FIRM tough aerobic mix

I can tell that my aerobic capacity has declined this week. I purchased a few FIRM videos for my weeks to come. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep up with Cathe. I just don't feel good if I drop below 4 workouts/week. Goal is 5/week. If my workouts were a little less intense, maybe I could workout more often. Just a theory I have...

Hope all you ladies are doing well. You're all in my prayers! :)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, I think your theory is accurately spoken. You just hit the nail on the head. I've missed several workouts due to not having enough "pep" to do a Cathe cardio, but I could have done another I'm sure. I don't seem to have a problem with weight work, but cardio is so tough right now!!

This week started out so fantastic and the first three days I really pushed, BUT I got the flu in the middle of the night on Wednesday and it was the weirdest flu I've had in a long time. I was severely dizzy, thought maybe I'd been laying on that "vein" that runs down the back and my first thought was "I've been cursed with this as I've been preaching doing ab work while lying on my back during pregnancy without any problems". Isn't it funny how our mind works at 2 am. It hit me when I stood up in the morning and almost fell over again "Hey, your not laying on that vein, you have the flu dummy". The dizziness made me throw up, but when I layed still and kept my head down my stomach was fine. So much for my review of the flu!!

M - AJ's upper body heavy weights
W - PS all upperbody and abs
T-Sun was flu and recovering from the flu.

Have a great week ladies.

Maggie, I really appreciated your sharing your story regarding your fourth sons birth and the testing you had done, what a blessing. God gives grace exactly when you need it.

Hi guys,
Yes I am still around. My workouts now are nursing Alexis round the clock. Can't wait to get the ok to work out. Don't know when i'll find the time though. Alexis eats constantly. Anyway, try some shorter firm workouts. They really help on the days you are not too energetic.
Hi all!! So when does the baby kick????I am still waiting to see a leg shoot out or something!!! I have felt a little tapping and it gets really hard but cant wait to feel the kick!:
Here is my week:
Tues.-PRego step mish-mosh
Wed.-Muscle endurance/4 mile powerwalk
Thurs.-Imax 2
Fri.-P.S all upperbody w/ abs/4 mile powerwalk
Sat.-All step
Ok here goes:
Sun. Rebock Powerstep
Mon. Stong Bear
Tues Mega Step Blast
Wens Fast Cheetah
Thurs Rest
Fri. MIS
Sat. Max Cardio
When are you due Smiley? I think you said you were about a month behind me. You should begin to feel movement any day now. As far as the strong kicks...I have only felt maybe 3 of them so far. The baby's bones have to get stronger before the kicks get stronger. My husband felt the baby move for the first time a couple of days ago, before that, I could only feel it internally & it couldn't be felt.

By the way, your workouts look incredible!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thanks, Briee.

I hope that you are feeling better. It is always a bummer to be sick when all the kiddos are well and full of energy, but I have found that our older ones love to pamper a sick mama, so that makes it a bit easier. It was really hard when I only had two and they were both little.

I have not started to work out again, but I think I may give it a try on Thursday. I will try the wedding video step section, with no step--see how I feel with that. It has been 3 weeks since I had any exercise and I am wondering how much I have "lost". I don't want to push too hard, too fast and injure myself or anything.

Also, I am not sure if I should post my workout log here or on one of the non pregnancy boards. I haven't noticed an active weight loss thread going in a while. I may see if anyone who wants to lose wants to join me on the "anything goes" board.

Shopaholic--Oh just enjoy cuddling and nursing that little one. Remember, you burn around 500 calories a day, just from nursing--not a whole lot of effort on your part! I love it!

take care everyone!

Hi girls!!! Maybe ya' all are on to something with the less intense workouts! Hmmmm......what should I try? Any good ideas??? I got rid of all my non-Cathe vids!:( What's the best firm vid to try?

This weekend I did CTX Power Circuit followed up by BodyMax upper body! Felt fab!!!!

I am having such a tough time getting in more than 3 workouts a week. If I do 3 I am lucky. I am just so busy, lovin' my 3 yr old, takin' care of hubby and my 13 yr' old step son just moved in this fall. So.... long story short I am exhausted!!! I just try to listen to my body and rest when it needs it. I have a 45 min. drive each way to work so that doesn't help any either.

Do you guys think if I only work out 3-4 times a week I should focus on intensity more??? Or do you think just workin' out period is good enough?

Anyone tried the Pilates for Pregnancy from Motherhood? I picked it up and haven't tried it yet.

What workouts are you guys doing??? I think I am going to do CTX cardio for a couple weeks followed up by the other wt vids. Any other good videos that work well???

I just LOVE Cathe. She just keeps me so motivated. I don't know what I would do without her:)

edd 2/15/04 (hopefully a girl....we find out 10/6/03)
Pammer, I am so glad to see you back in the world of the living, your morning sickness must be subsiding!!! So when are you due, couldn't remember? I've intended to get in 5 workouts per week at least, but each week has presented itself with SOOOO many challenges. Three sounds just fine for prego's. My goal is to at least try to get in 1/2 hour of some cardio on days when I feel like "not" working out. Better to get in that much than none at all. I think I've got to trade the intensity for some shorter tapes and "live with it" - if that makes sense. Just do what you can - but try to do something, don't give it up!!!!

Smiley, you're due exactly two months after me, so that makes you about 5 months pregnant or at least in your fifth month (inserted for Melanie's benefit) :p :p :p :p . The kicks will getcha any day now. I love kicks!!

Maggie, keep posting workouts - I'd miss you and you might miss exciting news around here and you're a great encouragement!! Unless of course you are feeling led to post on another workout thread ;( ;( ;( we will understand...

Who will understand if Maggie decides to post her workouts at another site? Certainly not ME! I'll miss her incredibly. I hope she's not working out yet (knowing her she's thinking about it though). Maybe she can post her baby's nursing schedule---since that is a workout in itself.
I"m 24 weeks pregnant now. Is that the begining of my 6th month, Briee?

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Maggie are you really getting ready to work out already? I am still sore from stiches and was told to wait until 6 week checkup to do moderate exercise. walking is fine now.
Hi everyone!

Well, I feel so at home here, it would be nice to keep posting my workouts. Maybe some other post partum women will want to join as well.

Mr. B had his 2 week check up today and weighed in at 11 lbs. And he is welcome to keep sucking away. I had the courage to stand on the scale today and yup, just as I suspected I have 50 lbs to lose. (although my husband would prefer me at around 20lbs heavier than I like to be--so it depends on who you ask)

Shopaholic--with every baby, except # 4 I started working out at around 2 weeks post partum. And when I say working out, I don't mean really intense, sweaty, "all out" kind of working out. I mean very light. Just as we all listened to out bodies during pregnancy, I would say that the same applies post partum. If you are in pain or bleeding, wait. If it doesn't feel right on Thursday, I will stop.

take care everyone
Maggie, your so ambitious & disciplined...that weight will fly off in no time. I didn't exercise at all with my last pregnancy, but I remember that I bleed for about 6 weeks post-partum. I was actively involved in other projects. My friend took it really easy after her births & bleed for a much shorter time. I think breastfeeding helped me tremendously lose post-partum weight. It was so natural. I"m almost 10 years older this time, I hope I'm not nieve into thinking that this might happen again. :eek:) As always, it's so nice to hear from you Maggie. As more and more of us eventually give birth...I"m sure we will also post our workout on this forum. I don't think anyone is due this month. Am I missing someone?

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Actually Melanie, today is the 24th and your due on the 25 of January so tomorrow you can celebrate - you're entering your sixth month, which I figure, after a few days into it, you can say with confidence that your six months pregnant :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 . Now your getting it!!!!! (ya gotta like my logic). Oh maybe it's me who's due this month - he he that all depends on how I calculate things :p :p :p !!!!
You guys gotta know how miserable I'll be when I'm 3 weeks overdue - I'm just sure God would think that was funny after all these calculations.

I did IMAX II this morning and here is my description......I felt like I was holding an elephant while jumping on a 16 inch step....some days are just like that!!! On the other hand, yesterday wasn't too bad, I did PH. I've gained about 17 pounds and it feels more like 40....maybe my scales stuck!! (I know my calendar isn't!!).

Briee- you are awesome!!!LOL!! Everytime you post you are a month closer!!:) You said I was in my 5th month-that was the best thing I read all day!!;) :D Keep those calculations coming!Mabe we are all due this month.....????:eek:
It is so nice that postpartum women are still welcome here. Well Maggie, hopefully your workouts will continue to motivate me. Today I am too exhausted to work out, Alexis was up most of the night. I did go for a short walk on the beach though. My parents were here though and mom walks way to slow. Tommorrow I will try buns of steel post pregnancy if i have the energy. On a positive note for me I got on my scale and it looks like I only have about 5 pounds to lose, although I am comparing doctor's weight to my scale so it my be a little off. I lucked out and only gained about 23 pounds. Those workouts really paid off.
I"m looking at about 13 pounds already at 24 weeks & I know the weight is going to continue to add on towards the end of the pregnancy when baby gets bigger. 23 pounds is great. You'll lose the 5 pounds in a matter of a couple of weeks NATURALLY and without effort. You're my idol too. :eek:)

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Briee, maybe you become 3 weeks overdue b/c of the way you calculate your due date? Just a suggestion. :d :D Hee hee.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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