Workout log for week of September 14th

You are all doing so great on the weight gain. I am so impressed. I think my biggest problem is my diet. (eeek!--or lack thereof)
I started a fitday account about a month before birth and I think that, although it is somewhat time consuming, it will help me see where I can improve things on the eating front. Basically, I eat way too much fat and not enough protien.

Anyway, today, I bled more than I have in several days, so I am thinking that I will not begin working out tomorrow as planned. I feel fine, but I am really worried about doing too much too fast. That would make things harder in the long run. It is so hard to be patient.

Shopaholic--if I had only 5 lbs to lose, I would be resting and taking it easy! You have done a great job. 5 lbs will come off in a month of nursing, no sweat. If you are tired and in pain, please don't push yourself too fast.

Take care
Briee- yes it is very nice to be back in the land of the living. I was definitely checked out for a good 5-7 wks there! uuggghhh!!! x(

This morning I did CTX Kickbox and it was a blast. Hadn't done it in a long time. I followed it up with Upper Body from ME. I really need a couple more strength based short upper body workouts. I can't believe how much my strength has decreased already. I can't lift near as much as I could prior to getting preggo. And my cardio.....oh my goodness it has gone off to the birds! I have a harder time getting myself to really sweat!

Good thing is my Dr. told me that since I had been working out so frequently and intensely that I just needed to keep my heart rate no higher than 160. I usually keep it around 150 or so I think now a days.

It is nice to be back on the board. I missed all you guys!

I can't believe you are due in December! Yeah! Is it getting harder for you to workout?
You guys are so sweet. I was suprised that only gained minimal weight. I ate all the time but ate healthy. Cereal and bananas were my snack of vhoice.
I woke up at about 1 am every night for a snack. Maybe this formula will work for someone else. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Pam, yes it is getting hard to work out on certain days. I guess I was used to high intensity all the time and pregnancy really zapped that. I have days when I can complete bootcamp at a pretty high intensity and then days when I feel like I can do nothing. I'm at least trying to get a heavy lifting day in once a week and then an endurance day and one day of cardio which has really been pathetic and beyond that I'm not going to sweat it. I'm trying to eat well and I'm hereby formally on the shopaholic weight plan for pregnancy!!

I've always found it funny that people go by pants sizes when describing themselves here on the forum. I just bought a pair of ambacrombie and fitch low rise, flare leg jeans size 0 and they fit great right now and I can button them up and everything.....and I'm not a size 0 by any means right now!!!! On the other hand, I have some size 8 jeans that I can't seem to squeeze into at present }( }( }(. Does that make sense???? Melanie....I bet you look great in black pants!!! at least I hope so - he he. :7 :7 :7 . You know guys...ebay has loads of prego clothes you could check's just hard to know if it will fit. When I was pregnant with the first four, the only rule I had was if it fit over fit (I was so huge). I'll quit yapping now!!

Wow Briee.....size 0??!! You must be teeny! Good for you!

What is the Shopaholic program? I need to know! Please share!

I am doing about the same thing as you! I try to do at least 1 day of endurance, heavy wt lifting and cardio at least 2 of those days. I think 3 days is about all I can handle right now.
I've NEVER been a size 0 either--even a mislabeled size 0. Smallest size I"ve been is a size3. Long time ago. ;)
Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Fitnut,
Alexis is finally closing her eyes in her swing. Boy is motherhood tiring. Thank you so much for your compliment of wanting to know my program. If you really want to know, I certainly did nothing extra special. First trimester I did my normal workouts, still high impact. The rest of my pregnancy I stopped high impact and suppine work. I did do some chest work on an incline. I worked out 6-7 days a week throughout pregnancy. I alternated one weight work day,mainly firms folowed by a day of cardio, or alternated upper body followed by day of lower body(using firms) followed by day of cardio. My favorite cardios as a posted were cathe's wedding tape which I modified low, gay gasper's greatest step, gay gasper's step and strike
and zumba. I ate throughout the day eating snacks of cereal, bananas and fruit. My nighttime fav. snack was light ice cream. I did eat constantly though and thought I'd gain more. I did luck out and felt energetic right through to the day i delived. Now i am wondering how I'll work out when I am constantly exhausted. Oh no, Alexis is up. We'll try a walk.
Oh boy guys....didn't mean to mislead you about the size O, just pointing out that it all depends on the pair of pants and brand etc.... I am normally pretty petite prior to pregnancy, but I AM NOT SMALL RIGHT NOW....and just in the last week those low rise pants that I've been liking are feeling not so wonderful, gonna have to go to prego pants!!! like it or not!!


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