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  1. L

    I Just Got My UPS notice for my BB DVDs!

    Hi Jo Jo I ordered mine August 12 and I haven't received notice yet. Lily
  2. L

    Hey Lily or lilymb how did it go with.............

    Good morning Annette! OMG! I am going to have to practice on that one. I did pretty well until I got to the Challenge! Basically, I gave up and did my own thing. LOL Loads of fun though!:D Let me know when you have it down pat. Lily
  3. L

    Hey Lily or lilymb how did it go with.............

    Hi Annette I will do Rhythmic Step tonight when I get home. I am excited to do it now that I know it's going to be a challenge. I'll let you know how it went.:-) Lily
  4. L

    OH MY!! Rhythmic step is gonna be .................

    uh oh, that's my workout for today! This is going to be the first time I do it! I am scared!!! Lily
  5. L

    Christmas Rotation Check-in

    RE: well........ Good Morning Ladies! Last night was Body Max for me! Didn't get through it all, but finished the upper body workout. Maybe next time. Tonight I will be doing Rhythmic Step for the first time. Wish me luck! :-) Lily
  6. L

    Christmas Rotation Check-in

    Good Morning Ladies! I think I am going to do the April or the May Rotation for this month. I'll decide when I get home tonight.:-) Last night I did Imax 2 - wheww, what a good workout. I started my Cathe workouts with CTX. I thoroughly enjoyed them! Have a great day everyone! Lily
  7. L

    Def.Rotation Check 4th week

    Hello Ladies! I didn't workout yesterday so today I will be doing Power Hour. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know I did.:-) I did eat a lot, so I need some extra cardio these next few days. I really don't know what rotation to do this coming month. I'm sure Cathe will give us...
  8. L

    Def.Rotation Check 4th week

    Good Morning Everyone! Last night was Step Works for me. I am running a day late. Since I took my rest day on Sunday instead of Wednesday, today I'll have to do IMAX in order to catch up. My eating has been so so, I don't know about today. We are having a potluck at work with lots of...
  9. L

    Def.Rotation Check 4th week

    Good Morning Ladies! I didn't workout all weekend! I listened to my body and rested yesterday though I do feel a little guilty. :-( But I will workout nonstop until Saturday. Today is Bootcamp for me. Oh Becca, sometimes I wish we would get some snow down here. It got really cold this...
  10. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Good Morning All! I have a rest day also and a well deserved one, I might add! Just got out of class and on my way to work! Getting ready for Cathe's Bootcamp tomorrow! Oh Boy! Hava a good weekend everyone!:) Lily
  11. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Good morning everyone! I did Pyramid Lower Body last night. Yikes! I really loved the stability ball workout. Becca, my butt is on fire right now! It was so much fun. (I keep my ball on top of my son's bunk bed) Tonight will be Circuit Max. I am ready for that one as I've done it...
  12. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Hey Becca! Today is Pyramid Lower Body for the first time. Wish me luck. (I'll let you know how sore I am tormorrow). Lily:-)
  13. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Morning to all! Marcia, I know you will beat this plateau as soon as we receive the new BB series. That is what you probably need to shake your body up! A brand new rotation! Last night I did my Cardio and Weights. Whew! One tough workout, but fun! Today is a rest day for me. I will...
  14. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Good Morning Ladies! Well I was only able to do the hi-lo section of MIC. I'll keep working up to that one. But I can't wait for Cardio and Weights this afternoon! I love intensity, Becca! I think I am getting addicted. I'm seeing results and I want more! One thing I have to improve on is...
  15. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Hi Becca I'll be doing Cardio and Weights tomorrow. I did this one before but a long time ago. Does this one use the stability ball? I am dying to use my new stability ball. As for MIC, I think I'll just do the hi-lo portion today and the step portion on my "day off" Wednesday! Lily
  16. L

    Def. Roataion week3

    Hi Everyone! My workout for today is also MIC. I still don't know if I am going to do all of it though. That's a tough one. I did Power Hour yesterday and thought it was easier than MIS. Becca, can you imagine? We are already on our 3rd week of the rotation. Have you seen a...
  17. L

    Def.Rotation Check-in Week2

    Hello ladies! Today is my rest day. I found out that my body needs two rest days a week. Yesterday I did MIS. Tough workout. Today I am pleasantly feeling the after effects. (all over my body ;-) ) I am beginning to see the changes in my body, it's so exciting! My weekends aren't much...
  18. L

    Your first EVER exercise video?

    I had a Jane Fonda workout album! :D Lily
  19. L

    Def.Rotation Check-in Week2

    Hi Rhonda The actual rotation we are following is the July Rotation. Some of the girls are adding the new Body Blast tapes to this rotation. Hope that helps! Lily
  20. L

    Def.Rotation Check-in Week2

    Good Morning Everyone!:) I had a well deserved rest day yesterday and am raring to go today. My workout for today is Cardio Kicks. This will be the first time I do it. I'll let you know how it went. My ankle was bothering me a bit on Tuesday, like you Lori, but the rest day seemed to...