Def.Rotation Check 4th week

The PS series are great workouts period.They are really tough.The floor work in PS Legs is awesome as well.We will diffently be feeling it the next day.
I didn't get to workout yesterday.I just did PUB and I am now going to do Interval Express by Mindy.
I think I am going to do the one body part rotation next. I think I may try doing weights before cardio.Something else that I have never tried.I am also going to get in ATLEAST 5 days of cardio for 45-60 min.Hoping that a couple of those will be interval workouts.I may even turn some of my runs in to interval runs:) Oh the torture!I have lost my mind.
It is a rainy day here today.I was sort of laz'in around and I got to think'in....better get off of my butt now.If I didn't I would have been lazy all day.I hate those kinds of days.
I guess everyone is pretty busy...I hope they didn't make out the last week.:eek: That would be a shame!
Does anyone own Mindys workouts? I never do them very often and they are still very new to me but boy, what a workout she gives you.She use to get on my nerves b/c she talked so much.Now I find her funny and the workout flies.
It is nice to have a couple of different interval workouts.
My other post said..I hope they didn't make out....I wish I could spell right...its suppose to be, I hope they didn't back out!
Hello Ladies!

I didn't workout yesterday so today I will be doing Power Hour. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know I did.:) I did eat a lot, so I need some extra cardio these next few days.

I really don't know what rotation to do this coming month. I'm sure Cathe will give us another good one.

Have a great day everyone!

I'M HERE.................Sorry it's been a few days, but with the Holiday Season in full swing so is my schedule. :)

I had a great Thanksgiving, but a terrible week as far as working out and eating. UGH! I'm getting all depressed again and came here for motivation. I'm very disappointed in myself. I ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. I know that's just fine, but i need to get back on the schedule again and get my butt moving to get rid of the excess calories now and I'm just feeling icky about the whole thing.

HELP GIRLS!!!!! ........

We need to REALLY get ourselves on the right path here, we have all been fault of saying "I really need to start eating clean now, etc...". Well, there isn't too much time left to start seeing results before Christmas so LET'S GO!!!!!!!

I really think I'm going to try and do a small workout (30 minutes) in the morning before work and then another one after work. I'm going to just throw in a Cathe tape and start my timer. When 30 minutes is up - I'm done no matter where I am in the tape.

Eating: OK - there we need to kick it up a notch!

Let's do this so we can be happy and feel good about ourselves with a new sense of pride on Christmas. :)

Talk more later...Marcia.
Oh ....I so hear you! I am in...whatever it is that we are going to do.I am confused though by all of the diets out there.
1)should we just listen to our bodies
2)actually follow an eating plan like BFL,WW or low carb
3) cut out all junk food, eat clean and hope for the best.
4) or maybe we are not eating enough of the right stuff
I haven't really seen any change in my body in a while and I am getting a little MAD! I know it is 80% diet.But whats weird is that I don't eat that bad.Before when I would cut back, I would be hungry and I would see results in no time.Now I try to do like I did before but I am full before i know it or I wasn't hungry when I began.
I have been up since 10(i slept in):) I didn't eat until 1.I had a bowl of oatmeal and 2 egg whites, and I feel stuffed.When i started I was hungry.I don't know, maybe I have my metoblism screwed up from all of the dieting done in the past.?:eek:
Anyway, i was really thinking about doing one body part per day.45-60 min of cardio and the mornings that I have time...doing a CTX cardio before work...that was my plan.I know it is alot if working out but like you said...not much time to waste and I gotta get my backside in gear.Just 4 short weeks, but enough time to see some results!
I know it, Lori, I feel the same way about the diet issue. I've decided to continue to go to WW, but I'm not staying for the meetings. I just don't feel comfortable anymore, like I'm wasting their time. Anyway - I'm going to stick with the POINT System and kick up my exercise a little.

How pathetic is this.....I got up this morning early enough for church, but after trying on some things and NONE of them fit me right I didn't go because I knew I'd be mad at myself the whole time and not get anything out of it. UGH! How sad is that!!!!!

I went shopping again today and have finished except for a few things yet for my son. YIPPEE!! One good thing today.

I just finished Step, Jump & Pump - what a great workout. That has me motivated now! So, I hope it keeps going.

Talk more later...Marcia.

P.S. Did you see the December rotation???? I think we should go with that one for December - what do you think?
I did S,J&P today to, i love the music in that video.
Count me out on the Dec rotation.I need more cardio.I never did do the Intensity Series Rotation either.I am afraid that I will get sick of my new videos faster.To me,Bootcamp and ME are still new b/c I haven't done them that often and I still don't know what is comming next.I can't stick to a rotation that only includes 6 workouts.I also think thats why I stuck to the July rotation so well.The rotation consist of different workouts.
Either way we can still check in with each other for motivation, even if we are doing differnt rotations:)
No problem, Lori, let's change the name of our check-in to something like "Motivation for the Holidays Check-in" or something like that. Then we can all follow whatever rotation we want and still keep in touch. I feel like I know all of you now and I'd hate to lose that.

What do you think? Marcia :)
I already posted a check-in.I called it Christmas rotation check-in.Check it out.I hope everyone else shows up.....

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