OH MY!! Rhythmic step is gonna be .................


the death of me!!!!:eek: x( I did just the 1st step segment today and it about killed me, my face was flushed and I didn't even do some of the moves because I got confused. :( I really think I am going to have to work on this one in segments and not move onto the next segment until the 1st one in mastered. Anybody done Rhythmic Step this way and been successful with mastering it?:) After doing that I put in All Step that came with my Step and did just the step portion on it and managed to make it through without too many missed steps :D . So I ended up getting a really good workout even if I had to combine 2 different step tapes to do it.:+ :7

Anyway tomorrow is a weight day so I get to see how my extra risers work for me as a weight bench. The extra height should be good since I am taller than Cathe and the girls on the tape.:p
uh oh, that's my workout for today! This is going to be the first time I do it! I am scared!!!

This was the first Cathe workout that i bought, and the first time I did it, I thought I would never be able to learn it. But every time I did it it got easier to do. I do this about once a week, and I love this workout. I do still mess up if I don't concentrate on what I am doing, but it gets easier all the time.

I can remember the first time I did this tape...OH MY is right...I was all over my living room, and nowhere near my step.....I never thought I'd get it either, but you will in time. If it gets real confusing, it was a great idea for you to go back to a familiar tape. I think the more of her tapes you do...the easier it is to get the new moves she adds. Good luck...:) Carole
I was frustrated the first time I did this workout. I took about 4 times to finally get it. When you do it will be your favorite!!! I just love it.

Oh, no, you are scary me. I ordered that the other day!

I got All Step real cheap on ebay and did that the day after I ordered Rhythmic Step. My son made the comment that I was not doing what she was.LOL

I have alot of moves to learn, but it is exciting. I have ordered other popular videos and have been disappointed that they were too easy. I think these will be alot of fun and challenging. Maybe time to quit the Y and buy more Cathe DVD's.

Have a great day!
Debbie C:)
Do you preview tapes before doing them? I always do, and it helps me get the choreography down faster. The "mini me" in my mind goes through the moves with the gang, and when I get to a move that is more complicated, I make sure to break it down so I understand exactly what steps are done in what order. (I'll be saying "one, two three tap, step, turn, seven eight" or something like that to help me break down the moves). This doesn't mean that I get the moves 100% on first try (when I did RS, I think I got about 85% right the first time out, which is more than I would have if I hadn't previewed).
I learned Rythmic Step in sections and now I love it. It is definitely worth taking the time to learn--very fun work out.

take care
I am SO glad to hear someone else saying this. I just did RS for the first time on Thursday and definitely felt like I had two left feet. I would be on one end of the board and Cathe would be at the other doing something entirely different! UGH! And my legs were aching and I wasn't even pushing myself that hard!

It really was fun, though, and I did think the segments flew by. I didn't even attempt the challenge at the end, but am planning on watching it through a few times in hopes of catching on!

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