Christmas Rotation Check-in


Hi Ladies,
Is everyone ready to start a new rotation? I knew that we were not sure what rotation everyone was gonna do but we seemed to be sure that we were not doing the same rotation.But I think that is still important that we check in somewhere to talk about what we are doing and for motivation(most important).And we were also certain that we wanted to feel our best for christmas(best possible considering the time limit):)
I have decided that I am going to do the One Body Part Per day rotation.I couldn't find cathes rotation so I came up with my own.:) Looks like this:
Wed-Legs+ cardio
Thurs-Bic+ Kickboxing
The second week is sort of the same but I switched body parts around a bit.Each cardio is going to be 45-60 min(two interval workouts,a couple of runs, and step).I am also going to work muscles before cardio(switch for me)The weights are going to bo the PS Series + CTX Series.If I can I may try and squeeze in another leg workout.
Week 3:
Mon- Legs +cardio
Thurs-Leaner Legs
Fri-Chest+ back + cardio
Sat-Bic+ cardio
Week 4 is pretty much the same but the leg workouts are switched around.
This may look like alot of working out but it is probably less then what I have been doing.Instead of taking 2hrs somedays and 1 hr other days, I can do cardio+weights in 90min or less.I have also tried to make my lighter days when I am busier at work ;-)
I am also going to try and get some CTX cardio in on mornings when I have to be at work by 9.Then I can do my other routine in the evening when my hubby plays hockey and my child is gone to bed.I am not writing it in though b/c I don't want to feel like I have to do it.Its sort of a bonus.
Anyway, thats my plans...what everyone else do'in? Please share!
Hi Lori,

I am going to do Cathe's July rotation. Started off this morning with CTX upper body.

Does anyone know if it will hurt if I do half a workout in the morning and the other half in the evening? I need to do something in the morning and have about 30-40 minutes but most of Cathe's workouts are closer to 60 minutes. Also, would it hurt if I added in walking a mile or two in the evening? This rotation is a fat loss/definition rotation and don't want to not get some sort of results by doing it a little differently.

Count me in on this rotation check-in!! :)

I'm going to go with Cathe's December rotation, but add extra cardio whenever I can.

Rhonda: I don't think that'll hurt you at all. Any exercise whenever you can fit it in is great! At least that's what I've always read.

I'll be back later, girls! Marcia :)
Good Morning Ladies;
Today I'm starting Cathe's May Variety Rotation.
Feeling sick with a head cold but I must start today after having a week off. Pray that I can do Body Max today LOL in it's entirety. Just took some dayquil and will have another cuppa joe to get me in gear.
I don't think it makes a big difference.I just finished the rotation.I think alot of it depends on the way you eat.I didn't eat that clean.There for I didn't see any fat loss but i did get more definition in my arms.We also added more cardio to the rotation then what it called for.
I really enjoyed the rotation.I liked the fact that it didn't concentrate on one set of videos but a wide variety.
Have fun and remember to check in with us.
Good Morning Ladies!

I think I am going to do the April or the May Rotation for this month. I'll decide when I get home tonight.:) Last night I did Imax 2 - wheww, what a good workout.

I started my Cathe workouts with CTX. I thoroughly enjoyed them!

Have a great day everyone!

That was a tough workout.I did PS Chest first, then I lightened my weight a little and did CTX Chest.I was pretty weak after all those bench presses.We will see how I feel tomorrow.
Then I ended it off with Imax 2.It was actually a relief that I didn't have to lift weights after cardio.I think it will be a nice switch.The chest work only took me 20min.
Glad everyone else could join us.
Bobbi...I find that I lose motivation if I take a couple days off as well.But ito nly takes that one workout to get yourself back on track.
Talk to ya later gals...

I was only able to do the step portion of Body Max this head felt really odd and my nose just kept dripping. I hate feeling ill and I somehow feel so guilty about not completing Body Max as I had intended. I know that my mind is willing but my body is not and I need to learn to listen to my body. At least I did the step portion and gave it my all for today but I can't help to compare how I could have done better without feeling sick.
I'm off to have some tea with some motrin.
RE: well........


You rest and get better than you can give it all you got! Nothing worse than doing a workout half-a$$ and feeling guilty about it.


:) Marcia.
RE: well........

HI everyone! I have spent the last few days going over and over Cathe's posted rotations, trying to decide which to do for December! I am glad she posted the Dec rotation using the BB series, but I can't start that one yet as the DVD's haven't arrived yet...So... I thought this week I would do the first week of the August rotation where she "shocks your metabolism" . Today I did Imax and tomorrow is PUB. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have our DVD's and I can start the BB rotation. If big deal, I'll just regroup then.

For those of you who have the BB workouts...What do you think the "goal" of the Dec. rotation is? By that I mean is it a Fatburning rotation or endurance rotation etc..? If you have any ideas please share, so I know it will meet my goals, which are weight/fat loss. :)

Have a great day!
RE: well........

Anyone mind if join in here? I'm really hoping to get myself back into the groove of things and back into shape. Since last October, my workouts have been sporadic due to grumpy hip flexors and a lot of vacations (I'm not complaining... really :) ). I'm not frustrated, just ready to get back into it. Right now, I work 12 hour days, 5 days a week, and am taking classes, so it's hard, but in only 2 weeks, I go from 2 jobs to 1 and only 1 class and I can't wait!!!

For the last 2 weeks or so, I've been working out about every other day. I've been pushing myself hard with about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of exercise, and then resting the next day or even 2. With my schedule, it's been a decent way to go. I am going to print out rotations, and hopefully, in 2 weeks not only can I start a real rotation, but I'll have the new DVDs.

Now I need to work on my eating....

RE: well........

GoodMorning Ladies,
I hate early mornings! I am working mornings this week so I have some early hours.Last night I didn't sleep well so it makes it a little harder to get up.
I was gonna workout now but I don't know if I have the energy or the time.I was just going to do a CTX cardio but I plan on working back and going for a long run after work so I don't think that it is neccesary.
I did excellent with my eating yesterday UNTIL dinner time.My sister is home so she wanted pizza for dinner.I picked the piece that didn't have much on it.But my mom brought cookies in and thats where it all went sour!x( There were so many different kinds.I wanted a little piece off of every one of them.I am weird like that:p
Anyway, I will be checking back later.I sort of wish that I had time to workout b/c it makes me feel energized in the A.M...oh well.Another thing I hate about early mornings...I am starving and its not 6 o'clock yet.I normally don't eat my breakfast until 9:30.I will have to take a snack to work with me...yogurt and cottage cheese anyone?
RE: well........

Lori, my family thinks I am totally disgusting because I blot the excess grease off pizza when we have it. I didn't hit the cookies but I have two pounds of dark chocolate on top of the fridge which the family won't touch because they suspect it might be health food! It's mine all mine! I am eating yogurt as I type but don't have to worry about digesting it before working out because I get to spend the morning with 15 kindergarteners before I workout. I think I'll get a bowl of my new favorite cereal, it has 8 grams of fiber per 2/3 cup. Have you seen the commercial where the man sits by a woodchipper with his mouth open and safety glasses on? I think this cereal may be associated with a wood chipper ins some way!
Have a beautiful day, ladies!
RE: well........

Hi Everyone-
Got up and did Imax all ten intervals. The last interval was pretty sorry looking but I did it. I think this evening will be a short walk and stretch.

Working on the eating part. But that seems to be going OK for now. I have to take one day at a time.


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