Christmas Rotation Check-in

RE: Today.........

UM,hmm, you didn't see any "clocks" until 7:00 but stayed abed until 7:30! How much of the "clock" did you see in that half hour? You buy your hubby some boxers for Christmas, girl!

That constant motion is a huge factor, I find. I am kind of a busy body and I know that helps alot. Also, last year I had surgery twice, the first time, oral surgery. I went on a soft, high protein diet and in May, I had surgery on my left foot and boosted my protein intake to promote healing. I still eat lots of whole grains, fruit and vegetables, but have found incorportating lean protein at every meal really keeps my apptetite in check. With the mouth problems and the foot problem, I got depressed (had to give up running :( ) for awhile and I know that's a factor in this, but I have lost 15 pounds in the past year without trying. I used to be a carb grazer and nibble them all day but I find with a little added protein, I am satisfied and don't need to nosh all day. Sweets just aren't all that tempting when I am not hungry and I can pass them up or just eat a little and not feel like I am depriving myslef.
Bobbi Chicks rule!

Seems like everyone is doing so well.

I woke up feeling better but I'm still going to take off from working out.I feel better but not totally out of the woods yet. I figure that when I'm totally over this darned cold I'll have the energy and the gusto to workout with Cathe ...Hmmm maybe by then my DVD's will be here. That'll be enough motivation to get me back up to par.
RE: 12-3-03

Haaaa Bobbi, I went back to sleep when I looked at the clock the first time,when I looked at the clock the second time it was 7:30.No worries my husband is in a coma in the mornings.Did you see Bruce Almighty yet? Well,when Jennifer takes the bed sheets off of jim carey in the morning...thats my husband!:) :)
I did Biceps from CTX and PS ,then I did k,P&C.It just so happened that those abs were the abs I was looking for:D Oh the pain!It was a awesome workout.I gave it everything I had.
I try to eat alittle protein at every meal as well.I am having 1/2c of beans before I go to work and some toast.I will take a snack of cottage cheese and yogurt to work with me.
Hope everyone has a good day.I am soon going to have to look at a real"clock" b/c we are suppose to be trying for a baby!
RE: 12-3-03

Bobbi - I don't mind splitting up the workouts as long as I go straight home and do the second half. There are days when things get in the way but so far it has been working out well. Since I did all of LL this morning I can either go for a short walk or just relax. I think I will start tomorrow off with the Step portion of MIC and then do the floor in the evening.

Off to go get some lunch,

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