Def.Rotation Check-in Week2

Happy Tuesday everyone. I just wrote this long post and it didn't go through! I'm on my way to grad school in Minneapolis tonight and so I have to cruz here. But...I wanted to welcome Lily. I was a two year lurker at this site until last week when I joined this check in. I hope you find this to be as motivating as I have. This a great group of gals! :) Welcome! How long have you been working out to Cathe? Do you have all her workouts? She is THE BEST! Enjoy yout Texas weather.

Marcia good luck at weigh in. You have been working hard, so I'm sure you will do great.

Lori, with your two jobs, I am impressed that you can get all the workouts you do in! What do you do for the airlines?

Robin, your job as an actress sounds so interesting! That is really fun to hear about.

Have a great night everyone! Take care. :)
What a lazy day! I didn't get up until 9:30,which is amazing for me and I didn't get out of my p.j's until 4! Holy Cow! Thats not me at all but like I said it's a holiday here so where was I gonna go?:)
I still haven't worked out yet.I plan on doing Imax2.I will wait until my little girl is in bed before I bother.
I forgot that I have to work tomorrow morning,nice.:) Just don't show up at work.I am not sure if I will workout before work or not.If I don't it will be hard to fit it in.
Becca-I am a customer service agent with WestJet.It is a canadian company.All of the girls I work with are suppose to be going away for a christmas party this weekend.But they are slowly backing out,one by one.They are the worst bunch to plan anything with.Last week they all backed out of the cabin trip.If I don't go away I will be going somewhere...I don't know where but somewhere!
Marcia-let us know what the scale says.I have been so bad with my eating that I don't even want to get on my scale.Oh...I need some motivation.I use to have so much back bone and willpower,where did it go? I would LOVE to lose 10lbs before it possible?
Self pity is better then none;(
Good Morning Gals....welcome new comer.You will have fun around here, if you have any questions or comments you know where to find us.The more the merrier right?:)
Yesterday was a unplanned rest day.It just got so late in the day that I wasn't working out at 10 in the night.But I haven't taken a rest day since we started.I am going to catch up today though.
I set my alarm for 6 and then I rolled back over.I finally got up at 6:50 and I thought...if I am up, I am going to workout.I couldn't imagine jumping around to 1max2 that early,so I did PH.I think my schedule is different then everyone elses this week b/c of my trip this weekend.
I had a good workout.I am going to save PH abs for later.I have to work from 9-5 and then from 7:30-10:30.I am hoping to get Imax2 in at 5.
It feels so good when you workout in the morning.I feel energized for the rest of the day but why is it so hard to get up?
Everyone have a good day.I will check back later,
I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost 1.8 pounds last night. Oh, I was so happy - I finally am seeing some changes. :) :) YIPPEE!!!!

OH, by the way good morning gals, I got carried away with my loss there, sorry. :7

It's a beautiful morning here in MN, but the snow/rain/wind is all coming this afternoon.

Now, that I've lost a little weight last night my motivation has skyrocketed - I can't wait to get home tonight and do a great workout! :) AND, my eating habits are on a great start this morning too.

I'll be back later - have a great morning. Marcia :)
Yay Marcia!! Way to go! Isn't it great when you finally break through a plateau? This is the rotaion to see the results! I'm really happy for you! :) Yesterday and this AM have been nice here. I hope we don't get the snow and cold too bad.

I got up early this AM and did Cardio Kicks. Like Lori said, it feels so good to get your workouts in the AM. That has been a habit I have gotten into since I started doing Cathe's rotations. It is hard to get up, but it is so worth it when its over. My eating has been pretty good, but a few slip ups with birthday cake etc... However, I have tried to keep my points in check and not go over 23 per day, but I know I have on a couple of days. Tomorrow is an off day and then MIS on Friday. I may try to do like 20-30 minites of cardio in the AM, we'll see!

Have a GREAT day everyone and I'll check inlater! :)
Good for you Marcia! I am doing really well today also.I HAVE to clean up my eating.Whats up with that anyway? We work our butts off everyday and then forget all of our efforts with choc and candy...or am I just talking about me?:7 :7 :7 Yeah,its probably just me.
I didn't have time for beakfast so I ate 3/4 of a slim fast bar, then around 11 I ate a yogurt.I am going to have 1/2 a sandwich now and a small salad.Thats the plan stan!:) Hopefully, I will be able to resist the brownies in the fridge.I would have thrown them out but my hubby likes them.I will take some to work and get those ladies to eat some.I find my sweet tooth more so around lunch time then dinner time.
Anyway,I hope everyone as a good day.Talk to you later..
Good Morning All

First of all I want to thank everyone for their warm welcome. I know I will love posting my workouts here!

Last night I did Step Fit. I really enjoyed it, let me tell you I slept like a log.:D Today is my rest day and will be ready for my workout tomorrow.

Marcia, you go girl! I am so happy for you! From what I can see, you have been working so hard. You deserve it!

Becca- I have yet to try Cardio Kicks. I am sure I will love that one as I really like the CTX short version. I used to workout in the a.m. but lately I just can't wake up on time. That snooze button gets hit consistently until it is time to get up.

Lori - where do you get all that energy?:)

Hey guys:

I just finished Step Blast - it wasn't on my rotation for today, but I was in the mood for a kickin' workout - I had tons of energy waiting to be used (not enough for MIC, though :) ) and thought 'what the heck'. I figured that if I'm in the mood for a particular tape I should do it, right??? :)

Anyway, I will be at a workshop all day tomorrow so I doubt I'll be able to get on here until later in the day, but here's my plan for tomorrow. I'm going to do a CTX cardio only tape in the morning to get me moving since I'll be sitting down all day in a conference and when I get home it will be Kick, Punch, Crunch. :)

Have a great evening everybody, see/here from you tomorrow.

Marcia :)

I was able to get on here quick before going to my workshop and wanted to say "HI" to everybody and wish you a good eating and workout day! :)

I've got Push Pull ready to go for tonight. I haven't tackled this one yet so I'm excited to see what Cathe has in store for me. :)

Talk more later.......Marcia :)
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to pop in and ask what the definition rotation is all about? Is there an actual rotation that everyone is following?

Hello Ladies,
That was a big goodmorning cheer! I feel better already.I can't wait to try Push and Pull.I think I am going to do that one tomorrow morning instead of MIS.
I am going for a run today as my cardio.In about 20min.I just finished a large coffee so that should help me run 14kms.I didn't do any cardio yesterday either.But this week is suppose to be more focused on strength workouts (thats how it looks to me anyway).My ankle as sort of been bothering me and I wanted to give it a little rest.Also when I was running 2 weeks ago I did something to my leg.It felt like there was a nerve pinched.I haven't been running since, if I feel it happening again today I am DIFFENTLY putting my sneaks away for the winter.I already had them put away but the lady I run with sort of makes me go;) I don't really know how to say no to her yet....don't know her that well.In case you haven't realized it yet...I have no back bone:)
Anyway,I hope everyone as a good day.As far as I know now,I will be going away this weekend.I will be going through computer withdrawl.I am going to see if there is a gym in the hotel.Just to do a little running.If the girls will let me!:7
Good Morning Everyone!:)

I had a well deserved rest day yesterday and am raring to go today. My workout for today is Cardio Kicks. This will be the first time I do it. I'll let you know how it went.
My ankle was bothering me a bit on Tuesday, like you Lori, but the rest day seemed to have helped it. I just can't wait for the Body Blast DVDs to come so that I can try them out!

Hi Rhonda

The actual rotation we are following is the July Rotation. Some of the girls are adding the new Body Blast tapes to this rotation. Hope that helps!

Phew...just finished a yogurt and then I am off to work.I went for my run.It was o.k.I had to take a couple of breathers.I was never a morning runner.I had coffee jiggling in my belly for 1/2 of the time.I got a good 70min run there though.
When I got in the shower I really noticed that I am getting alot of my shoulder and bicep area again.I use to have a fair amount there but then I slacked on the weights and it disappeared.
Anyway..I will check back later.Gotta go to work;(
Too funny, Lori! I workout on my (large!) coffee too...but my problem is pee breaks!! (I run to the bathroom instead of checking my heart rate!)
Yesterday was Circuit Max with heavy weights doing leg work only (I'm on a curcuit kick this week!) Today is C&W....I'm jealous of y'all with your BB Tapes...wahhhhhhh!

Tonight I have a movement rehearsal with my new show. It's an all women show with 4 women in the 29-32 age range and then me at 48..sigh...I think I'll wear my new yoga pants with a short top and flash a little bit of my Cathe Abs...just to show 'em ya don't have take the ride downhill after 40!!!!...Sheesh, I'm just tickled to be considered an equal on stage with these women who could almost be my daughters (I celebrate my 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday) All Hail Cathe Friedrich !!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

Robin, you show em girl! You should feel proud! Happy early Anniversary also! Do you have anything special planned?

Lori...great job with the 14km! My runs don't usually go more than 4 miles...unless I am training for a 1/2 marathon. What do you wear for running when it is cold out?

Today is a day off for me. TOmorrow is MIS with Saturday off and Sunday is Power Hour. I may through in a cardio on Saturday eating needs to clean up. There is still Dairy Queen cake in my freezer I can't stop nibbling on!

Great workouts everyone. Lily, I hoped you liked Cardio Kicks!

Take Care :)
Hi Ladies,
I am going to hit the sack early tonight.I am beat.I usually get tired in the afternoon but today I was even tired in the evening.I need to get to bed earlier...or could I possibly be pregnat???? To soon to tell yet!:)
I had a good eating day.If I could only be like this all the time.
Becca-It wasn't to cold here today.I wore pants,long sleeve shirt,and a wind coat.I also wore mits that I removed part of the way around.I also removed the coat after a while.
Im glad everyone else had a great day.It is going to be push and pull for me in the morning.I have to work both jobs again tomorrow but then I am off for 3 days!:p
Hey girls:

It sounds like everybody had a great day! Mine was very good, but I'm not used to being in a classroom setting anymore so it was hard for me to keep my concentration.

I did Push Pull today for the first time and love it!!!

Lori: I was tired a lot when I was first pregnant, good luck

Gotta go, see you tomorrow. Marcia.
Hi Marcia...Are you a teacher? You are so lucky you can do Push and Pull! I can't wait to get these workouts.

I feel sort of guilty not working out today.. but the rotation said it was a day off so it should be OK right? After all, Cathe knows what she is doing!

Have a great night everyone!:)
Good Morning gals,
I feel alot better.I went to bed last night at 10 and I got up at 6.I feel well rested and I was ready to get up.Didn't Cathe say at the bottom of this rotation,eat well and sleep well? I think I know why:)
I am sitting here with a guniea pig on my lap,sipping on some coffee and waiting for my legs to wake up.I am going to do Push and Pull in a few minutes.
My leg is a little sore from yesterdays run.I am soon going to give it up.I don't like running in the winter anyway.It just seems to dangerous.
When I woke up I could hear the rain and the wind outside.It is a horrible say here.I mean REALLY windy.
Marcia-I know what you mean about sitting in a classroom.When I went away for my training in June,I sat in a class for 3 weeks.Even saturdays.I use to get up early in the morning, go down to the gym and run for 30 min.Either do that,or I felt like a sluggish all day.
Anyway ladies...must go put this thing back in its cage and get push'in and a pull'in.Have a good one.

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