Def.Rotation Check-in Week2

Tis I again....
Just finished my workout.I really like that video.It was my first time doing it.I have had the workouts for about 3 weeks now and I am just getting around to doing it.When I first got the intensity series it was a while before I did ME as well. I think I could go heavier on most of her new workouts though.I have to keep that in mind the next time around.The first time you do a workout you want to be safe b/c you never know how many low ends or reps she is going to put in there.
Between my two jobs I am going to do cardio.I may do S,J&P or I might just to the cardio from the gualant...short and sweet right robin?
Gotta go to work...have good day everyone!:)
We must all be pretty busy on this Friday - not much going on here. :) It's really nice outside (mid-40's) so I'm going to go for a run after work. I'm so excited - it will be a nice, crisp run. I haven't ran in a while so I hoping to just do 3 miles, but hopefully I can get 4 out. Maybe this weekend I'll work on 6 or 7. ;)

I have to bartend all day tomorrow, but then we are going out with friends of ours for supper - I'm so excited, we always have a great time with them. :)

Sunday is ONE of my sons' many birthday parties next week. He's 7 and has been patiently waiting for 7 forever. :) (or so he says)

Have a great Friday everybody and I'll try to pop in here whenever I can.

Cheers, Marcia.
Hi everyone!

Happy Friday! This AM I was so tired, but I did manage to get the upper body of MIS in. Now I have to psych myself up for the lower body portion! I am almost at my points (ww) limit for the day, because I have been snacking a lot today! I am so unhappy with myself for not having a good week eating wise. I didn't lose any weight, but rather gained .2 of a lb. I know that is not a lot, and I shouldn't be surprised, considering all the "special circumstances" of eating this week, but now its hard to get back in the groove of following a low point eating plan.

I know we start a new week soon. Maybe next week will be more like the first week.(really disciplined! :))

Have a good afternoon and I'll check in later, after I do the lower body of MIS (now I have to do it, right? I told you all I was going to!:)

Take Care!
Well - I did it - 3 miles and it felt GREAT!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! The weather was perfect no wind and just crisp enough to explode with energy.

The only thing is now I am so pumped and I'm already done with my workout. I feel like I should do something more, but my house is calling for a good cleaning, too, so maybe I should work hard at it and get another good workout at the same time?

Ok - anybody else getting excited for Christmas? I find myself just so anxious to get out my Christmas CDs and sing along to them. We have a very little bit of snow on the ground and that helps, too. The last few years we haven't had hardly any snow and that makes it hard to get into the "season". :)

Have a great evening everybody I'm off to clean my house, it's hard too because it's already pitch black outside and it's only 5:30pm!! I have trouble getting used to the time changes, too. :)

Cheers, Marcia :)
Way to go on your run Marcia! It was a nice afternoon for a run here in MN. I should have done that myself, but I had to do lower body MIS. I'll be cleaning my house tonight as well! :)

I did finish the MIS tape, so I did what I was supposed to do today. Why do I feel like a slacker? Even though tomorrow is an off day, I may do a quick cardio in the AM.

Have a good night everyone!
Hi ladies,
Good go'in gals! I had a good eating day, right up until dinner time.I ate a couple of cookies and a few candy BUT.........I didn't want much dinner b/c my hubby picked up oven subs that had WAY to much garlic butter and was WAY to unhealthy.I really wasn't in the mood for all in all the cals should be o.k for today.
I am going on my trip this weekend.Now that I know I am going I would much rather stay at home.I get so homesick when I go away and I really can't afford it right now.With Christmas around the corner there are so many other things I could be spending my money on.Then eating take out and sleeping in hotel rooms.But you only live once right????
I can't help it though.i have such a guilty conscience about this and I feel a heavy weight on my chest.
Anyway,tomorrow morning S,J &P is on the agenda.Then I will try to be at the airport by 8:30.
I will chat with you gals in the morning!
Hi Ladies,
UH.............what am I doing up at 6 on a saturday morning? What am I thinking?Its not I didn't have to get up early anyway.Just think, I have 3 days off in a row and I am going away.I could have done so many things around the house.I'll stop complaining now.
I am sleepy today but the weekend won't be that stressful, that I can't take a nap when needed.
I think I am going to do S,J&P now.That would be a great workout to end the week off.I can't beleive how sore my inner thighs are from the ball work in Push and Pull.They haven't felt this sore in a long time.I like feeling sore though,especially in there...that area needs so much work.
I won't be back until Monday night.I will pick up my week with Tuesday on Tuesday,that makes sense:) And I am going to do Mondays workout on Thursday.
I can't beleive we have 2 weeks punched.When I get back (and while I am gone)I am REALLY going to start concentrating on my diet more.I really want to feel good christmas time.
Anyway ladies,have a good weekend and i will chat to you on Tuesday.
Hello ladies!

Today is my rest day. I found out that my body needs two rest days a week. Yesterday I did MIS. Tough workout. Today I am pleasantly feeling the after effects. (all over my body ;-) ) I am beginning to see the changes in my body, it's so exciting! My weekends aren't much for resting (school and work) but I manage. You ladies have a restful weekend and I'll catch you all tomorrow!


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