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  1. M

    OT.. Can anyone tell me when the best time to go to Six Flags over TX is??

    I want to take my kiddo's six flags, and of course want to try and beat the crowds!! I was thinking of going in the middle of August.. Tell me, when is the best time to go? Jen
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    LA Weightloss... users? opinions?

    Thanks for your response!! I think I just need to do it myself. I know "how" to do it.. it is just doing it. I tend to get tired... with 5 children ages 11, 10, 7, 2 and 5 months AND homeschooling, sometimes makes for BAD food choices on the go... ARGH I need someone to be accountable to...
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    Size 12/14 to size 0!

    Can I be nosy and ask what you diet consists of? I just had my 5th child 5 months ago and am a size 14/16... the BIGGEST I have EVER been in my life!! I am so discouraged right now! I would to know what you ate? Or just you just keep to certain calories? Jen
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    LA Weightloss... users? opinions?

    I am seriously considering doing LA Weightloss.. I had my 5th baby 5 months ago and the weight is not budging. I have to admit that I have no clue how many calories I should consume ect... I feel so out of wack!! I would love opinions on this program. What is it exactly? What is a sample...
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    Short quick workout questions... Please....

    Hi, I just had my 5th child (7 weeks), so it is sooo very busy aroung here. It is just HARD to get a full hour to 1 1/2 workout in right now!!! I was wondering if say 3 quick 15-20 minute workouts a day would be a waste of my time... Here is an example day.. am- Legs/Arms alternating...
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    Why do people have more than 2 kids?

    Cheryl really explained it very nicely:) Children are a blessing from the Lord. I am expecting my 5th and we are soooo excited!! I just love my children and enjoy being with them. We homeschool too, so it is a balancing act... but we would not have it any other way. Yes, I do go through...
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    August 2004 rotation question....Cathe or anyone:)

    I am wanting to do the August 2004 rotation that focuses on legs... However, I noticed that there are back to back lower body workouts as well as upper body workouts together. Is this ok to do? I have copy and pasted the rotation below. Thanks for any input or suggestions. Jen The...
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    Cardio and Weights on the same day....for weight loss

    Hi, I am trying to get this stubborn 20 pound off of and would love some advice. I am wondering if I should be doing cardio everyday. I noticed that the March rotation has you doing cardio and weight on seperate days. Is this good for weight loss. Thanks for any advice!! Jen
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    Weight control while pregnant

    I would love to hear your secrets on weight control during pregnancy. I just found out I am pregnant with #5:7 :7 !!! However, I really want to not gain any more than the healthy amount. I am already 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and I just do not want to have a ton to loose afterward. I...
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    August 2005 Rotation Check In 08/02/05

    Hi guys, I did Imax and my 200 lunges too:) I really am hoping that this rotation will jump start me to get these last 15 pounds off!! I feel so great!! I am going to TRY to get up early tomorrow and get SJP done!! Have a great day, Jennifer
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    August 05 Rotation Check In???

    I did bodymax as well.... however, I forgot to do the jj. oops:) I did do the pushups though. I really enjoyed this workout. It is nice to know that I am not torturing myself alone. Jennifer
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    i want to know which state has the most catheites!

    TEXAS Go Texas Tech Raiders!!!
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    Does anyone else have troulbe w/ the really intense jumping jacks?

    I have to modify the Flying Jacks as well. It feels like I am about to throw my legs out of socket or something. I have four kiddo's, one delivered by c-section and my youngest is only 9 months, so I am assuming that my body just has not recovered fully:) I just do the jacks with my legs...
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    What rotation for fat loss?? please help

    thanks susan:) jen
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    What rotation for fat loss?? please help

    Is it better to just do curcuits and total body workouts along with cardio until I get this 20lbs off? Or should I go ahead and incorporate other strength training videos in a rotation?? Please help me with this, as I am going crazy trying to figure out what is best!!!!!!!! Thanks, Jen
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    Please help me with a rotation:)

    Hi, I still have about 15-20 pounds to lose and am so confused as which would be the best rotation. I have most of Cathes tapes except the hardcores. Well, I did just order Imax3, lowmax, The terminater and coremax. I am wondering if I should just do total body workouts 2-3 times a week...
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    Homeschooling do you fit exercise in?

    Hi, WOW...I had no idea there were other homeschool mom's here:7 :7 I homeschool my 9, 8, 5 and I also have an 8month old. I REALLY try to get up and exercise before the baby wakes. However, I really need my morning "quiet" time with the Lord and many day's this runs well into my workout...
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    Are your new series only on DVD??

    I was just wondering if you are only doing DVD's now for your new series? Are they not available in VHS? Thanks, Jennifer
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    Eat like Body for Life or Weight Watchers...Please help!!

    Hello, OK, so I have done tooooo much research and now I am sooo confused. Is it better to eat VERY strict and clean like in BFL or just stay in your calorie zone like Weight Watchers?? Honestly, I eat very healthy! For breakfast I will have and egg omelet with parm. cheese and sauteed...
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    When did you start working out again???

    I just had my 4th baby a week ago and am feeling great. I am sooooo eager to begin working out. I know that the "norm" is 6 weeks, but I am thinking of beginning in another week. Is this too soon? I would love to know when you resumed your workouts. Jen