Homeschooling do you fit exercise in?


I thought my days were busy before, but, oh my :eek: ! I started homeschooling my 6 year old this past November (and went back to school myself), and, as a result, am "schooling" my 3 year old as well. Next year, I will, hopefully, be homeschooling my 10 year old too.

My question is, how in the world do you manage to fit formal exercise in your schedule? I'm scheduled from 5:00 AM until 10:00 PM (and sometimes later). I've made time to attempt some of Cathe's new workouts (love them!), but nothing regular. I can't remember the last time I had a good run either and boy do I miss that!

Anyone with any advice? I would really appreciate it!

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching.."
Right now I homeschool my 8 and 6 year old and I also have a three year old. My day begins at 8 and we begin school at exactly 9am. We break for lunch at noon. About half hour 45 min for lunch. While I put the three year old down they do handwriting which they no longer need me for. At about 1:30 i exercise. The girls either play like a recess would be, I set up an art project they could do or they read for an hour. Somehting that is usually fun for them and also keeps them busy. The holidays are awesome because there are so many crafts to do and they enjoy the break form the books. Right now they choose outside because of the nice weather. About 2:30, 3:00 they come in and we finish up what is left sciene or history. I always get math and language done first. Then we study if we need to and work on flashcards. My exercise is mostly always interuped but as they get older it is getting better. But now next year I will also be doing the three year old with nursery school. It is schedule that works for me with the baby being down. When she gives up the nap I think I will either have to do an early moring of late night when hubby gets home. This is just what this year has brought me. With school getting harder and more in depth, I will have to do it probably in the morning. Exercise is my time and they sometimes even join in at the end for some yoga and gym. We don't know any different becasue we have always homeschooled. Of couse some days run terrible as anyone's house but when you find a schedule that works you will know. Exercise morning noon or night will keep you centered for all the teaching that you do for the day. Don't lose that time for yourself. Karen
Ok, my boys are older 12, 10 and 8 so I either exercise in the morning around 9ish ( we start school at 10) or I exercise during lunch which is from 12-1. I am finding it harder and harder to get out of bed in the mornings, I tend to sleep really poorly these days and then fall fast asleep as soon as the sun is up, go figure. So morning exercise are becoming more and more rare. So basically since my boys can fix their own lunches I exercise then. And then when I am done we finish up anything that didn't get done before lunch.

With you having school yourself, I would think that it would be hard to find the time. My schedule isn't nearly as full as yours. You really need to sacrifice something in order to make time for yourself. I take it your 10 year old is still in the school system?! If so it may become easier once that child is home as well, he/she could watch the other 2 while you exercise or at least keep them busy!

Not sure if I helped you or not, it is an adjustment to begin homeschooling. I have been doing it for 8 years now.

I hope you find the time.:D

I homeschool grades 6,7,8 and 11. Since my guys are older it is easier for me to slip out to the gym. When they were younger, it was very hard to get through a video. Constant interuptionsx( I came up with the rule that if anyone disturbed me during an exercise video, unless it was an emergency, they went down for a nap until I was done. If their "emergency" wasn't really important, they went down for a nap. It didn't matter how old they were. It didn't take long for them to get it down. Your exercise time is very important to your well-being, so it is also very important to your kids. Mom needs her time to destress, even more so since you are a homeschooling family. Take that time for yourself. You'll be a much better teacher!!;-)
I schooled my daughter from 1st-4th grade. The first year I got up before she did. Later, after she began to read we began what we called "DEAR" time ( Drop Everything And Read). This was after our other subjects and her baby brother would nap from 1-4p.m.. I figured if I could get in an hour that was sweet!

Every family has it's rythem. I know too, that every homeschooling family is very different. There should be a lull in every stay @ home mom's day...even if you are a schooling mom! If you worked outside the home wouldn't you get a lunch break? I remember feeding myself a small lunch before I fed them so that I would be digested for my workout. Remember, you work for yourself and your can arrange your day any way you want! That includes time for a workout too!:)

WOW...I had no idea there were other homeschool mom's here:7 :7 I homeschool my 9, 8, 5 and I also have an 8month old. I REALLY try to get up and exercise before the baby wakes. However, I really need my morning "quiet" time with the Lord and many day's this runs well into my workout time!! So, once I put the baby down for her morning nap usally around 9:30 or 10:00, I give my other 3 reading or work they can do on their own and get a quick workout in. There are times I take them all to the gym in the am and then HS in the afternoon. So, yes, it is hard to juggle the workout in, but it is soooo important to me. I also have gone to the gym at 9pm at night while hubby tucks everyone in. I do have a bit of extra motivation to workout though....trying to get that extra 10 pounds of baby weight off! You are one busy woman.... remember making time for yourself to workout will give you so much more energy to get through the day! Jen
I homeschool a 10 yo, 8 yo, 6 yo and have 2 small boys 3 and 18 months. The 3 yo has downs syndrome, so developmentally he is very close to the 18 mo old. They are like twins--very active and curious twins.

I don't really have any good advice, just that I've found as a homeschool mom that there is always more to do in a day than I have time for, but I suppose that's the case with everyone.

I've made exercise a priority, because without that and time with the Lord each day, I believe that I would lose my mind, so as a result, other things might suffer a bit (like a clean house)-ha! or perfectly planned and executed dinners--I am blessed with a husband who is very relaxed about these things.

As far as exercise logistics--either my sweet hubby watches the kids in the evening or the little boys watch a DVD in the next room supervised by their sisters (if I have to get it done during the day).

Is your six year old doing any work independently? Could she work on something while you work out? And your 3 year old could probably be trained to play quietly while you exercise as well.

I hope you figure out how to fit it in. Keep us posted!

I just want to jump in here with a question for all you Homeschooling Mom: What made you decide to homeschool?

My son is six and in first grade at our public school, and this year I'm very happy with everything. There are some issues (mainly the behavior of other kids, not saying that mine is an angel), but our district is one of those that always has budget concerns, every year something is going to be cut, etc., so I always have in the back of my mind that if it gets too bad, I always have homeschooling as an option. I even told my husband just last night that I could always supplement what he's not getting at PS with homeschooling, if I felt he needed it.

So what is everyone else's reason? How did you go about picking a curriculum? Where your kids ever in public or private school; and if so, do they miss it? Does anyone work outside the home, part time or weekends?

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm very curious! I give you all a lot of credit!:)
Hi Michele, We homeschool for the reason that we feel that we can give our sons a more well rounded Godly education than they could get in the public school system. Not too mention all the "other" stuff that is taught to kids starting at a far too young of an age ie.. contraception, alternative lifestyles and the like. Private school was too expensive so homeschooling was our next option.

My boys have 1:1 attention from me and can't fall through the cracks of the system (as might of my 3rd son who is borderline ADD and although in the 3rd grade is just now reading on a 2nd grade level, due also to some speech issues earlier in his life).

None of them have ever been in public school, we have homeschooled from the beginning so no they don't miss it.

Curriculum can be bought at homeschool conventions held each year in every state. Online you can find curriculum, I use Christian Liberty Press' curriculum kits which gives you everything you need to homeschool that particular grade in 1 box for a discounted price. Up until this next coming year I haven't had to change any of the books they used ( it is a hodge podge of their stuff and other publishers stuff also, like Abeka or Modern Curriculum Press).

Sometimes the school will even let you use their books to homeschool your child but that isn't always the case.

And no I do not work outside the home, I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 very active boys.

I hope I have answered some to all your questions. Homeschooling becomes your job until your children are out of school or you choose to put them in to the school system.

Have a great day!!:7
I wanted to thank everyone for their responses. It's good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't get everything done each day :).

I do need to make exercise more of a priority. And, yes, I am a much better mommy when I exercise routinely.

As far as why did we decide to homeschool. Well, my then 5 year old daughter started kindergarten and did not handle being away from me for 8 hours a day well at all. In my state, all day kindergarten is mandatory. We dealt with this until mid November. I just couldn't do it anymore. She stopped eating (major flag especially for this child), woke up at 2 am in tears etc.... So we decided to hs this year and take it from there. Who knew I/we would love it so much?! Our 10 year old son is still in public school. I want desperately to hs him as well. Dh and I are discussing that one. It's likely I will hs our 3 year old as well. During this time, the kids and I found the Lord which has given me even more reason to want to hs the kids. Not every public school is bad, but I'm growing less and less happy with ours. I will be the first to say that homeschooling is not for everyone and not everyone should do it. For us, it has been the best decision I/we have ever made.

As far as curriculum's go, I'm looking into ACE for next year. It's a Christian based curriculum that encourages independant working from the student. Plus, they help the parents teach the kids. That's a blessing!

HTH and thanks again to everyone!
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching.."
I don't have any wise advice on how to fit it is because it sure is tough. You have to make it a priority above other things and I think it sets a good example of healthy living for the kids. I exercise from 6-7 am, on weight days I'll often leave it for the evening.

I mostly just wanted to chime in and say I homeschool too. My oldest two were home from K-8. They both wanted to go into school in grade 9 and that has worked out well for us. I currently have my 11 yo at home.


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