Does anyone else have troulbe w/ the really intense jumping jacks?


I forget what Cahte calls them, but you jump up in the air instead of the reuglar jumping jacks? What would make me have troulbe w/ these? I have pretty strong abs so I don't think that is it, but I have had 2 c-sections and when I jump up and throw my legs out.. something feels like it is pulling in my lower abdomen. Not really painful, but just incomfy. Is this normal? Is there a trick to doing these? When she does them I usually just keep doing regula jumping jacks.
I modify these also. It's not comfortable for me either. Cathe always says to modify when something is too much impact or uncomfortable. Don't feel bad or inadequate about it. You will still get a good workout.



ETA - You're probably talking about the flying jacks or tuck jumps. I do the flying jacks, but not the tucks. I modify. Also remember, you are not an average person if you do Cathe workouts, so be proud of whatever you can do. I guessI'm showing may age (52)!!
Thanks! I guess I just want to be able to do all the moves..LOL I think it is great you are keeping in shape at 50! I can only hope I am still motivated and working out then! It is so addictive! I am just amazed with all the ladies here and how fit you all are! Thanks for the encouragement!
I have to modify the Flying Jacks as well. It feels like I am about to throw my legs out of socket or something. I have four kiddo's, one delivered by c-section and my youngest is only 9 months, so I am assuming that my body just has not recovered fully:) I just do the jacks with my legs together. I can do the tuck jumps thought. Although they are not as pretty as Cathe's;) Or the rest of the crew as well:eek: :eek:

Thanks! I think I will just do the regular jacks when she does these. It's nice to see someone else here w/ a young one! My DD was just 10 months old on the 29th. I can't believe time has flown so fast. :)

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