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    Ordered new videos today!!! Sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Pammer, The only piece of equipment you left out of your list is a stability (aka balance) ball... or is that the same as the Reebok Pilates Ball??!?!?! I can't wait for the new DVDs to get here, either. And, of course, I also didn't tell DH!!! I just try to beat him home on those days! :D...
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    Hi Kali, :D Theresa :)
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    Hi Kali, I *LOVE* the Fanny Lifter!! :D I also have the Original Step, but I think it's much more convenient to set aside the Fanny Lifter (during the Firm videos hi/lo) and change the heights. I use all 3 heights (6, 8, 14), and I find no trouble with the 14" for leg presses (I'm barely 5'0...
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    seeking pilate tapes

    Hi Linda, Pilates is a great addition to your workouts!! :) I've definitely noticed improved core strength for the brief amount of time I've been doing them. The following are my recommendations: For beginners - Pilates for Dummies, Ana Caban, Hilary Burnett For intermediate/advanced - Winsor...
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    I think Firm videos are great to add variety! I love them. I also have all Cathe DVDs so I love her, too. I agree that the intensity w/ Firms is not like Cathe... but to be honest w/ you, there are many days where I just don't feel like working out that intensely :-tired . Firm gives an *easier*...
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    DVDs guaranteed for life?

    Thanks, bfj. :) I wasn't looking hard enough :-wow . It's nice to know the DVDs are guaranteed. Theresa
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    DVDs guaranteed for life?

    Hi everyone! I've read several people stating that Cathe's DVDs are guaranteed for life. Can someone point out where this is stated? :-hmmm I just want to know since I've recently gone on a DVD binge LOL :D & want to make sure I know the policy. I've searched the web site and only found that...
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    Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?

    Hey CCluvsbsb, Thanks for taking the time to respond! I agree with you that this is a dumb thing for someone to do x( . I hope you found what you were looking for on the Ya Ya forum. Theresa :)
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    To SomeGurl.......

    To: CCluvsbsb CCluvsbsb, Thanks for taking the time to answer my question on this and the Ya Ya forum. Theresa :)
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    SNM -- NEW DVD is not working

    Hi Dee, Of course I'm not SNM, but here is the phone number from the web site: 1-800-433-STEP. Also, whenever I email them, they usually respond *QUICKLY* (less than 10 or 15 minutes). So I would also email them again: [email protected] Here is the return policy: "Opened DVDs may not be...
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    To SomeGurl.......

    SomeGurl - are you also posting on other threads w/ different emails? LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[p]To SomeGurl, Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3...
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    Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[p]To SomeGurl, Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3 requests (Joyce, Ya Ya, and Cathe): See Joyce thread...
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    Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[p]To SomeGurl, Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3 requests (Joyce, Ya Ya, and Cathe): See Joyce thread...
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    ATTN: SNM! Please answer my Question!

    Hi Denise, Luckily my husband is going to take me shopping for a DVD player this weekend :) (he's so sweet... my b-day present 1 week early!). I have already sold all my Cathe VHS and used the money to help fund all my new DVDs. I haven't done Cathe in about 2 weeks since selling all my...
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    ATTN: SNM! Please answer my Question!

    Hi Denise, I did the *EXACT* same thing... I preordered all the VHS but I'm expecting :) a DVD for my birthday in November. All I did was order the DVDs (probably better to either mail in or fax as the online ordering system won't allow price changes), and I subtracted what I had already paid...
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    Linda, Whenever I email SNM, they respond *quickly* (usually within 10 minutes) by email. I don't think they received your email. I would try again. Theresa