ATTN: SNM! Please answer my Question!


I know you are all incredibly busy, but I really need an answer to this question before the Presale ends!

I have preordered all 6 videos; however, I just found out that I am getting a DVD player for Christmas, and was wondering if I could somehow change my order for the videos and get the DVDs instead. Is it too late?

Thank you so much!

Hi Denise,

I did the *EXACT* same thing... I preordered all the VHS but I'm expecting :) a DVD for my birthday in November. All I did was order the DVDs (probably better to either mail in or fax as the online ordering system won't allow price changes), and I subtracted what I had already paid when I preordered the VHS. Plus, I bought 3 more Cathe DVDs! LOL!

Thanks, Theresa!

I am so happy to be moving to DVD--you must be so excited, too! I don't blame you for ordering the extra DVDs; I will be doing the same thing as soon as I sell my existing Cathe VHS collection. I have nearly every one, but don't want to part with them until I have the DVD player. Imagine not having the tapes OR the DVD player to use? Major Cathe withdrawals! LOL!

Thanks for letting me know that you experienced the same thing, and have FUN when you get your DVD player next month! Happy Birthday! Think of all the possibilities there will be now that aren't possible with the tapes. :)

Take care,
Hi Denise,

Luckily my husband is going to take me shopping for a DVD player this weekend :) (he's so sweet... my b-day present 1 week early!). I have already sold all my Cathe VHS and used the money to help fund all my new DVDs. I haven't done Cathe in about 2 weeks since selling all my tapes... just Firming (a nice change from Cathe's intensity). But I am starting to withdraw! :-rollen

Happy fitness!

Theresa :)

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