

I'm needing a little variety in my life...are the Firms worth my money or is it taking a step backwards in intensity?
IMO, I think it would be taking a step backward in intensity. Are you currently doing Cathe videos? I bought the firm informercial because I thought it looked good on tv. At the time I was taking classes at the gym, 4-6 times per week. I really didn't feel like they were that good of a workout. I know a lot of people swear by the firms, but I didn't get a good workout from them. I think Cathe videos are a lot more challenging. Circuit Max is similiar in style to the Firm, but a lot more intense.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-02 AT 11:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi, I'm probably going to be in the minority here, but I really like the Firm. They are definitely not as intense as Cathe, but they are nice for a change of pace. I like the new 6 pack better than the infomercial package. I rarely ever do the infomercial tapes, but I find myself doing the 2 lower body tapes from the 6 pack a lot. As a matter of fact, I have lost 1/2" in my hips since I bought the 6 pack. Lower Body Sculpt 2 is very relaxing, but you have to heavy up a lot to get a good workout. Lower Body Scuplt 1 is my favorite. It has 3 sets of leg press and curtsy dips which I love for targeting my outer thighs. I also like that they are short. I add them onto my workouts.

I also want to add that you will not get a very good upper body or ab workout with the Firm. I think Cathe is the best for upper body work and ab work.
Firm Standing Legs is as hard as Cathe if you use heavy dumbells. Maybe even if you don't. For sure that is one to have..
The rest are too "dancy" for me. I like the "get out there and kick butt" attitude that Cathe has. Plus her tapes don't sound like porn!!LOL!!

I think Firm videos are great to add variety! I love them. I also have all Cathe DVDs so I love her, too. I agree that the intensity w/ Firms is not like Cathe... but to be honest w/ you, there are many days where I just don't feel like working out that intensely :-tired . Firm gives an *easier* but still great workout :D. The new Firms (from the infomercial & the 6 pack) are very different from older Firms. My favorite (older) Firm cardios are Power Cardio, Maximum Cardio, Core Cardio 1 and 2, and Fat Blaster. My favorite new Firm is Cardio Sculpt Blaster. I wear a heart rate watch, and I am in my target for most of the time with all these tapes.

BTW, I consider myself intermediate to advanced... I can finish Interval Max, Circuit Max, Rhythmic Step, etc. without modification.

As for strength videos, Cathe is the best IMO. However, just for variety, I do like Firm Tough Tape.

Hope this helps.
Theresa :-shy
One thing I don't understand is if they're all a circuit style video how do you do tapes every day? Arent you hitting body parts with weights without any rest?
I have a few Firm tapes. I like the "5-day abs" a lot. I got "Super Cardio", which is fairly new (and can be found for under $15). Some of the instructors in this video actually have athletic bodies, unlike the older Firms where everyone looks like thin fitness models.

This tape is fun to do to mix things up. It's not as intense as Cathe, but still gives you a good workout. It's pretty long and alternates cardio work, usually hi-lo or low impact with light weight work. You may feel weird doing the weights at first because the reps are pretty fast. I do feel it in the muscles, but I never get sore or feel like I got a great weight workout in. Some of the cardio sections are too easy, so I either add more intensity or FF through it so my HR doesn't plummet.

I'd get a Firm tape to change things around. It's not something I'd do everyday though. I think you'd need to add heavier weight days and crosstrain. Look online for reviews of the tapes since some are better than others.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-02 AT 01:22PM (Est)[/font][p]The old pre-infomercial FIRMs are probably worth your money if you're looking for variety. Intensity wise Cathe is on a whole different level, but The FIRMs are still challenging, effective workouts (just a little less so than Cathe). I did FIRMs for about 2 years, then stepped up to Cathe.

FIRM cardio work is definately a lot frendlier than Cathe's and the weight work is not as "serious". If you're used to Cathe, the FIRMs will probably be a little "light" for you. If you are used to Cathe, I do not recommend the infomercial FIRMs.
I agree that those imfommercial Firms are not for advanced exercisers. Any good reviews these tapes have received are from beginners/intermediates. I think you'd be disappointed.

Again, check reviews for specific videos and start with one (not a set) to see if you like it since the tapes are setup in similar ways. Also check on since a lot of tapes are avail there.
definately try some of the older firms, but look in Collage to order! i love the Tortoise, Firm Strength, and Firm Cardio. they are not straight up gym style workouts (not quite as boring) but they are intense if you use heavy poundage.
Hey Theresa -

Do you have the Fanny Lifter? Do you think it's worth the purchase or will a reg. step be ok?

Hi, I'm not Theresa, but I do have the Fanny Lifter and I love it. You can use a reg step if you have extra risers. I used my reg step for a while with enough risers to bring it up to 12" for when the Fanny Lifter was used. The Fanny Lifter total height is 14" which I really like using. If you have access to a stool or any kind of step that goes to 14", you can use that instead. If you have "The Step", you'll have to turn it lengthwise to use it for Firm videos.

As far as the Fanny Lifter being worth the money, that will probably depend on each individual. I think mine is well worth the money. I use it almost everyday. I, of course, use it with every single Firm tape and I use it with any of Cathe's tapes where she uses the mini topper on her risers. When taken apart, the bottom section is 8" and the top section is 6".

Hope this helps. Kelley
Hi Kali,

I *LOVE* the Fanny Lifter!! :D I also have the Original Step, but I think it's much more convenient to set aside the Fanny Lifter (during the Firm videos hi/lo) and change the heights. I use all 3 heights (6, 8, 14), and I find no trouble with the 14" for leg presses (I'm barely 5'0 :)).

Like Kelley, I also use the 14" box for Cathe strength training (when she uses her mini topper).

I think it's definitely worth it!! :D

I love both the Firm & Cathe, and when I started using exercise videos during the beginning of this year, all I did was one Firm tape, and I lost over 15 lbs. Then I added more tapes, including Cathe, and lost another 5-6 lbs. So while Firms may not be as intense as Cathe, you can still definitely see results with it. :)

Hey Kelley and Theresa!

Thanks for the replys. I have the rubbermaid step but I like the idea of the 3 different heights. You can't do that with the RM step. :'(

I am getting the urge to spend!!!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy

IMO, the Firm isn't as intense as Cathe's, but it's a very different style of training, it is a little hard to compare the two fairly. It's like comparing two different religions, if you can imagine trying t do that, LOL.
I think you should get a 'more intense' Firm (such as Firm Crosstrainer Strength or Tough Tape) just to try it out for variety's sake. Heck, it'll never replace Cathe for you (as if anything would - she's truly in her own class), but variety is the spice of life. Why not?
p.s. they can be had used at a decent price, or for trade - try the usual places.
I must....FIGHT THE URGE!!!!! ARRRH! No use! I surrender! You talked me into it Theresa. I'm buying the fanny lifter! :D Now all I need is someone to convince me to buy CTX, Pure Strength and Ab Hits on DVD!

Oooops! Maybe I shouldn't have said that?

Kali :p
I used the firm for 10 years and loved them, thought no one else compared and then I found Cathe. Cathe is on a totally different level! The firm was great for me at first and then I just plateaued. Since doing Cathe the last 3 months I've noticed some goooooood changes in my body. I have alot more muscle definition and I feel stronger.
If you do decide to get the firm I would recommend anything with Tracy Long and the firm cardio and strength crosstrainers. The firm just doesn't have enough upper body for me and the cardio is not as intense as Cathe. Cathe is just the best!!

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