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  1. W

    question for physique transformation fans

    Alison, Thanks for the great description of the program. I really appreciate all of the information you have given me. It sounds like this could be very good for me. I like the idea of a structured program with well defined goals. It becomes a challenge to eat properly to get a good...
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    question for physique transformation fans

    Alison, Thanks so much for the information. It sounds like a very good program. I will look for the section on cardio in the Secrets of a Professional Dieter Handbook. That will be a problem for me because I do teach two classes a week, but that may be all the cardio I do during that...
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    question for physique transformation fans

    I have the same fears about Cardio. I teach two spin classes a week and typically spin a third time a week for my own conditioning, so I have to do cardio. I am assuming the program could adapt to this. Also, I see that I should be eating about 2100 calories a day. When I play around with...
  4. W

    Lower Body/Aug Rotation (9 AUG)

    RE: Lower Body/Aug Rotation (10 AUG) Today was my PLB. I finished that in the morning with some added plyo moves mixed in and then did Pilates and the 30 minutes of Basic Step in the evening. I have never done the Basis Step before and I enjoyed. I used an 8 inch step which I haven't done in...
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    Lower Body/Aug Rotation (9 AUG)

    Hi everyone, Today was supposed to be the CTX Kickbox day for me, but I took a spinning class in place of that video. I spin on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I will be subbing that in for some cardio. I also PUB, both the upper body work and the ab work. Tomorrow is supposed to be my rest day...
  6. W

    Lower Body/Aug rotation (6 AUG)

    Hi Everyone, I would like to join this check-in. I have been doing the August rotation and a check-in may be the added incentive I need to keep on track. I did PS Legs and Abs yesterday. I am not much of a runner, so I did 200 walking lunges in place of the run. I can feel it today...
  7. W

    Rotation/challenge buddies?

    I just started the rotation yesterday. Today is Imax. I was wondering if anyone was doing a check in on this one. I could use the motivation. I hope you don't mind another person checking in. Linda
  8. W

    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    I usually do one or two workouts a week to target the glutes and quads. I do these in addition to any videos or other cardio I may do. One thing I have found is I have to keep up with these exercises, or I am very sore when I start doing them again. The additional work I do doesn't take very...
  9. W

    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    I do mine in the basement, so I walk from one end of the basement to the other and then back. It is about 10-12 lunges in one direction. A hallway would also work. I will do a set of 3 round trips. These can also be done in a couple of different ways. The easiest way is to lunge...
  10. W

    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    Kathy, I would love a copy of the rotations if you are still sending them out. My email is [email protected] Thank you, Linda
  11. W

    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    The squat jumps are just plyo type jumps. I start in a squating postion and jump up and return to a squating postion. I don't jump very high. These can be done while holding on to something. I know Cathe does very similar moves in some of the videos, but I just can't remember what she calls...
  12. W

    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    I saw this and just had to reply! I am 'blessed' with that problem! What keeps me firm and tight are lunges. I do walking lunges with weights. This really stresses my glutes. I will add in squats and squat jumps, too. These work to lift the butt. I have recently started doing Dead Lifts...
  13. W

    BodyRx "Check-in"

    Connie, Thanks for posting this. It is very timely for me. I have just started BodyRX and am in Cycle1/Week1/Day5. This will be leg day. I was thinking about how I was going to design my leg workout. You have put a very nice one together, so I think I will try this tonight. Thanks again...