Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?


How do those fitness contestants get such HUGE bowling ball glutes?
How heavy would you have to lift to get J.Lo Buns?
Or an Amy Faddhi Fanny?
There HAS to be a way?
Cathe, can you make a rotation to make BUNS HUMONGOUS?
It must be possible to increase glute size if it's a muscle right? Unlike breasts.:p
Ha...that was funny. I also want to make my buns bigger and rounder. I'm tired of being flat...I would like to be more curvey.
I am betting the answer is lots of lunges and squats....low rep and heavy weight.
As a side observation I gotta say that the overrated J. Lo just has a fat a## while Cathe has an obviously well toned and sexy back end!! A well deserved one at that with all the working out she does. :)
I never could figure the hoopla about J-Lo's butt. I just thought it was big but never thought of it as being toned. I don't want a butt like that! I want a nice firm butt that suits me well.:) (Maybe Angela Bassett :))

And Trevor let's not forget those deadlifts for the hams and glutes! ;) Those have helped me a great deal. :7 And I must not leave out walking lunges! Woo! Those two together make for excellent ham and glute work.

Still want to know what Cathe recommends. :D Hope it involves some floor work!

Though the size and shape of the glutes probably depends a lot on genetics (some people have a flatter, squarer butt, others have a rounder butt), I've found that the leg presses in ME and PLB really help in this area. Before I got into these workouts, even though I had been usiing other Cathe weight tapes, I didn't have glutes I was looking for. I'm still working on them, but they're definitely getting there.

I think the entire PLB workout does a good job in this area (the combo of leg presses and deadlifts). If you can safely go heavier in the leg presses, I think that would help get you the results you want.
I would bet that the Leg Press at most gyms would really assist with gaining a big one......

I always wondered about the fevor over the Fanny Lifter. The leg press that is done on the tall box isn't really a leg press in my opinion. Also, I don't think it isolates the glutes well enough to really be the primo exercise for the butt. It stimulates the cardiovascular system very heavily, and the leg overall, so how can it be "the" exercise for the glutes? Maybe because the Fanny Lifter is as good as it gets when you don't have some good gym equipment or a heavy barbell.

I have found using a 50-60 pound barbell for deadlifts, outside of using a video, really will get your butt hurting VERY bad. And heavy heavy squats with that same heavy barbell. I have the flatest pancake butt in the world, and after I started doing 5-6 sets of 8 reps with my 55 lb barbell---I couldn't believe it. I never saw that kind of improvement before.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to do that this winter because of sickness, but I'm back at it again.

I saw this and just had to reply! I am 'blessed' with that problem! What keeps me firm and tight are lunges. I do walking lunges with weights. This really stresses my glutes. I will add in squats and squat jumps, too. These work to lift the butt.

I have recently started doing Dead Lifts and Good Mornings. Both of these target the glutes well. This seems to be working, I have had a few people ask me at the gym what I am doing to stay tight!

I am not sure these exercises will help you develop a round one, but they do help keep you firm if you have one!

Good Luck.

I happen to be "blessed" with this attribute. Genes had a lot to do with it. And not to disappoint everyone, I've had them much, much longer than J-Lo. Trust me, J-Lo did not invent this area. :) I do lunges and squats to keep them firm. As for the roundness, I have no idea what would make them round as you ask.


I would still bet that heavy weight work probably does *help* to some extent (if you haven't inherited big ones)! Not sure why anyone would want "bowling ball" glutes, but I think somewhat rounded is nice.

Best thing probably is to be happy about what good body parts you DID inherit, and expect some improvement with weight work in bringing up flat parts, but not to expect getting something that isn't within your genetic potential.
WorkoutFun - would you please explain the squat jumps? I think I know what you're saying but want to get a true picture before trying. :) And you do these without weights, right?


p.s. I agree that the walking lunges, deadlifts and leg presses are greatbuilders and tighteners! :7
The squat jumps are just plyo type jumps. I start in a squating postion and jump up and return to a squating postion. I don't jump very high. These can be done while holding on to something.

I know Cathe does very similar moves in some of the videos, but I just can't remember what she calls them. The thing of it is, I do quite a few of them in short period of time. A typical routine is to do pyramid sets of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 with about 30 second rest inbetween sets. It is the intensity that gets me. You are right, I don't do these with weights. To spice it a little more, a super set of squat jumps and walking lunges is a real killer!

These really work the quads more than the glutes, but I usually work both together.

I have never even tried a walking lunge. I workout in my basement, my house isn't that big??!! Do you just keeping walking w/ dumbells up and down a hallway?? How much weight do you normally use??
Lori S.
I do mine in the basement, so I walk from one end of the basement to the other and then back. It is about 10-12 lunges in one direction. A hallway would also work. I will do a set of 3 round trips.

These can also be done in a couple of different ways. The easiest way is to lunge forward, bring the back leg even with the front leg, and lunge forward with the opposite leg. As your balance improves, you can lunge forward with one leg and immediately lunge forward with the back leg. To really add intensity, lunge forward, then lift the back leg up to a knee lift before lunging forward. It will burn the glutes!

The weights used can vary. I start with a set of just body weight and then use 12-15 pound dumb bells in each hand. For a real blast, I have done them with 30 pound dumb bells in each hand. I just keep mixing it up!

I like them better than static lunges because I am moving a little, so I don't get that feeling that the set will just never end. Plus it does challenge your balance.
Lori - I do mine in the basement too! I can get in 7 or 8 before turning around and going back in the other direction. When I do them I do the 14 or 16 walking lunges, break with a set of deadlifts and then back the the walking lunges. I try to do 3 complete sets! It's tough but you'll love it!

Linda - thanks for the description for the jump squats! If those are in one of Cathe's newest videos then it must be Boot Camp or Imax 2 - i very seldom do those. Well, I've done Imax 2 just haven't made it beyond interval #4 and it's been a long while since doing BC. I just don't know how to fit that into my schedule with all the weight work. I'm going to try the jump squats and walking lunges and possibly some deadlifts the next time I do lower body!

Haven't decided if I'm doing LL, ME or PH tomorrow. Guess it all depends on what I do tonight!

Have an awesome weekend!
I usually do one or two workouts a week to target the glutes and quads. I do these in addition to any videos or other cardio I may do. One thing I have found is I have to keep up with these exercises, or I am very sore when I start doing them again. The additional work I do doesn't take very long, but I do notice a difference.

I always do my squat jumps with only body weight. I usually work in a pattern of a set of 20, then 18, then 16 and so on. I usually start with the longest set first to act as a pre-exhaust to the legs.

The lunges and lunge walks I will do with varying weights. Typically, I use 12 to 15 pounds in each hand, but I have done up to 30 lbs in each hand. I vary the weight all the time to keep my body from adjusting to the exercises.

Good Luck with this!


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