Search results

  1. J

    workout bra recs

    Thanks so much Sara. The name Makena is very pretty too. Hope your pregnancy is going well! Take care. Melanie - I ordered a bra from Title 9. Don't know the name of it but I'll let you know if I like it. I found a couple in there with 34 D size in similar styles to what I like (the...
  2. J

    workout bra recs

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be searching both these websites and the title 9 catalogue this weekend. Melanie- congrats on the arrival of your little boy! I'll keep you posted on my search. There is actually one bra in the title 9 catalogue that has large cup sizes (D or DD) with...
  3. J

    workout bra recs

    Hi- It's been a long while since I posted last. I gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Mikaela, 1/25/04. Didn't workout as much as I had hoped during my pregnancy, due to various pregnancy complications and an unusually demanding work schedule. I'm now 4 weeks post-partum and just now...
  4. J

    I just don't get it...hoping some of you have insight

    RE: I just don't get it...hoping some of you have insig... Although everyone is different, it's my understanding that a jump in weight is very common around week 20. I didn't gain anything the first 18 weeks thanks to horrible morning sickness but then from week 18 to week 22, I gained 7 lbs...
  5. J

    Sheila-What makes some mothers more sensitive to morning sickness?

    I'd be curious to know this too. I had 8 weeks of horrible morning sickness. I really feel for you still having problems at 17 weeks. When I look at my friends, some of whom had terrible morning sickness but most of whom did not, I can not find any commonalities - fitness level, size, eating...
  6. J

    How long should I wait before I take a test?

    I'd wait a few more days and then try taking the test again, using the first urine in the morning. Maybe try taking one of the more sensitive tests, the ones you can do really early - sorry, I forgot the brand I used. As for ovulation, I used an ovulation kit to help me predict my exact...
  7. J

    Trying to get pregnate!

    When my husband and I decided we were ready to have a baby, we didn't want to wait around too long. So we used an ovulation predictor kit and got pregnant the first time. I know this doesn't work as well for everyone but worked for us. Good luck. And have fun trying ;-) Kathy
  8. J

    What type of food do you eat?

    I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible, lots of fruits and veggies (and protein and calcium too). I'm doing it mainly for the sake of the baby but I have to admit, I'm feeling better now than I have for a while. I've never been a terrible eater but I've never eaten as many fruits or veggies...
  9. J

    How much of an incline?

    Thanks for the information Sheila - I had never heard the complete explanation about how much pressure relief you get from the incline. But I'm still a little confused - so is it safe to do chest presses and ab work from just a 30 degree incline? Unfortunately, I don't have a resistaball...
  10. J

    How much of an incline?

    Hi everyone- I'm 16 weeks pregnant and just getting back into my Cathe workouts after a long battle with morning sickness. I was able to keep up with short run/walks (1 mile) with the dog several days a week with the morning sickness but that's all. I started doing some of Cathe's endurance...
  11. J

    Cathe t-shirts

    I was just reading the marketing thread and the subject of the Cathe t-shirts was mentioned. I been away from the forum for a while but I remember a while back there was some discussion of a t-shirt and possibly other apparel. What ever happened with that? Are there any plans to do this?
  12. J

    Question for SNM..

    I'll be interested to find out the answer to this. I have had sound problems with some DVDs in the past (not exercise ones, just movies) but I've always attributed it to the fact that I have a cheap or bad DVD player. Usually, if I just unplug it and plug it in again, the sound problem...