What type of food do you eat?


Alright, the pounds are now starting to come on over the last week, and it's like three, and I feel really fat. It may not be all that noticable to others, but it's very noticable for me. So, what all do you ladies eat when you're pregnant, so far for me I have had a free for all. That isn't working very well, obviously now. So, do you still watch what you eat or do you just fly by the seat of your pants and think, this is the nine month period of my life where I don't have to watch what I eat? I know that three isn't bad, but I still have 3 weeks before I finish my first trimester, and I thought I was only supposed to put on three by the end, yikes! Of course if I read the girlfriends guide to pregnancy the author throws that out the window. What do you think? Or am I just entering the fat pregnancy phase that we all go through?
Thanks for listening to me whine!
Hi Kathy,3 pounds doesnt seem like alot at all.You are prob. just going thru the stage where you feel fat.I am at 4 months and still feeling like that...where your clothes are snug-but maternity clothes are still a little big.So far for my eating it has been pretty much what sounds good.Hamburgers,steaks,chicken,turkey and any kind of potato tastes good.For the first 3 months I found breakfast to be the hardest meal to find something that taste good....but now usually just have cereal.:)

I agree, you are probably at THAT stage, where you are starting to feel the "padding" effects of pregnancy. 3 pounds is really very reasonable! You are doing GREAT!

Speaking as someone who gained over 50 pounds with my first pregnancy, this is really not the time to throw all caution to the wind with your eating habits. I think I gained 15 pounds in my first trimester alone. Moderation is the key. If you have cravings, indulge a little...but try to eat healthy as much as possible. I also didn't keep up with an exercise program and I paid the price. I was pretty miserable.

I'm now 7 months pregnant with my second baby and I've been a lot more careful with my eating habits and have worked out consistently. I can tell you that I feel and look a thousand times better with this pregnancy than I did with my last. I'm still firm and active and I know that I'll bounce back a lot faster.

Good luck to you and please keep us posted.
RE: Hi

I thought the rule of thumb (which varies with everyone) is 5 pounds by the end of the first trimester. I gained 5 pounds, and then didn't gain anything else until week 16/17. I did gain 4 pounds in one week recently, which really irritated me, but I haven't gained since so I've put it behind me.

I try to eat healthier now that I'm pregnant. In the first trimester I ate whatever sounded good to me. I was so nauseus, I didn't really have a choice! Just listened to my body. I hope to gain 25 pounds with this one. We'll see!

Due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible, lots of fruits and veggies (and protein and calcium too). I'm doing it mainly for the sake of the baby but I have to admit, I'm feeling better now than I have for a while. I've never been a terrible eater but I've never eaten as many fruits or veggies as I should. I was really sick for 8 weeks with morning sickness and lost 3 pounds. I've gained those back but that's all (as of my 18 week appointment last week). I'm struggling with some indigestion so I have to eat frequent small meals and I can't eat much for dinner so that's sort of making it easy for me to keep the weight gain down. My appetite and taste buds are gradually coming back to life after all the throwing up I did so now hopefully some healthy weight will come on. Having said all that, I'm allowing myself some treats once in a while. The other day I went to the mall to get more bikini underwear (since my high leg briefs no longer feel comfortable) and I treated myself to a milkshake. It was wonderful!

The long and short of it is (I think), as with so many things, it's all about moderation.

Due 1/22/04
Thank you all for listening to me complain, and adding your support. I am trying to eat everything in moderation. I have a hankering for chips and salsa, so I got the baked doritoes with salsa, that way I will feel better about eating it.
Fruit right now doesn't sound very good to me, I don't really know why, but it will as I get furthur along I'm sure. I am loving fresh strawberries on my cereal in the morning though, and am trying to drink one 8 oz glass of 100% fruit juice a day to make up for my lack of fruit right now. Like you I am just tyring to eat as healthy as I can, with a wide variety of foods to keep the nurtients coming in. I just panick every now and then when I try on a pair of jeans that used to be very big on my and they aren't quite as big anymore, ya know! And there are a few pairs of pants that I just can't get into anylonger over my growing tummy. They were snug to begin with though.
Once again, you have made me feel better, I really appreciate everything you all have to say! Thank you!

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