Trying to get pregnate!


Hi Ladies,
I figured that this would be an awesome place to post any questions I have.First I will start by telling you a story:) !
I had my first baby when I was 17.Of course I didn't think that there was a such thing as trying.If you have sex your gonna get pregnate right? Thats what my mom told me.As far as I was concerned, she was right.
Now it is 7 1/2 yrs later.I have been married for alomost 2 yrs and my husband wants to have a baby.I haven't got a clue where to start.I went off of the birth control pill 2 yrs ago and didn't go back on them.I assumed that at some point I might just have sex at the right time and get pregnate.Didn't happen!
This month was really the only month we have tried.Sometimes my periods can range from 28-30 day cycles.Which makes it a little hard to know when I am ovualting.My doc said not to worry as long as I was having a period ever 4-6 weeks.Then my friend starts telling me about my body temp being normal and all this other stuff that I have NEVER heard off.
Is there anything else that I might need to know? Maybe I am pregante this month, I don't know.But it does seem to be alot of info.Seriously I didn't think it was suppose to be this hard.I have heard way to many things and they are confusing me.Someone told me to "do it" the 10th,12th,14th,16th, and 18th day after your period starts.Thats what her Gyno told her.Then some else told me 11-14 days before your period starts.As you can see, I am overloaded with info!
Any "correct" info would be great.Or any tips on how you got pregnate.
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

Reeeeeeeeeeeeelax! :* That is rule numero uno.

What your friends are telling you is true to an extent...about the 10th, 12th, 14th day, etc. However, this is more for people that are having problems getting pregnant for about a year. I can talk. It happened to us. It took us six years to get pregnant the first time and then 5 years to get pregnant the second time. It is all God's timing. You just started. Relax, enjoy your husband and enjoy your relationship. You are young, have had a child and most likely will get pregnant in the next few months. If you start planning it too much, you will become "mechanical," been there, done that, no fun.

Don't mean to gross someone out there so don't read if you are squimish: :p
Your body lets you know it is ovulating when your fluids/discharge is like egg whites. You have a few days like that in the middle of your cycle. Then, it is over when it starts becoming pasty and green. It is more or less (no expert here) after the 10th day after your period starts.

Let us know what happens...but relax! :+

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

Thanks friend also told me about what you just mentioned.Stuff doesn't gross me out very easily.I am relaxed b/c this is only the first month we started really trying.My husband travels alot so that always makes it a little bit harder.Thanks for the info.What about exercising? I am trying to do it on opposite ends of the day, is that a good idea?
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

Hi there Lori.

As long as you don't overdoit when you exercise, I don't think it will be an issue. However, don't go berserk exercising twice a day (am/pm)...I know how full of energy you are! Some people find it hard to get pregnant when they are overstressed and too "on the go."

Be a bit gentler on yourself. It will happen. }(

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

I am 2 1/2 weeks from my due date. I tried to get pregnant for 8 months and was sure I had an infertility problem. The problem was irregular periods. Temperature charting really helped since the month I got pregnant I ovulated around day 30, go figure. I bought a digital basil thermometer. Get the book Taking Charge of your Fertility. It was really helpful and straight forward.
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

Yeah,one of my constumors told me that everytime she got pregnate it was b/c she took her temp.She also had irregular periods.She also said that when she was pregante she knew it b/c her temp would stay up instead of dropping back down.Mine use to be irregular but they have been pretty good the last few monthes.If I don't get pregnate this month,maybe that is what I will do next month.Or maybe I will just have sex every second or thrid day.My husband should love that idea;-) I thought about buying one of those ovualting kits.They are pretty expensive so maybe I will wait a few monthes.
Thanks ladies,
RE: Trying to get pregnant!

Everyone's given good advice here......I'm just cracking up because as I was reading your post my computer got stuck at the point where you said "or maybe I'll just have sex every second"......that's where it got stuck and I couldn't see the rest and I was thinking well yeah, that should do it and you'll have one happy dh!!!!

:7 :7 :7


"Taking charge of your fertility" is a great book.
You really do need to get the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. It's AWESOME!! Both times I followed her advise I got pregnant right away. She not only talks about charting your temperature, but also other fertility signs. I didn't chart my temp this time cause my mornings are so hectic with my other two kids. So, I used her method of checking cervical fluid daily. She explains it really well in the book and says it's more reliable than temp. All you do is just notice what your body is telling you. I can go into more detail if you want me too, but I don't want to gross anyone out.....

Carols, why don't you e-mail the info? [email protected] can't possibly gross me out!
Briee,I am glad you got a good chuckle out of me.You must of been thinking..every second what? Minute,hour day!:)
I tried to e-mail you, but it got returned.
Here's what I wrote:

Well, I can't explain it near as well as her. Have you ever noticed how your vaginal discharge changes throughout the month? She calls that cervical fluid. It gets more and more wet and slippery as you get closer to ovulation. Then it starts to dry up as you move towards your period. When you are ovulating, your fluid is almost like egg white, and stretches several inches. She describes checking your fluid each time you use the bathroom. She has you wipe, and touch the fluid on the toilet paper between your two fingers to see if it stretches. I however, can tell by just looking and feeling. When I'm fertile, the toilet paper just slides across my vagina, almost like it has KY lube on it. It's very slippery. That's what you want. Look for that about 10-15 days after your period starts. Keep track of it on a calendar.
You really should just buy the book or check it out at the library. It's so worth it!!

Good Luck!
I may have to try and find the book if need be.My email address was right above...minus the .You.Its just [email protected]
Thanks for the info.I looked for that this month to but to be honest with you it only seemed like there was one day.
Used the "gross" method described in the above posts, and got pregnant within one or two months, every kid (3). With first one, I didn't ovulate til day 21! So you need to track may be ovulating early or late. Better than temp taking. Taking Charge of Your Fertility I have heard is excellent.

Happy baby making!

I ordered taking charge of your fertility from I got a great price and book came quickly. Within 2 months of reading, well skimming the book I became pregnant.
The best thing I can tell you is RELAX! If your period is irregular, then I'd suggest an ovulation predictor kit. I got pregnant with my first VERY fast. Like 3 weeks after trying. I'm pregnant with my second and it took me 4 months. I was getting frustrated and finally bought some ovulation tests. It worked but when I went to the doc a few weeks ago, it turned out I was pregnant for a month before I took the test. I thought I had my period but it must've been implantation bleeding. The ladies are right about the gross part. When you see that, go have some nookie. I wish you a lot of luck.
When my husband and I decided we were ready to have a baby, we didn't want to wait around too long. So we used an ovulation predictor kit and got pregnant the first time. I know this doesn't work as well for everyone but worked for us. Good luck. And have fun trying ;-)

Well, I was just at my friends house and we were talking about "this topic" of course.She was the one who helped me find the site that helps predict when you are ovulating.This site said that I was ovualting sept3-5.But we had some miss communication there.She thought that I said I was on a 36 day cycle.But really I am on a 30 day cycle.
Tonight we went back into the computer to find out want my real dates were and it said from aug28-30.Great news for us, we did it on the 27 and the 29th.And I did have that discharge on the 28th.This site must be pretty good.It hit the nail right on the head with me.
So ladies, I may be in luck after all.I am not going to get excited yet b/c I know how hard it is to get pregnate.I was just glad that we didn't miss my ovualting time when we were on holidays at his sisters house.I am suppose to start my preiod this saturday comming (aug13).I will let you know what happens.
Hi Lori

Try this website it predicts your fertile days. All you have to do is type in the date of your last period and how many days are in your cycle.

My friend used the above website and it worked for her - the first time! I'm using a little computer called Babycomp which predicts possible fertile days via daily temperature readings. Up until this month we've used it purely as a method of we're using it as a tool for family planning purposes (fingers crossed it's predicted correctly and I'm pregnant!).

Good luck Lori and let us know how things go!
Thanks, that is another awesome site! Well, it told me that I was fertile from Wed,Aug 27- mon Sept 1.More good news, (maybe no one ants to no this but)we did it wed,fri and sun!Actually it was saturday night when we went to bed but it was 3 in the morning.
Thanks for the website, if I am not pregante this time I will diffently use it next time

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