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  1. K

    Still a place 4 FIRMs

    Robyn, I recently sold 26 of my 30 Firm videos in a two week period. I posted them on the Ya Ya's Swapmeet and the FitPrime forum (which I think has either become or is becoming a members only board). Granted many of mine were the original Firm Believers issued tapes and some were no longer...
  2. K

    Just pre-viewed IMAX 2 ! YIKES !

    Anna, I'm also an overweight 5 foot 8 incher and can do almost 3/4 of the step tap things. Fortunately I workout in my basement so the sound isn't too bad but if my neighbors come out in their driveway they get their daily laugh! However, I'm also 41 with questionable knees and the tuck...
  3. K

    Previewing Boot Camp

    Cathy, I'm with you. I love this video! I really like doing abs in sections rather than in a 8 minute block. I'm much less likely to cheat in a 1 minute segment than I am in a 8 minute segment. I find that with all the changes the workout just flies! I find this workout very intense, but...
  4. K

    Favourite body part since Cathe entered your world?

    My shoulders just happen to be the part that shaped up the fastest. If I eventually get the same results with legs and abs (and I can see that starting) then I'll have to change my vote! Katie
  5. K

    Central Minnesotains?

    You guys make me terribly homesick! Born and raised in St. Paul and still have 6 siblings in the metro area. Love it here in Atlanta (especially in January), but Minnesota will always be home! Stay warm! Katie
  6. K

    clothing website

    Trevor, Thanks for the link. Read recently about Under Armour in Time magazine. Just about the hottest thing going in athletic wear at the moment! Katie
  7. K

    Opinions on The Crossbow....???

    The Nautilus Group that makes Bowfles filed a patent infringement suit against the makers of the Cross Bow in early December. They are asking for both damages and injuctive relief. I believe this means that if the Nautilus Group wins the Cross Bow may not be sold anymore. Just FYI.
  8. K


    Kim, I just sold all 3 of my FitPrime workouts. Here are my thoughts on them in no particular order: 1) Much like the old Firm (which I had used since '95) in that they are light on cardio but strong on weights, no pun intended. However they are different in that they focus on working one...