Just pre-viewed IMAX 2 ! YIKES !


O-Oh, I will never, ever, EVER, moan about IMAX 1 again !!!!! I mean Imax 1 is like a nice fluffy, cute Persian cat, and Imax 2 is like a great, rip, roaring, hairy monster of a lion !!!!! }( }( }( }( }( }(

When, or should I say IF I ever get round to doing IMAX 2, I will have to MODIFY, MODIFY, MODIFY !!!!!!!!!!

Those step tap things - if I do those I will sound like a herd of elephants !!!!!!! http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sprachlos/sprachlos038.gif !

My knees were creaking at the thought of all the plyo-things (groan).
I do like the sumo movement though, :7 , I am going to enjoy that one, and might be slipping that in place of some of the harder intervals :)

Well, it is late now, I just have Cardio & Weights to review next:)

Anna :)
This one's driving me insane...watching the clip on the site...it looks amazing! Must get it! One question though, do you think it'll drive my neighbor downstairs ballistic? :+
Sounds like the interlocking rubber mats I just bought at Home Depot (to absorb impact) will come in handy once I get to this workout!
Interlocking rubber mats?
Can you do cardio on those without tripping? Will it keep my neighbor from murdering me?
Someone posted on the ASK CATHE forum and called Power Squats "Elephant Stomps" they do look like it! Those look like fun. That Pina Colada segment is what really makes me want to get that DVD!:*

Thats the reason why I bought IMAX 2 - so I can shake my booty to the Pina Colada song !!!!!!!!! :7

>Interlocking rubber mats?
>Can you do cardio on those without tripping? Will it keep my
>neighbor from murdering me?

I just got them today, and haven't put the "puzzle" together yet, but I'll let you know (supposedly, they do allow for pivoting moves, etc.).

>>That Pina Colada segment is what really makes me want to get
>that DVD!:*

This is one thing I'm TRYING to remain optimistic about. I used to like this song when it first came out, but I think it was played SO MUCH back then that I got sick of it (I also now think it's kind of sappy). I just CANNOT imagine EXERCISING to it!! Well, I'll see when my DVDs get here!
But..the version on IMAX2 is a more techno-ish one right? Does it have the original singer? Or is it a remake?

AArgh! I still have till Friday to have my hands on this gem! I already know I will love it!
Hi just to let you know the pina colada song is not by the original singer, but it goes nicely with the routine! IMAX 2 is tough and fun at the same time. And you will feel like an elephant on that one interval. It's starts out not too bad and you get all confident and then whamo she picks it up a notch and you are just blown away. I figure the first 4 intervals are just a warm up for the rest of the workout. So just when I was like "hey this isn't bad what was I worried about, BAM (thanks Emeril) she gets you!

I'm also an overweight 5 foot 8 incher and can do almost 3/4 of the step tap things. Fortunately I workout in my basement so the sound isn't too bad but if my neighbors come out in their driveway they get their daily laugh!

However, I'm also 41 with questionable knees and the tuck jumps just ain't ever gonna happen for me! But I love the sumo things. Something so primal about them.

Just do it! You'll love it!

Good luck,


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