Previewing Boot Camp

I noticed that to, but I didn't find Boot Camp terribly difficult.I think maybe the next time I do it I may find it harder b/c I will probably put more into it.
I am havng a little trouble listening to people yelling.Cathe's crew was always so quiet but they have gotten very vocal.Everytime I hear someone yell I end up staring at the t.v and trying to figure out which one it was :D .I will get use to it after a while.
Try the workout,you'll have fun.It is very different from anything else that I own:)
You have a good point. I finished previewing I noticed Cathe seems really winded for moves/routines she normally does in other tapes. It does seem really exaggerated with the longer breaks between circuits, whopping (Cedie, I'm sorry, tone it down!), etc.

I'm a bit disappointed but I'll try the workout over the weekend. There are definately some moves I just cannot do, so I'll be modifying.
These tapes look easier than the other Cathe tapes in my collection. :-(

> I noticed that to, but I didn't find Boot Camp terribly
>difficult.I think maybe the next time I do it I may find it
>harder b/c I will probably put more into it.
> I am havng a little trouble listening to people
>yelling.Cathe's crew was always so quiet but they have gotten
>very vocal.Everytime I hear someone yell I end up staring at
>the t.v and trying to figure out which one it was :D .I will
>get use to it after a while.
> Try the workout,you'll have fun.It is very different from
>anything else that I own:)
> Lori

I love BootCamp. It is just so different from everything else I do.I think you get out of it what you put in. You can make it as intense as you want by increasing your weight. Or modify to make it less so! I found that it was more difficult the second and third time because I was familiar with it and put more into it. I don't see how anyone can't be tired after some of those cardios. And it's nice to see Cathe's human and gets winded too! Good Luck!

Cathy :)
It seems several people have said that some of these workouts seem easier than the previous ones. I'm waiting for the DVD's so I won't know first hand for at least another week or so I figure. But I find it kinda hard to believe. Maybe the gals around here are just fitter and stronger than they think! :7
I think it takes a couple of times doing it.I also think that cardio and weights would of been a little tougher if there were more then 4 cardio sections.As I was doing the workout I was thinking that it was tough b/c I thought I had 6 cardio portions to do.But when she said this is the last one,I was a little surprised.I thought it was going to be like Circuit Max.
Either way,I truly LOVE my workouts.It is so easy to modify if you want to make it a little tougher or easier.But if you are having a lazy day,it will diffently knock your socks off.Imax 2 rocks! I haven't tried the weight tapes.Thats on my agenda for this evening.
Good luck ladies,

I'm with you. I love this video! I really like doing abs in sections rather than in a 8 minute block. I'm much less likely to cheat in a 1 minute segment than I am in a 8 minute segment. I find that with all the changes the workout just flies! I find this workout very intense, but that's just me. Can't wait to hear what all the DVDers think.

Intensity series not intense?

I read a similar thread over at the videofitness forum. Someone over there mentioned the fact that this series is just that: a series that was intended to be done in one week--giving you a very intense week, with some hard and some not-so-hard days. They mentioned that when they do these vidoes consecutively, they feel much more worked than when they do them as suplements to their other workouts (i.e. just throwing in UBP a few days after MIS, or something like that).
As for the whooping, I have yet to receive my DVDs, but I will be terribly upset if it comes anywhere close to the whooping in StepFit, which is one of the few "older" Cathe's I ever do. I can't stand whooping! :-(

But, I am actually hoping for not-too-intense, as I seem to be injury-ridden and my poor body will thank me not to do anything too knee-torturing!

This one really sneaks up on you! I thought it was "easy" the second time I previewed it, thought it was "somewhat easy" when I did the tape and today my butt, inner thighs and triceps are on FIRE!!!!!!
I did it a week ago and it wore me out. The terminator section is rough. I really like the format - it's very intense for a short period of time then you have a breather, and Cathe had posted that you can do extra reps or something else to fill in the breathers if you had the energy (ha, not me!)
have fun!
You know, the Terminator climbs or whatever they're called weren't that bad. Akward at first, but I got through most of them. I modified some of the super high impact moves and the workout still whipped my butt!

>I did it a week ago and it wore me out. The terminator
>section is rough. I really like the format - it's very intense
>for a short period of time then you have a breather, and Cathe
>had posted that you can do extra reps or something else to
>fill in the breathers if you had the energy (ha, not me!)
>have fun!

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