Central Minnesotains?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 10:24PM (Est)[/font][p]Geographically inept. I am from Richfield, A-Jock is in Plymouth. I believe Amadeus and JMFrane are from Mpls. And Nancy (nbergren is her username) is from Bloomington. And MRSchultz is from SE MN. Woo Hoo! Where do you live? We need to get out into that windchill and meet one another!!!!
HI fellow Minnesotans! I had to chime in here and let you know I live in South St. Paul. I moved here recently from my hometown of Hastings. It's great to see that there are other die hard Cathe fans close by! :)
Cool! Hey, do you two have the I-Series yet? A-Jock, Amadeus, JMFrane and myself are all going to attempt a Terminator workout once we receive our DVDs and give our reviews on this forum if we can crawl to our computers and type afterwards. You guys are more than welcomed to join! Hey, we have to something to keep us warm! Like I said in a previous post, we have cold weather, but hey, we do have Prince, Wally Szczerbiak, and the Mall of America! And we have all of us too!!!!
Yes, I'm live about 30 miles North of St. Paul. I've met Annette (A-jock) and would love to meet the others. Hey Julie, before you know it Thursday night White Bear Days will be here soon and maybe we could meet up just to say "Hi".

Hey! Good to hear from you. I'm a part time central Minnesotan. Our house is in the metro, but My cabin is located in the bustling metropolis of Watkins. Is that anywhere near you?
You guys make me terribly homesick! Born and raised in St. Paul and still have 6 siblings in the metro area. Love it here in Atlanta (especially in January), but Minnesota will always be home!

Stay warm!

Jillybean... great post. I did not realize so many folks were from this area. I actually just moved from 65th & Humboldt in Richfield last year.

If there is ever anyone who wants to try and have a get-to-gether... count me in.

Dress warm and enjoy the sunshine!

Pump on,
The A-Jock hails from that central 'burb known as Plymouth, a bedroom community of overpriced real estate desperately trying to believe it's a city.

We did a Minnesota Roll Call a few months ago and I was astounded at the # of Minnesotans who are Cathe fans. We must be smarter than we look (under the coats, mufflers, gloves, boots, mukluks, etc.)

Smack dab middle

Hi all!
I live in Little Falls MN. Great to read all the people who are from MN. My husbands family is in Hastings MN and my family is from New Ulm MN. We visit both frequently. Would love to meet some of you.
Peace, Ann
I've been lurking here for 4 or 5 years and I'm from Owatonna also. It's hard to believe there are so many of us from Minnesota.

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