Search results

  1. SeaShel

    Selling Cathe DVDs

    That's fine. Let me know how to proceed.
  2. SeaShel

    Selling Cathe DVDs

    Yes it is the complete box set.
  3. SeaShel

    Selling Cathe DVDs

    Looking to give to someone the following: Core Max Stretch Max Ab Circuits STS 2.0 Lift/Move/Restore (never used) 2 Yoga Blocks Mini Cathe Ball 2 Balance Discs (never used) Anyone out there who cannot swing purchasing these items but would like to have them for just a shipping charge???
  4. SeaShel

    Selling Cathe DVDs

    Can someone please advise me the proper area to sell off some of my Cathe workouts? I am looking to sell STS2 and various other workouts as I now do mainly Cathe live and have to downsize my area and equipment. Thank you!
  5. SeaShel

    Question on the Cathe Live workouts

    Thank you! Those are the two I had been relying upon but they have stopped somewhere in the early 300's. I will have to do as you have done by adding a separate column to try and classify what most of the workout is about so it will be easier to choose what I want for the day. FitnessMyStyle...
  6. SeaShel

    Question on the Cathe Live workouts

    I am still doing the Live workouts and really enjoy them. I'll have to figure out how to work them into the STS 2.0 rotation. My question is regarding the Live workouts grouped according to their focus. There used to be a couple sites where the originators put in a lot of work classifying...
  7. SeaShel

    Cathe's STS Adjustable Workout Dip & Pull-Up Bars Are Now Sold Out

    Due to an unrelated injury, I'd be willing to sell mine but I live in Ransomville NY outside of Niagara Falls and I don't know if anyone is close enough to pick them up.
  8. SeaShel

    Hiccups between chapters in STS 2.0

    Same issue same DVD for me. Lots of hiccups. Player is Daewoo more than 5 years old.
  9. SeaShel

    January 26, 2023

    Can someone advise me what can be purchased/used in place of the Turbo Tower or Fit Tower? I've been looking at weight benches with barbell racks but not sure if they would be a good substitute and I don't think the towers are available anymore? TIA.
  10. SeaShel

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    By the way, I continued on after #373 and tried to follow a similar descriptive format like Fitness My Style had, and when I tried to attached it here, the system wouldn't let me because it was the wrong file extension type. My file is in Excel. If anyone can direct me how to post it, I'd be...
  11. SeaShel

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    In my case, I use a computer and go to and there is where I find all the workouts. I am desperate to find some way to organize all of these so that I can choose specifically what type of workout I want to perform. If I search by type, many of the workouts appear under...
  12. SeaShel

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    I'll follow this in the hope of an answer. I'm still struggling with arranging them all into separate groups depending on what each is targeted for. It's time consuming to decide which one to do.
  13. SeaShel

    Guidelines to make a rotation using Cathe Live

    Not sure where to ask this but I was wondering if there are guidelines anywhere on how to make rotations using Cathe Live
  14. SeaShel

    Cathe Live List

    I'm not sure if this person is still monitoring the site or if any others have surfaced anywhere. I wrote to her but didn't receive a reply so I've been guessing on the categories of the Live workouts that have occurred since her last update.
  15. SeaShel

    Cathe Live List

    EXACTLY what I needed! Thank you so much! Happy New Year! Shelley
  16. SeaShel

    Cathe Live List

    Back to Cathe Live and wondering if there are any lists and/or rotations to follow? TIA
  17. SeaShel

    Looking for a home for workouts I no longer want...

    ICE Series Lite Series Ripped with HiiT Let me know if anyone would like these donated to them.
  18. SeaShel


    Can anyone direct me as to where online I can find some decent spinning workouts that you recommend? I've searched through YouTube and there are so many, I don't want to waste time searching if any of you have already found some great spin workouts to follow. Thanks for any help!
  19. SeaShel

    LIITE DVDs Are On Their Way East! - LITE Project Update 1-2-19

    To all computer techs - is there a way to make a small icon of the Lite DVD logo to paste onto my workout schedule? I seem to have been able to do this for past series but cannot recall how I did it so I can do it for Lite. Thanks in advance.
  20. SeaShel


    Lisa you are lucky. I am a sweaty mess when I am finished. My head particularly sweats a lot :-( No workout for me today. I am sad. I have a second friend who has been battling colon cancer for six years. The first one passed away in 2006. This second friend I have been close with since...