Search results

  1. Mercurial

    Losing Weight While On The Pill

    Hi, everyone! :) So I have been taking the pill for about four years now (I'm twenty years old) for some mild lady problems and really horrible acne. I even took Acutane (a drug used to treat some cancers and very severe skin conditions) three times for six-month periods. It's only recommended...
  2. Mercurial

    I've got terrible knee pains

    Hi, Cathe! These past two weeks, whenever I've been working out (with your DVDs or otherwise), I've been experiencing some painful discomfort around my kneecaps. They dont seem to bother me at all when I'm not working out, but the types of workouts which bother me are... all of them! I put...
  3. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    It's a long post, but it's my final one. Things have not been going well, in my opinion. But I suppose in others' it might be a very good thing. Anyway, I guess I'll get on with it. I dont think I'll be posting here anymore. I cant seem to post in any forum without having my own eating...
  4. Mercurial

    Overeaters Anonymous

    I joined Alateen when I was younger and was turned off by the religious affiliation too. It bothers me that such good programs like AA, NA, OA, etc have to be compromised by an overdose of religion. The problems are universal; religion is not. It would have been a really good program for me, but...
  5. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    I am a bit calmer about the two pounds. I dont know if I've lost them yet or not. I'm not weighing myself obsessively, but seeing how as when I wasnt weighing myself much I gained, so that may or may not be a good thing. I can lose the weight. Eventually. My stomach is flattening out...
  6. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    It's been a while since I've updated. Lately, things have been difficult for me. There are no major events or anything outside that caused it, but the past two weeks have been a major binge for me. I gained 2.5 pounds, and I just wanted to die. After I saw the number on the scale, I was...
  7. Mercurial

    Forget Kettlebells --go for the "ghettobells"!

    Editted because, naturally, I would post the wrong link. :p The right one is up now. So if any of you are like me, you hate having to buy new weights, steps, mats, and other equipment. The benefits are fantastic, but it's costly! :( And sometimes that can keep you doing the same / similar...
  8. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    You and I seem to be a lot alike then! :) I actually dont want to go into journalism --it has given me a lot of great qualities and skills, and really gave me a lot of self confidence. I remember when I first started, I had a hard time even picking up the telephone and talking to anyone...
  9. Mercurial

    How to stop biting nails?

    Hello, ladies! I have been biting my nails for the past ten years, and I've regretted starting up the habit for the past nine. :p I have purchased some of that funny tasting nail polish and am also going to wear gloves around the house so I wont chew, too. But I've come to the...
  10. Mercurial

    It's not all in your mind, but...

    Congratulations! As a beginning / intermediate runner who needs to take breaks frequently (once every mile or so), this is a huge inspiration for me; thanks for posting it! And I'm sure it felt so great to accomplish the goals you set for yourself. :) I started up running again in February...
  11. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    Morningstar, it has taken a lot of pushing on your part, but I am going to listen to you. I am going to call my doctor and request to talk to him about my issues, specifically my anxiety problems. (Right now, he has me down for a checkup on my sinuses, which will probably be just five minutes.)...
  12. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    Morningstar, thank you for providing me with that link; I cant believe I actually hadnt thought of it myself. For most of my teen years, I've been very involved with youth journalism, and actually wrote a big article for our state newspaper concerning diabetes type one. That was a few years ago...
  13. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    Hello, World! I'm still checking in; things have just been a little hectic lately. I have four papers due this week, and I have just two started... With just three "real" weeks left of class (the fourth week is finals week, and at my school if your grades and attendence scores qualify...
  14. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    I babble. Be prepared. :) Aha. :) Past few days have been going... strangely. I'm eating around 1000 calories, which is really good for me. Sometimes it was healthy food, sometimes it wasnt. It's kind of hard because my family has always been really unhealthy when it comes to food choices. I...
  15. Mercurial

    Download or DVD?

    Thanks, SMN! :) This makes a lot more sense to me now, and especially thanks for providing me with the link to BM2! I was searching for it, but it never turned up on the results list. I'm thinking about buying two new workouts via download to cut down on costs and shipping, but the...
  16. Mercurial

    Download or DVD?

    I dont want to hijack this thread or anything, but I'm in the same boat --download or DVD? And after reading this thread I still have some questions that I'm unclear about. 1) The DVDs come with premixes, mix-and-match, chapters, introduction, and credits (I think that's it, right?). I see...
  17. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    I switched things up and had carbs for breakfast today. (Usually I try to have fruit.) One thing I cant stand about how our bodies work is you cant always tell if one thing affects the other. For instance, I dont know if the fact that I had carbs for breakfast affected my overall energy level or...
  18. Mercurial

    I think I might have an eating disorder.

    I did mean for my words to be complimentary, but I didnt mean for them to be taken in the way that anyone is responsible for saving my life, although now that you put it in such a light, I do understand how it could be taken that way. I never meant that I am hoping the support I receive here...
  19. Mercurial

    I think I might have an eating disorder.

    Thank you, Cathe, for responding. :) I have heard about Renfrew before, that it is one of the best places you can get help for an eating disorder. There isnt a location anywhere near me, but I know that Saint Vincent's, one of the best hospitals in my state, provides help with eating...
  20. Mercurial

    Mercurial's Official Get Healthy / Recovery Check-In Thread

    This weekend was difficult for me. :( You'd think weekends would be easier for me to eat more, but usually I find that on weekends I eat even less. During weekdays there are structured times to eat, but on weekends I dont have a schedule, and sometimes I just honestly forget to eat. It didnt...