Search results

  1. stephaniein29


    130 mg caffeine I agree with other posters that a combo of caffeine and acetaminophen (Tylenol) works wonders. On the East Coast, they sell headache powders (Goody's is one brand, BC is another). They taste awful, but the locals here swear by them. Instead of buying Excedrin, I take the...
  2. stephaniein29

    Your fitness tips?

    I love exercising on my underwear! hahaha
  3. stephaniein29

    Your fitness tips?

    I know we all have discovered our tricks for making fitness more convenient, fun, etc. I'd love to hear yours! Here's a few of mine: 1) exercise clothes: I love wearing my husband's running shorts, especially his "silkies" (Marine Corps PT shorts); I prefer plain cotton shirts over the...
  4. stephaniein29

    Memorable lines said by an instructor

    Sometimes Cathe will say something like "step knee straddle, step knee face front" and it startles me. Her "step knee" sounds like Stephanie to me. I feel like I'm being singled out. haha. Hey, wouldn't it be awesome to buy a Cathe video where she says your name? :-). "C'mon, Suzy, what you...
  5. stephaniein29

    Let's Get Busy

    Terminator: IMAX Xtreme! Just finished up IMAX Xtreme. Whew! Between work, grad school, and family life today, I'm slammed. The house is a mess, but I just said screw it, I'm working out! I don't care if it's late. So the laundry is unfolded, the dishes unwashed, but I'm feeling great...
  6. stephaniein29

    How did you start working out?

    I find myself working more since I started using the Workout Manager. I love logging in my workouts! I also give myself permission to change DVDs if I'm bored or overwhelmed by the workout that day. Sometimes I'll realize during the warm up that there's another workout I'd rather do at that...
  7. stephaniein29

    Wish/Request for the 2012 Workout dvds!

    Some days, I want a straight forward athletic step-type workout. Other days, I really need to reverse mambo and figure 8. The dancy stuff just puts me in a good mood. :-). I like having a variety of Cathe's step videos handy to suit my mood.
  8. stephaniein29


    Very interesting! I was wondering that myself. :-)
  9. stephaniein29

    Crushed it!

    Low Impact Circuit Low Impact Circuit (aka, the green outfit in the woods video) I dusted it off and realized that I forgotten how much fun it was! The push up segment is great. Plus, I love the Christopher Cross song routine ("walk walk turn...")! What a great way to finish off a...
  10. stephaniein29

    Ideas for gear storage?

    My husband bought the dial-a-weights for himself, but I've put on 99% of the mileage! He works out vigorously his unit at work, so this "must have" purchase for him in 2005 has become my essential gear! haha! My win! I love them. They're space-efficient and less costly (look for a good...
  11. stephaniein29

    Gym Styles - Legs - Please help me decide

    I agree with everyone on this! Invest in a foam roller or tennis ball for deep tissue massage afterwards! Calves! Yikes!
  12. stephaniein29

    Ideas for gear storage?

    I hear you! Before I moved into our current place, I had to use the living room. I would push my step beneath our "entertainment center" (which really was an old buffet) and stack the risers next to it. Not beautiful, but it was neat to have the step "staring at me" when I was loafing around...
  13. stephaniein29


    "But who needs the gym when we have Cathe?!?! " I totally agree. I have access to many amazing FREE gym facilities here on my military base, but I consistently stick to Cathe because her workouts are tougher and more motivating. Going to the gym was fun before I became a mom. Now, the...
  14. stephaniein29

    What is your diet lifesyle?

    So true about the produce! That's the main difference between our healthy weight family and the overweight families in our neighborhood. Our cart isn't filled with packaged food. Does any else think the produce crispers on the fridge are too small? Half of my fridge is produce! And it's...
  15. stephaniein29

    The benefits of previewing a workout

    I hear you! I remember being frustrated with both videos at first. It's hard when you have a go-to video (mine at the time was Body Max 2) where you know the choreography. I have to say though Step Moves is one of my favorite pick me up workouts now. I had to give myself permission to...
  16. stephaniein29

    What is your diet lifesyle?

    Focus on the vegetables (and fruit) I was fortunate to have health-conscious parents (California in the 1980s), so I have always eaten balanced, nutritious meals. Now that I'm 33, I am trying to teach my daughter (aged 6) about the importance of eating well and exercising. We eat a wide...
  17. stephaniein29

    Cookbook Recommendations

    I really enjoy using Deceptively Delicious and its sequel, Doubly Delicious. I love to purée veggies and stick them in foods my family and coworkers eat. The recipes are quick and easy.
  18. stephaniein29


    I'm a mom of 6 year-old, so I know where you're coming from!!! I tend to workout after my kid's bedtime (around 8 pm). I sometimes workout in the mornings but I find that I can work more intensely at night. Sometimes, I have to force myself leave some laundry unfolded or dirty dishes in the...
  19. stephaniein29

    Pics of your workout space

    Hey everyone! I was curious what everyone else's home fitness area looks like! Mine started out in the living (push the ottoman out of the way and ta da!). When we moved, I claimed dibs on the "den." I'd love to see your Cathe zones!
  20. stephaniein29

    Love step!!

    I can't get enough of step. Keep 'em coming! I find myself reaching for "dancier" workouts like Step Moves lately. It makes me so happy!