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  1. lcobb2

    Local Travel

    I live locally. Is it possible to participate via a day trip?
  2. lcobb2

    Thanks so much!

    Hi Cathe, This is not an "ask" question, but just a shout out to you for your generosity in spending time with me after meeting you on Friday, December 23rd after your 9:30 a.m. class. My (relatively) short travel out to NJ from Hershey, PA (from Chicago) was the highlight of my entire trip...
  3. lcobb2

    Will you have products for me to buy on December 23rd?

    Hi Cathe, I will see you at your gym on the 23rd to take your class and I'm bringing my DVDs and calendars for you to sign. :D Do you have a "fan shop" in which I might be able to purchase some other DVDs or Cathe products?
  4. lcobb2

    Teaching over the holidays?

    Hi Cathe, I'm coming to your gym December 22--27. I was wondering if you'll be teaching and also if I could bring some of my DVD sleeves for you to sign. Thanks!
  5. lcobb2

    EB Tour - Chicago

    Chicago please Yes, please Chicago. If you also announce it via our email, that would be awesome as well. I don't check the forums as much as I used to, but soooooooooooo want to see Cathe live. Thanks so much!
  6. lcobb2

    EB Tour - Chicago

    Yes, Please Chicago!!!
  7. lcobb2

    yoga x

    I thought it was okay, but I'm a RYT at the 200+ level. For beginners, it's sufficient, and maybe a little advanced. For advanced yogis, it's not enough. I love Bryan Kest, but more of his audio CDs rather than his DVDs, which are a little short time-wise.
  8. lcobb2

    When I am bored I eat

    These are awesome questions. I, too, eat when I'm bored and it's an ongoing problem, but these questions are the exact ones that I ask myself as well.
  9. lcobb2

    Baby's first laugh!!!

    Not back yet. We fly on Thursday. Keep the BB info coming!!! :D What I love the most is that he sees me being fit. I do pushups and kiss him as I come down and sit ups with him in my lap. It's so cute!!
  10. lcobb2

    Baby's first laugh!!!

    Well, a lot of it was baby weight, water, blood, etc. Yes, staying active was key, but the big part was "diet" (hate that word). I didn't eat for two, I ate doubly (is that a word???) healthy. That was the biggest issue for not-so-much weight gain and losing the weight. Now the challenge is...
  11. lcobb2

    Baby's first laugh!!!

    Hi wonderwoman, No worries. I don't post much now with the little one. Thanks for the congrats. I didn't find it hard at all to stay fit because I made sure that I did something every day even if it was just walk. I lost the baby weight in about a week, but I didn't gain much (about 15...
  12. lcobb2

    Baby's first laugh!!!

    Oprah got my baby's first laugh and I'm so jealous! We're watching her 20th year DVD set, which we already had. He just fed and is watching the DVD with the "favorite things." He's all smiles and I'm envious!!! :D
  13. lcobb2

    Behind the Scenes Feature for CatheTV?

    Yes, bloopers please!
  14. lcobb2

    Yeah, Chicago!

    Oh please be sure to post the dates and locations!!! I want to attend as I couldn't do the RT as I'm moving back to Chicago in two weeks!!!
  15. lcobb2

    Question for personal trainers

    Good question. Not sure about that. I'm cert. with AFAA. I would just start asking questions--why s/he went with that organization, when certified, how hard was it to get certified, what was the study/exam like??? If the trainer talks about it, you'll likely be able to tell. If s/he avoids a...
  16. lcobb2


    Gosh I wish I could be there! Moving to Chicago very soon, so I'm in Europe salivating over the photos!
  17. lcobb2

    Billing ? for Personal Trainers

    Great question. Since you don't know this person, I would request payment up front for everything (i.e., assessment and training). Do you use Paypal? Otherwise, you could let her/him know before s/he comes to your house. Have fun!
  18. lcobb2

    So where are YOU located? :)

    Heidelberg, Germany
  19. lcobb2

    Figure Competitions

    Go for it! I've done one and earned 4th place. It was a blast! The training was tough, but the dieting was harder. Check out my photos in my profile and feel free to pm me if you have questions. Good luck!
  20. lcobb2

    Delusion, or right where I need to be?

    Woah. As a personal trainer, I say, yes overtraining for sure. That's a lot of exercise. What are your goals? Dropping weight, leaning out, endorphin rush? That's a lot of cardio. Depending on your goals, you may not be reaching them due to the amount of cardio that you're doing.