Search results

  1. holisticbody

    Who Will be Person of the Year 2008

    Hey, not so fast there! Likewise, Adolf Hitler was very intelligent too! As are virtually all serial killers (If you really want to go that route). And I could also go on about how Obama is nothing more than a corrupt Chicago politician, citing many examples, but of course, his adoring...
  2. holisticbody

    Who Will be Person of the Year 2008

    Sarah Palin ... I've loved that woman since before she was even the VP nominee! She was such a breath of fresh air being the only candidate who was truly a Washington outsider. She took on her own party up in Alaska and exposed a lot of corruption (of course the MSM never focused on her...
  3. holisticbody

    Argh! ... just need some reassurance that Rhythmic Step is learnable!

    Thanks for the replies everyone... you've given me another glimmer of hope with this one. ;) I decided to try the 'learn one segment at a time' approach using just the step and no risers. Last night I did 'Low Max' to make sure I got my cardio workout in and then did the first segment of...
  4. holisticbody

    Argh! ... just need some reassurance that Rhythmic Step is learnable!

    Tried "Rhythmic Step" for the first time tonight and frankly I was totally lost for more than half of the workout. I can't imagine what I must have looked like except for maybe a ranting, wandering lunatic. Now I have mastered all the steps in "Body Max 2" and "Low Max" and have been doing...
  5. holisticbody


    Thanks for all the suggestions! Nikko was actually one of the names I was considering, as well as Bodhi (I also like "mystical" names) and mythical God names. His personality is veeery friendly and hyperactive, as well as fiesty and headstrong! He was also born on HALLOWEEN! Here's his...
  6. holisticbody


    Okay, so I got a new puppy a week ago and still haven't named the little pooch. I need a good name for a small dog (he's a yorkie), male of course. But I'd like to name him something unique, or at least relatively uncommon, exotic even, yet fittingly cute and easy to pronounce. I've...
  7. holisticbody

    Is ANYONE staying on track....

    I don't think I'm doing too bad as I tend to eat relatively small portians anyway, but I have been taking in more junk than normal, especially since everyone in my family has been cooking and baking up a storm! However, I have been staying on track with my workouts, doing about 2 hours of...
  8. holisticbody

    Did Pyramid Upper & Lower for the first time!

    I just did PUB yesterday (followed by Low Max), and PLB tonight (followed by BM2 - timesaver cardio & abs). All I can say is ... WOW! For the first time I actually have DOMS in my PECTORIAL muscles!! I have never known what that feels like! I also have DOMS in my Biceps as well, which...
  9. holisticbody


    >No, the mansion setting doesn't automatically make it an old >Firm. I think of "old" Firms as the Classics Volumes 1 through >6. Anna continued to film using the mansion set long after >those volumes were produced. Super Cardio Mix is a >compilation but it is not a complilation of the...
  10. holisticbody


    Thank you for that list Gin! I know that several of these videos have been re-issued on DVD, with some of them being sliced up and/or compiled together, which can make it a bit confusing in trying to seperate the old FIRMs from the new. Basically, if it has a "mansion setting" does that...
  11. holisticbody

    What do you say to people when...

    I'm especially tired of FAT being the new CURVY, and hearing overweight women constantly refer to themselves as CURVY, or that "real women have curves," and implying that all thin women are NOT curvy. "Curvaciousness" has absolutely NOTHING to do with what size dress a woman wears. Rather, it...
  12. holisticbody


    Thank God someone asked this! I would like to know too as I'm considering hunting down every OLD Firm workout there is (I have a few) and purchasing those which have been re-released on DVD. The very first workout video I started with was the FIRM's "Body Sculpting Basics" and 'til this day...
  13. holisticbody

    Best Cathe non-step workouts

    I used to be completely terrified of trying Step aerobics - it just seemed too complicated and dancey to me. But I kept reading how great of a workout it was, and that you could reap greater benefits doing fairly low impact Step aerobics than high-impact workouts on the floor. I started with...
  14. holisticbody

    What do you say to people when...

    I agree that most likely people are just JEALOUS. I also frequently hear other OVERWEIGHT WOMEN remark on how "skinny" I am, although I know I am not even close to being underweight. Granted, I'm very small/petite, but that's just my build, and I find such remarks to be just as rude and...
  15. holisticbody

    Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm his butt...

    RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ... >Hey...what's that little pink thing on the floor? Is that >his "workout ball"? (haha) > > LOL! I noticed the same thing! Kitty has his own-sized medicine ball.
  16. holisticbody

    Why does doing Cardio next day help ease DOMS?

    I always stretch thoroughly after any workout. However, I've noticed that whenever I have DOMS in my legs/butt the day after doing a weighted workout, it is eased almost immediately if I do a Cardio workout and actually speads up my recovery time. Anyone know why that might be? You'd think it...
  17. holisticbody

    Do Cathe's comments ever make you laugh?

    That also reminds me. I just ordered "Pyramid Upper & Lower Body" (can't wait for it to arrive!) and was watching the preview of it. There's a part where Cathe is doing the calve raises using the barbell for support and says "Now this is here to help balance you a bit, but ..." then she slumps...
  18. holisticbody

    Why women don't topple over when pregnant....

    So basically, if MEN could get pregnant they in fact WOULD topple over! That's awesome to know!:7
  19. holisticbody

    Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm his butt...

    RE: Cathe! My cat wants to know if this will help firm ... Well, Cathe always does instruct her participants to watch the workout once through before actually doing it ... And yes, I agree your kitty is gorgeous. I absolutely love cats!
  20. holisticbody

    Do Cathe's comments ever make you laugh?

    Oh, I know. Sometimes I feel like she's watching me through the TV screen, as she'll make a comment that relates to exactly what I'm thinking or doing at that very moment. I also like the part on BM2 when she's near the end of the cardio portion, and says "Work, work!" and then laughingly...