Do Cathe's comments ever make you laugh?


Active Member
I just got "Low Max" last week and am currently learning the moves.
There's a part during the blasts where she's doing lunges on the step which really fatigues the legs.

Something about the music shift at one point at the same moment when she says "Keep your back straight, We're not like this ... " while quickly demonstrating an incorrect, hunched over position caused me to burst out in laughter! Anyone that's done the video certainly knows what part I'm referring to.

It's was hilarious. Especially since I WAS hunched over just like that and had to straighten up!

Loving the video so far. I like that it incorporates all those high-rep lower body blasts while maintaining an aerobic pace. Just the thing I was looking for. :)
Oh yes, Cathe is constantly entertaining -- that's part of why we love her!

I know exactly the scene you are referring to -- and I am usually hunched over at that particular moment too!
Sure her comments make me laugh sometimes. and growl too - like when she says 8 more reps and I feel like my arm is going to fall off.
Comments and even sounds. She uses lots of sounds (da-DAH when showing the slam-its on LM blast 4-I think), and I always anticipate them and smile or laugh. Today I did IMAX 2 and on one of the blasts where you are going across the top of the bench with the 1-2-3 count, she tells you to sit into the uneven squat part and emphasizes with 2 Unhhhhs in a row--kills me. Also, the classic "I know you're tired, but jump higher" is on blast 10 of this one.
Her comments totally crack me up. On the newest series, she's doing seated rear delt raises and says something like, "draw me a smiley face, cause I know your happy!" which makes me laugh every time. Also, on KickMax, one of the blasts, I think it's the second set of plie jumps, she says to do them, then pauses - and then, knowing that you're swearing at the screen, she kind of tips her her head, gets this look on her face and says, "what was that?" Like she totally heard you just let loose with a string of expletives at her. Her timing is impeccalbe on that one! Get's me every time.
Oh, I know. Sometimes I feel like she's watching me through the TV screen, as she'll make a comment that relates to exactly what I'm thinking or doing at that very moment.

I also like the part on BM2 when she's near the end of the cardio portion, and says "Work, work!" and then laughingly remarks "Crackin' that whip again!" }( ... as if she can hear me begging for mercy!
Oh yes, all the time! I often talk back to her too, like when she says "How are you doing at home?" I usually answer "I need an ambulance but I'm here." I swear at her sometimes too, but it's all with love :D

This is why I like to work out alone at home with no witnesses.:p

Think of how boring it would be without her remarks! I think half the reason I love her stuff is her personality shining through. And the other half is the quality of her work, which can't be denied.
I love her commentary, especially during the last few reps of some brutal lower body weight move when she says, "Legs are shakin'!" since mine have already hit the "tremble zone". It makes me feel better. ITA that her fun personality is a huge part of her appeal (along with her quality, innovativeness, etc.) I was fortunate enough to go on the last road trip and she is SOOOOOO sweet in person and wickedly funny during her live workouts. She's just genuinely wonderful!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
My personal favorites are from Circuit Max and Drill Max.

Circuit Max:

"Do the monkey arms . . . okay, I'll leave out the monkey sounds . . . they were waitin' for 'em back there!"

and Drill Max (the demon blast #5):

"Are you really doing these at home? Or are you just watching us swing around here?"

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
>Her comments totally crack me up. On the newest series,
>she's doing seated rear delt raises and says something like,
>"draw me a smiley face, cause I know your happy!" which makes
>me laugh every time.

This one makes me laugh also, every time!:7
I love Cathe's contagious giggles! PUB during biceps and PLB on the stability ball - she lets out these little giggles that just kill me!!! It's like she's trying hard to be serious but the giggles get the better of her... it's just so genuine and cute!
That also reminds me. I just ordered "Pyramid Upper & Lower Body" (can't wait for it to arrive!) and was watching the preview of it. There's a part where Cathe is doing the calve raises using the barbell for support and says "Now this is here to help balance you a bit, but ..." then she slumps over and rests on it while saying "We're not leaning on it for dear life, okay?"

Totally cracked me up!

... and yet somehow, I have a gut feeling I will be 'leaning it for dear life' my first time through the workout! ;-)
There's one where you're on the floor and she says we're going to do planks. I always go "Oh man, I forgot about these..." and just when I have that negative thought she says "ohhhh, stop your groaning..." She knows.
>There's one where you're on the floor and she says we're
>going to do planks. I always go "Oh man, I forgot about
>these..." and just when I have that negative thought she says
>"ohhhh, stop your groaning..." She knows.

There's another place on Imax 2 (I can't remember where exactly) when she says "Oh, yes you can" when she starts another drill on the other side . . . I laugh every time because I'm always thinking, "No, I can't!" I just love her comments!!:)

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