Do Cathe's comments ever make you laugh?

I did HIS with Chest and Back this morning and also in Step Combo 3 where we have our backs to the TV and she's says 'it's okay, I know you have your backs to us' and then she has us do the side ups and she says with a big smile...'here we are!' I just crack up! It's like she really is imagining all of us working out with her.

I love it!
I recently did one of her lower body workouts. I can't recall which one it was, but her comment was, 'I am shaking like a chihuahua".
I had to stop the video and get rid of the giggles before I could finish. Love the comments:)
>I recently did one of her lower body workouts. I can't
>recall which one it was, but her comment was, 'I am shaking
>like a chihuahua".
>I had to stop the video and get rid of the giggles before I
>could finish. Love the comments:)

That's Slow and Heavy Bi's and Tri's, I believe. I LOVE that comment too! Always has me crackin' a smile right when I think I'm going to die!!

In Pure Strength Legs when doing the floor inner thigh lifts, Cathe says prior to the second set, "ok we're going to go a little longer, but, not quite as long cuz I know you're tired". First time I heard that "we're going to go a little longer" I thought I'd choke until she says the second half .. ha ha..


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