Who Will be Person of the Year 2008

Since it can be a person who stands for good or evil, brilliance or stupidity, I would say George Bush for having bungled America's economy,national security,and somewhat respectable position in the world......or Barack Obama for being stupid enough to take on, what George Bush termed, the greatest mess since the verge of the great depression........

Or, how about them scientists who are finding ways to treat stem cells/bone marrow to cure aids????

Or how about RFK JR - who could out millionaire Trump a billion times over, and bask among boats and beauties, but who works tirelessly and angrily to clean up the toxins being spilled into our water and air?

I enjoy Sarah Palin, and think once she's better educated, she stands a great future...likely as a Democrat since that is how she consistently votes - extremely socially liberal except for abortion....but she has broken no barriers, attained not extraordinary education, she achieved what she has because of the feminists before her.....not her time.....not yet....I do believe we could see great things from her....
Sarah Palin ... I've loved that woman since before she was even the VP nominee!

She was such a breath of fresh air being the only candidate who was truly a Washington outsider.

She took on her own party up in Alaska and exposed a lot of corruption (of course the MSM never focused on her remarkable record).

She consisitantly enjoys the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country. Alaska is one of the most pro-liberty / personal rights-oriented states.

She balanced a billion dollar budget and turned a defecit into a surplus (none of the other candidates in the election have ever run anything but apparently that was a non-issue).

She rightfully in my opinion, dismissed a public commisioner who not only beat his ex-wife but also refused to even dicipline her former brother-in-law who admitted to tasering her nephew, shooting a moose illegally and driving while intoxicated (now what woman here wouldn't have done the same thing? And course, the MSM didn't bother to include these facts either)

She pretty much governs according to the consitution even if she personally disagrees with a particular issue (she's basically a conservative or right-leaning "libertarian").

She has proven herself to be incredibly strong and unwavering in the face of the worst public onslaught of smears, lies and distortions that I have ever witnessed on a person in my life.

She's very athletic and works out consistantly. ;)

She knows how to use a gun!

She balances a home, five children and a demanding career - an example of real feminism.

She is hated by the mainstream media, the Democratic establishment, The Republican establishment, Washington insiders and the Hollywood elite, which tells me she must be a really good person!

I agree, we haven't seen the last of her and I think she's better off now that she's been freed from the McCain campaign who mishandled her horribly and did her absolutely no justice. Now she can just be herself, say whatever she wants, brush up on international affairs (which she will - she's incredibly smart) and will probably run for President later on.

Enough of the ole boys network. I'm ready to have a woman in the white house!
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Actually, the MSM did an unusually outstanding job of showing us Sarah Palin. You probably chose to ignore it because it didn't measure up the the fantasy she prefers to showcase:

Palin balanced the Alaska budget thanks to the $4+/ gallon the rest of us paid for gas this year. Yes, quite an accomplishment. We'll see how she does not that oil prices are down from the statosphere.

Her "intelligence" was well presented during those "tricky" Katie Couric interviews, not to mention her mastery of complex economic issues. Also.

Palin has a uterus and knows how to use it. My mother had 9 kids--does that qualify her for higher office?

She knows how to use a gun. So do many convicted criminals.

Re: her ex-BIL. If you haven't read the full report, don't bother repeating the Sean Hannity version. You will learn interesting things about Palin's father and his control over his daughters' lives.

Her taking on the good ole boys is a farce. She ran Ted Stevens PAC for 2 years.

She was "for the bridge to nowhere until she was against it" but kept the $400 million she requested anyway. She built the $3M highway to nowhere though. (the road to the bridge)

Her interest in special needs children is newly acquired and devoid of science, not surprisingly. The speech she gave in late October criticizing fruit fly research was particularly moronic given that fruit fly research is the cutting edge for understanding autism spectrum disorders. See, that pesky DNA humans have in common with other species can be useful, unless of course, you don't believe in evolution.

George Bush is a fitness nut too. That didn't work out too well, did it?

We don't need "likeable" people in higher office. We need smart people who can see 6 moves ahead in the game to look for unintended consequences and worst case scenarios, not frat boys and photogenic moms without serious brain power for rigorous debate and discussion.

I'll stop now because you probably won't read anymore.

I vote for Barack Obama for person of the year. He wasn't my first choice for the Dem nominee but I came to admire him enormously. He is intelligent (what a change!) and considers multiple factors when facing an issue (what a change!). His personal story could only happen in America (as he has said) and that makes America once again the great shining beacon hope she was meant to be.
Sorry but I have to say it--Sarah Palin--I truly hope I have seen and HEARD the last of her. I am not mainstream media, not the Washington establishment, not hardcore Republican or Democrat. And I am less than impressed with Sara Palin.
I'll stop now because you probably won't read anymore.

Hey, not so fast there!

Likewise, Adolf Hitler was very intelligent too! As are virtually all serial killers (If you really want to go that route).

And I could also go on about how Obama is nothing more than a corrupt Chicago politician, citing many examples, but of course, his adoring fans never seem to mind and even make excuses for all of them.

I posted nothing demeaning or insulting to any person on this forum, I could personally care less who you or anyone else voted for, and yet you singled me out with your rather insulting even hateful, fringe-leftist rhetoric that has become quite typical of so many people who follow 'the messiah' like a bunch of cultists. They look down on anyone else who never quite experienced an 'Obama awakening' like they're stupid, senseless, unenlightened animals. I never said any of those things I mentioned automatically qualified Sarah Palin to be President, and was actually being rather lighthearted in my post. Either you didn't 'get it' or like so many women especially, you possess such a vitriol personal hated of Sarah Palin you simply can't resist taking it out on anyone who happens to like her.

However, a person doesn't become Governor of a state, I don't care who they are, by being "stupid". Nor do they enjoy the highest approval ratings of any Govenor in the country by being an incompetent idiot either, whether or not you like them or agree with their political views.

I don't dispute that Sarah Palin said some stupid things. But what about Barack Obama when he said he'd campaigned in 57 states, or Joe Biden when he told Katie Couric that FDR got on television during the Great Depresssion when of course, the TV hadn't yet been invented and FDR wasn't even the president at the time?

Sarah Palin didn't make anywhere near the number of outrageous gaffes that Joe Biden did, and yet I'd never consider him stupid.

As for "change," Obama is already staffing his cabinet full of former Clinton staffers. Now that's all fine and dandy, but if you wanted a Clinton third term you all should have just nominated Hillary. She was certainly MUCH more qualified than him (as well as Joe Biden - at least according to Joe Biden!).

The bottom line is that the MSM gave Obama a free pass and practically acted as an arm for the Obama campaign, yet they hammered the other candidates (Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton got it the worse - by far) and sorry to say (or not) but we're all in for some big surprises over the next four years when it becomes apparent that Obama can't create world peace, nor make radical Islamic extremist suddenly want to put down their weapons and be our best friend, provide free, quality healthcare for all, give everyone a good paying job, end global poverty and hunger, or heal the planet.

Oh and by the way, the same MSM used to love Sarah Palin and even had great things to say about her when she used to provide them with interviews, just like they used to love John McCain. That all changed of course when she suddenly became a threat to their newly dear chosen One. Fickle, aren't they?

The Sean Hannity comment is also appreciated ... as if I can't tell that you get all of your "news" from MSNBC, The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post and Moveon.org (afterall, you found it appropriate to make assumptions about me).

Personally, I'd love to see everyone who voted for that $700 billion dollar socialist bailout booted out of office ... that includes Bush, McCain, Obama and most of Congress!
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.... and she shoots and eats moose

Good point - any women who can take down and dress a moose in 10 minutes has my vote!

It will probably be Obama - which I don't agree with. He got elected with a ton of help and money and has yet to prove himself on the world stage - operative word being PROVE not PRESENT. I would be more apt to vote for him after he has a year or two or three under his belt and has truly changed things. Yeah his story can be inspiring but there are many inspiring story lines out there that you just don't hear about.

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