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    baked spaghetti/lasagna recipe needed

    This recipe got great reviews, I am used to freezing different kinds of lasagna, I think this one will freeze fine: I haven't tried it.
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    Tell me about your make-up

    I am a stay at home mom too, I know what you are going through. DH was posted overseas for a year so I had no reason to look cute anymore, I really let myself go. I am going back to school and that helped me take better care of myself, I wear minimal makeup: maybelline mascara ( sometimes...
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    Missed you guys!!! (Pics)

    wow, great pictures, you look good by the way! I have a fear of heights too.
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    Please Vote for my Friends!!

    I voted.
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    cathe on ebay

    I have bought from Advanced Workout twice, no problems.
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    Instant reaction to bad food

    I went to a Korean restaurant for the first time today, I enjoyed the salad bar, I had a mushroom salad, some other veggies too, I was fine. But as soon as I stated eating the less "clean" food, I started getting tired, light headed, I couldn't keep my eyes open. This happens to me all the...
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    Insole recommendations, anyone?

    >I don't know what mine are called but I got them last week >when I was fitted for new running shoes at the New Balance >store. I went in with a list of shoe recommendations from New >Balance online customer service and the guy told me none of >their recommendations were right for me. They...
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    i am shocked beyond words-warning personal

    Wow, he crossed a line here. If I were in your situation I wouldn't let him come in anymore, I am afraid that he will not ask for your permission next time? My parents always told me to have somebody, a friend, in the house with me if I am expecting a repair guy. I am shocked that he didn't...
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    I am sold on CC, now which one should I get?

    I haven't worked out in a long, long time. I feel bad because I bought a Precor elliptical almost a year ago and did not use it much because the bottom of my feet hurt badly when I increased resistance. I am gradually building the courage to workout again. I listened to cc music samples and I...
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    Frustrated with potty training.

    No advice to offer, but I am dealing with the same situation with DD without success. She will be 3 in September.
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    I need help with an seller and shipping

    She didn't send the book in a box but in one of those express shipping envelopes. The envelope got ripped and the book is wet and humid at the binding. It is a better deal for her that I offered to pay for extra shipping so I don't know why she is asking for more. I'll check at the post office...
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    I need help with an seller and shipping

    I purchased two textbooks from two different sellers and picked $3.99 shipping rate. I then realized I was not going to get my books on time and decided to email sellers and offered to pay the difference if they sent it expedited shipping. they both agreed. One seller told me the amount she...
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    I haven't followed the discussion about this DVD, does it work the core only or is it a full body workout. What size kettlebell is reccommeded? Thanks, sarah
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    How DO you age gracefully?

    LauraMax, please don't feel bad about the "up there" comment. A friend of mine described to me his new girlfriend a few years ago as being "up there" and she was 28!! I was only 28 at that time and didn't take it very well.
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    Tae Bo Boot Camp set with tubes

    I went to TJMaxx today and saw this Tae Bo Boot Camp set with tubes for $19.99: does anyone have it, what do you think of the workouts and the intensity, is it worth having...
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    My own kiosk at the mall?

    A friend of mine gave me the idea of opening our own kiosk at the mall, it would be open from November through mid-January. I never thought about it much until recently, I am taking busness and accounting classes, I am gaining a lot of confidence and feel that I could handle the challenge...
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    Aging quiz

    since the quiz is about aging, my answer would be: genes.
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    O.K. Ladies, let's talk skin care!!!

    I am using the Incredible Pumpkin Peel from MyChelle once a week, you leave it on for only 5 mins, it makes my skin feel soft. It is a good product and didn't give any irritation.
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    Asking DH for a separation

    You and your kids deserve the best!! Life will eventually get better, just be patient. Good luck, I will be praying for you and your kids. Big hug!!