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  1. G

    March 08 Rotation

    I don't have the Low Max video..what do you suggest I do as a substitution?
  2. G

    Question on July 07 Rotation??

    I have only done the first Mon-Thurs exercises and I will say that what I have done was added on an ABS work-out or say an extra cardio routine to make each one an hour's work-out. For today's workout, I really hate treadmill runs...but I know I have to I did an interval in a...
  3. G

    July 07 Rotation

    Since the Treadmill Intervel Run came the day after a 4th of July BBQ...I am SO VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!! Thank you, Cathe!!!!
  4. G

    So, I've been noticing

    >This would be a Day to Day thing for me...:) > >I blame it either on TOM, or what I ate. >I was depressed the other night, I did my measurements, I felt >really bloated...I am guessing it was all the water I drank. >Well, the measurements were a little different the next >morning, has...
  5. G

    So, I've been noticing

    >Yeah, to me, that usually means it's time for new clothes. >Same size and everything, just something new. > >Time keeps me from "over-exercising". New clothes? this I like!!
  6. G

    So, I've been noticing

    >Hi Gabrielle, > >I have these days too. Today is a feeling fat day :D. The >first thing I do every morning is look at my stomach to see if >it looks fairly flat or if it looks a little bloated. It's >usually a good indicator of what the scale will say too. I >don't have a problem with...
  7. G

    So, I've been noticing

    >I get that way sometimes. Somedays I feel really good, and >others i go thru aobut 7 diff outfits before I find one that I >don't feel fat in. It is day to day for me, not months! LOL! I >think it is a woman thing! > > >Maeghan AKA megadoo > > >Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas...
  8. G

    Eating clean is simple yet soooo hard...

    >You can definitely wean yourself off of the old foods and >onto a clean eating lifestyle. It's really hard to do it cold >turkey, I think. The first step for me was identifying what >wasn't clean in my diet. Then I began eliminating a few of >those items at a time and replacing them with...
  9. G

    Eating clean is simple yet soooo hard...

    I want to get on the "Eating Clean" bandwagon, but I just can't seem to get motivated.... Is there a weaning off period? Can you do this slowly or do you have to go from enjoying certain foods to not having them anymore in an instant?
  10. G

    will butts & guts make my butt...

    I have to admit, I had a tiny "butt" myself, but doing the Cathe work-outs, it has become lifted and quite tone and tight!! Good Luck!
  11. G

    Today, I resolve to...

    *get to the post office *get to the mall to pay a bill *NOT wonder about those chocolate squares you were just talking about.....:D
  12. G

    So, I've been noticing

    that there are some months when my body looks incredibly fit...and then there are times when I look not so "hot". I'm hoping it's just my imagination or my mirrors :o ...but has this ever happened to anyone else? And if so, what do you do to keep yourself from "over-exercising"?
  13. G

    April 07 Rotation

    So far, so good.....I love your rotations Cathe!! I'm almost 42 and have never been in better shape! Thank you...