Question on July 07 Rotation??


Hi Cathe,

Thus far I have followed your rotations to the T and have them and you to thank for an increase in my fitness level and weight loss. After reviewing this months rotation I am a bit worried however, reason being I would really like to lose at least 10-13 pounds before the roadtrip. These exercises are all timesavers which is great, but I wanted to ask if you think perhaps I should still follow the rotation and add a bit extra? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am on a role as far as weight loss and getting in shape is concerned and don't want to lose momentum.

If anyone has any suggestions or advice for me I would appreciate that as well.

Thank You
I would like to see an answer to this as well, since I've got about 15 more lbs to lose. I am doing the July rotation and I figured I'd just do a longer version of all these workouts rather than the timesavers as my time allows. Plus I figure if I'm eating clean and light the weight will come off anyway.


Hi ladies. I thought the same as you. That she was being too e-z on us!! So, I'll increase workouts where I can. I'm sure Cathe was just making our workouts time-efficient so we can enjoy summer!

I did the BM2 timesaver and it was pretty intense for 6:30 am!:)
And, I know the Butts and Gutts premixes as well as Kickmax sure get my legs sore!

Maybe we're underestimating.........}(

Happy 4th all!
I have only done the first Mon-Thurs exercises and I will say that what I have done was added on an ABS work-out or say an extra cardio routine to make each one an hour's work-out.

For today's workout, I really hate treadmill runs...but I know I have to I did an interval in a different manner. I did 15 mins on a treadmill, then did some upper body work, then got on tread again for 15 and did some lower body work out and then tread again for 15 and then got off and did abs...I know I went way over an hour..but I did do the 45 mins of treadmill and added on so that I wasn't bored...adding in got me some extra exercises (especially since I had a VERY NAUGHTY 4th of JULY WITH FOOD>>>>!!!!!)

I don't have every Cathe video, so the ones I do have, I make work for me with whatever routine Cathe puts out there. So far so good...I say just keep on working out and seeing what routines work best for you. Cathe gives you's up to you to do it and then take it forward!!!
Thanks for the advice ladies!:) I decided to do the Cardio Blast 04 rotation! I figured it's a good way to pratice all the steps for the RT,since someone metioned Cathe uses her older DVD's steps! I don't want to trip over the step on the RT! LOL! Not to mention Cardio Blast is a tough one! I definatly will do the July 07 rotation right after I come back from the RT! I probably need a premix rotation after working out live with Cathe!!!}( }( }(

Hope you all enjoy the July 07 rotation!

Take care!

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