Eating clean is simple yet soooo hard...


I have found the right eating equation for my body to losing weight, but it is so hard.

They should have Sugar's Anoyomous somewhere. Ummmm, maybe I ought to start one up here in my town, or at least pass the idea along to someone who can. WW is close, but not close enough. It's not individualized enough.

If I were an alcoholic, and quit drinking or any kind of drugs (cigerettes) what have you, it would be simpler, they can be avoided for the most part. Actually, I quit smoking now 6 years and not looking back. But food is everywhere, especially bad, tempting food.
It's just not fair.

A guilty conscious plagues me, for all the yummy, yet can't so "no", Easter candy...


I know, I know.

You are obviously doing SO WELL -- look at all that you have lost!

Don't deprive yourself of everything you love, or you will fall off the wagon big time. Have a little, and make sure to tell yourself that you are having only a little!
OK, so no Easter candy for you. What about treating yourself to something else? Perhaps a pedicure or a shopping trip with the girls? You worked be good to yourself. :)
Easier said than done. I started a 60 day challenge in another post, because I need the extra discipline. I kept finding myself "sneaking" jelly beans and chocolate kisses from my kids easter basket. Grrrrr. I'm so bad sometimes. And to top it off we had "Lasagna" for Easter lunch, dinner, lunch and dinner again. No matter how much I told myself it was "healthy" I knew I was fooling myself. So this check-in will be good.

60 days No Fast-Food/Restaurant/Sugar/"-ose"

Not sure on the title yet.

I feel your pain Carrie. Sugar is hard to avoid. What if you allow yourself one sugary thing per day? AND not feel guilty about it...

I have been able to cut sugar out of my diet to an extent. I cannot cut it out of my coffee. I have an iced coffee once a day with 2 sugars and 2 splenda. That's my treat. I get one every morning after I drop my DD off at school when I'm on my way into work and I savor it. It's just part of my diet. Calories already accounted for so that I have no reason to feel guilty.
If there were a Mountian Dew Anonymous I would defitnitely sign on. I totally know what you're talking's socially acceptable---therefore harder to discipline IMO. When I quite smoking 10 years ago, I think it was easier b/c it wasn't socially acceptable. Noone is going to think badly of me for downing a can of pop (how are they to know it's my 5th of the day?)!!!

I once cut all carbs out of my diet for 10 days just to get things in control. I felt ssoooooooooooooo good, and my cravings were gone. Why did I have to begin eating those chocolate chip cookies??!?!? ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Why does it have to be "all or nothing?" Giving up sugar forever is just not realistic. It usually works out better to give yourself permission to have sugar in some form once a day, or once a week, which requires you to do without for six days at a time. It's not the same as quitting smoking or drinking - you really CAN still have sugar, but have a plan for moderation. I'm one of the biggest sugarholics out there, but have learned how to be constrained with once weekly treat days.
I tend to agree. I try to focus on eating healthful (I don't care for the term "clean") meals and if I have a bit of sugar during the day so be it. That may not be an option for others but beating oneself up over having some treats on occasion doesn't seem like a very effective solution either.
I want to get on the "Eating Clean" bandwagon, but I just can't seem to get motivated....

Is there a weaning off period? Can you do this slowly or do you have to go from enjoying certain foods to not having them anymore in an instant?
You can definitely wean yourself off of the old foods and onto a clean eating lifestyle. It's really hard to do it cold turkey, I think. The first step for me was identifying what wasn't clean in my diet. Then I began eliminating a few of those items at a time and replacing them with clean foods. It's been a process for me and I still allow myself a few cheats here and there.
>You can definitely wean yourself off of the old foods and
>onto a clean eating lifestyle. It's really hard to do it cold
>turkey, I think. The first step for me was identifying what
>wasn't clean in my diet. Then I began eliminating a few of
>those items at a time and replacing them with clean foods.
>It's been a process for me and I still allow myself a few
>cheats here and there.

See, I nod my head to everything you are saying here...and then I think about cheese. I really do love cheese...and carbs. :(
>>You can definitely wean yourself off of the old foods and
>>onto a clean eating lifestyle. It's really hard to do it
>>turkey, I think. The first step for me was identifying what
>>wasn't clean in my diet. Then I began eliminating a few of
>>those items at a time and replacing them with clean foods.
>>It's been a process for me and I still allow myself a few
>>cheats here and there.
>See, I nod my head to everything you are saying here...and
>then I think about cheese. I really do love cheese...and
>carbs. :(

Lol, hence the cheats here and there. I refuse to give up my cheese too! I work at a steakhouse in the evenings and the idea of life without their hot rolls and cinnamon butter is also unfathomable for me. ;)
Until I get it under control, it turns out to be a sugar binge fest. It's just not possible for me to have little here and there, at least not yet. Believe me I have tried, "once a week or a little now and then", but something in me always take over and I lose control. It's like there's no one in the driver's seat anymore. It's almost like a sickness I think:(

I'm sure one day I'll be able to have some sugary treats every now and then, but for now I have to learn to live without it, before I can learn to live with it. I hope that makes sense.

Perhaps the root of the problem is not sugar but something else that is bothering you? I know how hard it is with so many temptations. I still say if you are skipping something you enjoy so much you will need to treat yourself in other ways but of course if you're like me (or Carrie Bradshaw) you might end up with a hundred pairs of shoes ;-)

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