Search results

  1. M

    Odd question for y'all

    husband or no, as a common courtesy he should let you know when he'll be home and where he'll be until then. also as kind of a safety issue. i don't think it is controlling to desire to have information like general whereabouts and schedule from a person with whom one shares a life. if...
  2. M

    Open Houses - Waste of Time for Sellers?

    My husband & I bought our home last year - we saw it at an open house. It was not on any of our realtor's lists so I don't believe we would have seen it otherwise. I think the open house is worth a shot. --Laura
  3. M

    microload 2 lbs per glove??

    EXCELLENT idea!! Thank you for passing it on :)
  4. M

    microload 2 lbs per glove??

    I'm an idiot and while typing fit by cathe just figured out who FBC is...
  5. M

    question for fit by cathe only please

    Are you still planning on selling 2 lb per glove micro load gloves and if so is there a time line or should I make other arrangements/ Thank you. --Laura
  6. M

    microload 2 lbs per glove??

    who is FBC?
  7. M

    microload 2 lbs per glove??

    Just wondering if Fit by Cathe is still planning on offering the micro load gloves that go up to 2 lbs per glove? I may have misunderstood and the only gloves may be the 1 lb per glove? Thanks for your help. --Laura
  8. M

    New Fitness by Cathe products

    Is Fitness by Cathe still planning on offering the 2 lbs/glove micro load gloves - just wondering because if not I have to make other plans - I would really like to begin using these asap, preferably during this rotation of STS. Thanks! --Laura
  9. M

    New Fitness by Cathe products

    Just a bump :)
  10. M

    Rant!! (Fair warning!)

    Generally speaking you are more contagious when you have not yet presented any symptoms. The best way to not get sick is not to avoid folks who are sick like the plague; but to instead take really good care of yourself eating right and all that. Stuff goes around and people get sick, I have...
  11. M

    Teenager help!

    Here's my 2 cents, I'm sure this will not be popular but here goes. I remember being 13 - everyone I knew cussed. The more adults were against this the more kids would do it. It is a phase and they are just words. I wish kids wouldn't do it too, but most grow out of the need - as a youngster...
  12. M

    workout card for STS

    This may or may not help...I entered my 1 RMs in the calculator as I finished them. I had about half of them entered when I scheduled my workouts in the calendar. After that I finished entering my 1 RMs in the 1 RM calculator. When I went to print my workout for the next day I noticed that...
  13. M

    Anyone else have a hubby doing STS with them?

    My husband and I started it yesterday - he signed up on the forum and wm too :) It was TOUGH!! We both kept mentioning what a humbling first workout it was...we are excited and scared to see what comes next! We have done some of the gym styles together and the pyramids, but have never made a...
  14. M

    WM workout card quest

    Sorry, I figured it out...
  15. M

    Question about Hydrolic Fitness Equipment

    Curves uses a specific kind of machine that is "positive only" training. This means, for example, you work your biceps as you pull up and triceps as you push down - it is also called "concentric only" training. They market this as a way to get your workout in in a half hour. Many people in...
  16. M

    I just hugged my UPS guy!!!

    Sorry I've been off the forums since I left for work yesterday so I didn't see the request for pics. I see that SNM has already posted a pic over in the STS forum. I just did some of my 1 RM's. I found it really helpful to use the list in the user guide and to preview some of the discs...
  17. M

    I just hugged my UPS guy!!!

    The user guide is fantastic!! All the things I was preparing to take notes on are in there so I don't have to do any of that work!!! I'm bummed that I have to go to work now - I just want to sit here and preview EVERY disc ;) I hope yours arrives soon Jillybean - I can't wait to hear...
  18. M

    I just hugged my UPS guy!!!

    Yippeeeeeee! I got it :) And it's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my husband is more excited about it than I am; he keeps texting to ask if it's here...IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. M

    Foreclosure Notice

    I am so sorry for all that you are going through!! I don't know much about foreclosures, but I have heard that in this climate some people are applying to the government for and receiving subsidies that help them to hold onto the house. Make sure you talk to some kind of financial expert to...
  20. M


    Agree with above I will never understand how someone who has betrayed another and says they want another chance then thinks they have the right to "not believe" in the counseling their victim is asking to share in!!! My brother is currently doing this to my sister-in-law, who is trying to mend...