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  1. J

    Toothpaste recall?

    This is just the tip of the iceberg; ALL commercial toothpaste is made of toxic chemicals. I've been making my own with a 1:1:1 mix of sea salt, baking soda, and xylitol. Dip the brush in coconut oil first, then the powder. (The coconut oil is not ABSOLUTELY necessary, the only thing that is...
  2. J

    Making my own felafel

    I would not heat safflower, corn, or sesame (or other polyunsaturated oil) unless you want a big helping of free radicals with your dinner. I use coconut for cooking, or olive if you're not willing to jump on that bandwagon.
  3. J

    eating clean

    I don't know anything about your book, but protein bars are highly processed and I wouldn't consider any of them "clean", or would at least use them only occasionally.
  4. J

    Okay, this is just insane

    Thanksgiving is my favorite too! Unpretentious, relaxed, it's all about food and getting together with family. I suppose they'll destroy that one eventually too...
  5. J

    chicago chicago chicago

    Would SE Wisconsin suffice?
  6. J


    What is wrong with butter?
  7. J

    Something I found out today about levitation holds...

    Congrats! You are stronger that I am!
  8. J

    Lowered sex drive....suggestions??

    Well, since you asked; certain foods can cause lower libido in women. If you are in your 30's there is no reason for you to have a diminished sex drive; you are still in your childbearing years. I had no desire for sex when I was on birth control pills. Otherwise, the following foods can...
  9. J

    brown sugar or white???

    Sugar in the raw, sucanat, turbinado, etc. are all refined with a small amount of molasses added to give a brown color. Basically the same as brown sugar. If you want a truly unrefined sugar product go with dehydrated cane sugar juice (Rapadura) which is rich in minerals, especially silica...
  10. J

    diet/eating programs that work for you...

    Coconut oil is made mostly of medium-chain triglycerides. These are absorbed directly by the small intestine and are less likely to be stored as fat than other fatty acids. It gives you energy and contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitical properties (from lauric acid, also found...
  11. J

    What's in your purse?

    Used to carry a palm pilot but it made my purse too heavy. wallet check book blue and black pens pencil small pad of paper cell phone screwdriver (you wouldn't believe how often this comes in handy) kleenex band-aids tons of change glasses chapstick excedrin tampons nail file...
  12. J

    diet/eating programs that work for you...

    I've been on the coconut oil bandwagon for a few years now your diet looks pretty similar to mine. I also take cod liver oil and add in raw dairy and lots of cultured/fermented foods. I do make sure to soak and/or sprout my nuts, seeds and grains before eating them. Glad to see you're...
  13. J

    LDL Lowering Diet

    I agree with you. That diet is most definitely not health promoting for anyone.
  14. J

    Health Insurance Rant

    I agree. I wish I could just buy health insurance for accidents/ER visits and save money on premiums for services I don't use like prescription drugs or doctor visits. I try to stay away from doctors unless I'm bleeding or pregnant. If you have a flexben option at work, take advantage of it...
  15. J

    Planter Warts

    Regarding the placebo effect: I heard that someone could "buy" your wart, and as long as you didn't spend the $0.25 it would go away and never come back. Otherwise apple cider vinegar is supposed to work.
  16. J

    What's the going value of wedding presents?

    I agree. Where I come from $50 is standard for cash gifts unless you're close family.
  17. J

    Anyone here going through perimenopause?

    You say you aren't consuming hormones but if you're eating heavy amounts of soy foods you're consuming high amounts of phytoestrogens, and plant estrogens are strong estrogens.
  18. J

    I ordered a book from them once and got the wrong one. They replaced it but it was annoying anyway. Have ordered from them numerous times previously and had no problems.
  19. J

    smart balance butter

    Yes, the rise in obesity has many causative factors. I didn't mean to imply that margarine was THE cause but I guess it might have sounded like that from my post.
  20. J

    smart balance butter

    To all you butter bashers: Butter contains saturated fats (only trace amounts of naturally occurring trans fat which is harmless in this case) which our bodies NEED for proper cellular and lung function and which have nourished our ancestors for millenia. It also contains vitamin A and lauric...