Something I found out today about levitation holds...


As I was sitting on my step getting ready to workout I was cross legged on a levitation hold position (butt and hands on top of the step) and for some crazy reason I just tried a levitation hold and to my amazement...I could do it perfectly! I don't know what to make of this. I can't do a levitation hold like Cathe and Jay do them on Core Max (I do them more like Rhonda with one foot on the floor), but I could lift my big butt today when I was sitting on the step. I'm curious, do any of you do the levitation holds on top of a step? I've heard of using yoga blocks, but the step modification is new to me. I have to say that I felt the burn in my core so I was hitting every tiny muscle in there and I never feel it like that when I do my modified levitation holds.

I've been losing a couple of pounds since doing Gym Style with cardio and I'm getting so strong. I don't think I would've done a levitation hold (even using a step) before doing Gym Style. I also did the first set of C&T push ups on my toes! I've never ever done more than 2 push-ups on my toes with perfect form. I don't know if my levitation holds today were possible because of my new found strength, or if it is the step, but it was exciting to see myself in the mirror while doing them. :)
Rose - the yoga block sub is to elevate you and make your arms "longer". I don't think the step would give you the same modification. I'm guessing that you're stronger now, and whenever you normally do levitation holds, you're too convinced you cannot do them, that you don't - the mind is an amazing thing - it can really limit you or really get you through things. So, I think you've just done a real, no-modification levitation hold! You go girl!
I can do them on the table in my acupuncturists office, but I can't do them off the floor. Something about a bit different leverage, I think.
RE: Something I found out today about levitation holds....

It's weird how the mind works. I tried them again on the floor and I couldn't do them, but I could do 2 sitting on my step. I also think that since I'm lifting my own body weight and I'm lighter (and my upper body is stronger), the exercise is easier to do. It is exciting to see that hard work pays off. I still have some weight to lose (it's a really slow process), but if I keep lifting heavy my upper body will get stronger and stronger while I'm getting lighter overall and hopefully I'll be able to do all those exercises that seemed impossible for me to do in the past. Now if I ever do a pull up on my own that'll be amazing. Maybe in a couple of years...:)
RE: Something I found out today about levitation holds....

You might want to try the cross legged position on the floor but instead of putting your hands on the floor, put a dumbell on each side of your legs and hold on to a dumbell with each hand. After I did this a few times, I was able to finally do them like Cathe. Also, you may need to move your hands into different positions like Cathe suggests. This also helped me.
That is weird. I also can do them at the end of my yoga practice but I can't do them in Coremax. weird.

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