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  1. Leslie40

    Need help getting up earlier without waking DH

    I use a vibrating alarm clock called Shake Awake that has a round disk that vibrates; the disk is attached to the main alarm clock with a cable. Although they suggest you put the vibrating disk under your pillow, that's way too close to my fellow sleeping husband and it would wake him up for...
  2. Leslie40

    DH sabotage!! AARRGGHH

    Freeze the last box. Caramel gets really impenetrable when it's frozen. This does not work with Girl Scout Thin Mints, which are even better frozen, and very eatable.
  3. Leslie40

    Do you wear shoes around the house?

    We try to leave them at the door because we have a gravel driveway. Otherwise little gravel stones that get stuck in shoe treads leave little dents on the wood floor. I try to mop 1x week, but if I don't the bottom of my socks gross me out and force me to do it.
  4. Leslie40

    Recommendations for bar

  5. Leslie40

    Recommendations for bar

    I'm finally looking for a weight bar after a year of training using barbells only. Does anyone have any recommendations for favorites? I think a 5' bar is the right size (my workout space is a bit compact), although I've heard they make 4' bars too. It looks like the easiest and quickest for...
  6. Leslie40

    Cathe, You are Going to Love this.....

    Or he could do Kick, Punch, and Crunch with some 5-lb ankle weights and 2.5lb wrist weights on. That should keep him quiet.
  7. Leslie40

    Thanks Cathe

    My husband and I have been doing your workouts since this spring. We just finished a 100-mile bike ride we do each year at this time. We've never felt so good finishing this ride. More amazing, we biked less training miles than we typically do before this year's ride. We finished together in...
  8. Leslie40

    Guilty pleasures--not food related!

    Pink Panther movies. Benny Hill (yeah totally stupid, but I still like it)
  9. Leslie40

    heart rate

    I remember reading about this. What I understood was that at lower heart rate your body burns more of a mix of fuel (burns both glycogen/glucose and adipose tissue). The theory with this is that to burn fat/lose weight, you work out at a heart rate of between 50 and 75% of maximum to keep your...
  10. Leslie40

    What do your DH's do to work out?

    Long work days make it harder. We both fight being tired or just grumpy when we get home. The workout that sounded like such a great idea while we were having coffee in the morning doesn't sound so great when we get home after work. My husband is doing Power Max and Gym Styles, plus...
  11. Leslie40

    Stupid Scale

    I threw mine out too. All it ever did was freak me out about hydration shifts, then I'd feel lousy.
  12. Leslie40

    Coming up for a breather

    Great outfits! The Cathe Team makes them look better than any model photos they are using on the retailers' sites.
  13. Leslie40

    Good Luck, Cathe and Crew!!!!

    Yes!! Good luck, and may everything go smoothly. Don't forget to make us smile--the teasing and the laughs in your workouts are the best; they're what separate you from everyone else. I like that your workouts are serious, but with humor too.
  14. Leslie40

    Bought the spin bike - Now what?

    Spinervals are good training. But without music they can be a bit dull. I have a one-hour "recovery ride" one and a (crazy) 3-hour training one for century rides. The one-hour recovery ride one is dull w/o music.
  15. Leslie40

    Need advice on taking two weeks or more off!

    I read that you lose at the same rate that you build. Not sure how true that is, but I just took 2 weeks off for vacation and found I hadn't lost much. I reduced my previous weights (dumbells) by 5 lbs typically to start back in easier, but found after a week that I had no problem returning to...
  16. Leslie40

    Cathe, Any Good nutrition resources???

    Dear Cass, Great recipes, health and nutrition information: Cooking Light Magazine Eating Well Magazine Both also have websites. I've subscribed to both these magazines for nearly 2 decades and continue to love them both. Les:-)
  17. Leslie40

    At the moment, I am addicted to....

    Homemade muesli (plain yogurt mixed with rolled oats, spoonful each of almonds, pecans, toasted coconut, dried cherries, and slivered dried apricots) Bittersweet chocolate (a little bit everyday) Healthy choice orange (swirl) pops Lemon seltzer Kick-butt virgin marys: 1 cup tomato...
  18. Leslie40

    Anyone workout to manage their moods?

    I do. I find I get to work calm and ready to deal with not-calm situations. I worry a lot too, and it helps with that, some days just because I can focus on something else for an hour. Sometimes I try to follow the Cathe workouts by doing the weight training exercises in the same sequence...
  19. Leslie40

    Horrible PMS - is the Pill the only answer?!?!

    I disagree with both your statements, but I understand your dislike of antidepressants. I wouldn't suggest going and asking a general physician for a prescription just because they are working for a friend. Side effects depend on the dosage and the individual. It may take 4-6 weeks for...
  20. Leslie40

    Horrible PMS - is the Pill the only answer?!?!

    I sympathize, I have experimented with just about everything to even out what PMS does to me. Typically I feel so depressed for at least one of the days that the word suicidal fits, and there is nothing in my life that should bring me to that state; my life is great and I'm typically very...