Guilty pleasures--not food related!


Just a little Friday fun.....

So my confession is I'm a Young & the Restless addict. It's the first thing I do when I get home at night (well, other than wash my face & change my clothes). It's mindless, entertaining, gives my mind a break & helps me unwind. I've been doing this for almost 20 years now. Everyone who knows I record it every day & watch it makes fun of me, & I don't care!

Your turn! :)
Same guilty pleasure - different show. For me it is General Hospital.

I workout and night and once that is done I plop down on the couch and watch that days episode. :)
Here's another, Same guilty pleasure-different show.
It's "All My Children" for me.}( My family has finally stopped bothering me for wathcing it after about 20 or so years. LOL!
I love One Tree Hill. I have the first season on DVD. I haevn't seen it on TV for a while though.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Mine is so far worse! LOL! It's Flavor of Love on VH1. Dh and I watch it every Sunday night in bed. Then the next morning we call each other and tell, Flavor Flave!" Yeah, it's bad. But it's so entertaining.

Odd man out here.

I LOVE watching Turner Classics Movies, anything from the 30's - 60's. I LOVE Matlock (I LOVE his personality and that country accent) & Colombo (although Colombo is VERY ANNOYING).

On Fri. & Sat., I can't wait until 8:00 p.m. to watch the BBC channel :D and pretty much any old movie that follows afterwards.

I HATE x( soap operas....sorry.

Oh did I mention I'm like OBSESSD wiht Gilad on Fit TV? Well I am. His workouts though are not nearly intense as Cathes and look at him. I bet her works out wicked hard at the gym but then takes it easy on ppl when he does the shows. I only watch his show every morning. Did it only like 3 times. I just love it him;-)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I only watched soap operas for a short time years ago after I was sick with the flu and stayed home from school. At first, I didn't understand who was with whom or who was doing what to whom, but then I got addicted to a series of 3 (which I don't even remember anymore, one with with A. Martinez).

But I am guilty of watching almost any sci-fi/horror movie that comes on TV. Even the mediocre Sci-fi channel original ones.
Quote****:Mine is so far worse! LOL! It's Flavor of Love on VH1. Dh and I watch it every Sunday night in bed. Then the next morning we call each other and tell, Flavor Flave!" Yeah, it's bad. But it's so entertaining.

Kathy ****END QUOTE

Oh Kathy! This one has to win a prize! LOL!

Flavor Flave! I'm still laughing!
My guilty pleasure? Oh don't tell DH... But it's buying new Cathe videos and sneaking them into the house before he finds out about them...
1. Dancing in my kitchen to Prince's music.
2. Sitting on my couch listening to Prince's music.
3. Driving in my car (with no particular place to go) listening to Prince's music.
4. Watching "Rockstar! Supernova" with my husband.
5. Reading In Style, Us Weekly, or People magazine.
6. Visiting,, or, for hours at a time.
7. On-line quizzes and games.
8. Staring at my Prince screen saver.
9. Re-reading some of my favorite Stephen King books.
10. Buying OPI nail polish.
11. Painting my toenails.
12. Watching my "What About Bob," "Groundhog Day," "The Princess Bride," "Arrested Development," "Curb Your Enthusiasm," BBC's "The Office," and Woody Allen DVDs over and over again.
13. Doing 'google image' searches of Jude Law, Johnny Depp, and Prince.
Soap operas, no, only when I was a kid I watched "Dark Shadows" every afternoon. Loved it and it scared me to death, especially anything about werewolves.

Guilty pleasure, my monthly massage, but now I no longer feel guilty about it. I think everyone deserves one.

Howard Stern show...bought the Sirius radio and satellite the all day replay.
I always think that with all the annoying things in this world now a days that I shouldn't feel guilty for anything that brings me pleasure.:) That said, I would have to say that '24' is the only thing I ever feel guilty about. I'll actual blow people off to be home to see this show....:D


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