DH sabotage!! AARRGGHH

So glad someone out there is like me!!! I have done without candy and chocolate eggs etc.... since Lent. I plan on going nuts Easter Sunday!!!! My DH always buys me champagne and chocolate for Easter I am smashed and nauseous by noon!!!! I know what you mean if I just eat one right now whether it's caramel eggs reese eggs peanut M&ms or anything Cadbury the **** will hit the fan!!! Don't know how I'm containing myself especially since I am always in the store I've got 3 young kids and hubby loves to snack. I just keep telling myself Easter is coming hold on!!!!! I have been known to eat a family size bag of peanut M&Ms in one day!! Gluttony Huh??? Let's support each other and count down those last two weeks until Easter!!!!! Teresa
Lorrie, Cream or caramel, I’m a professional I can destroy either with great skill. Diane Sue would never see them....:9
Freeze the last box. Caramel gets really impenetrable when it's frozen. This does not work with Girl Scout Thin Mints, which are even better frozen, and very eatable.

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