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  1. P

    Morton's Neuroma shoes

    I've had holes in my past sneakers where my bunions are (or were since I had one removed). I've had to be super picky on comfortable shoes to accomodate feet problems and issues. My recommendations: The "RYKA Women's K1094 Crosstraining Shoe" has a very roomy toebox. This was the first...
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    Bunion surgery?

    I am 6weeks post opp bunion surgery Hello, just wanted to share my surgery experience. I had one foot done just before Christmas. I experienced a few days of pain, most of the work is keeping weight off the foot, icing and elevating. Around Day4-5, I started using the band for upper body...
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    MMA Fusion

    Thanks for posting! I thought I'd check out the forum to figure out which workout to do today (haven't tried any of them yet) hoping to blast off cookie calories and your post is exactly the kind of influence I was looking for :)
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    Debate This: Mac v. PC

    PC for me! Hi, I don't post much but wanted to post on this topic. I vote for the PC. In all my experiences in using a PC and fixing all of my relatives PCs, the number 1 issue I see is people unintentially allowing spyware-like programs to be installed on their PC. An actual virus...believe...
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    Plyo Legs!!

    Just finished it Wow, I just finished Plyo legs for the first time and feel like every single muscle fiber in my legs are without a doubt completely exhausted. Immediate Hall of Fame for me. Calorie incinerator :)
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    Anyone else finding they need a rack for meso 2?

    I was on the fence about buying a rack but after I finished all of my 1 rep testing, I figured, I'm going to go for it so I can really attack STS full throttle. I ended up buying this unit...not bad for $157 and it takes up very little room. I'm really glad I did. I actually even use it for a...
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    Finished Mesocycle 1 - Question about updating weights in workout manager

    Thank you both for your answers :) Very helpful. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything. I will go back in and edit as suggested. I am loving this program.
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    Finished Mesocycle 1 - Question about updating weights in workout manager

    I rewrote my post to clarify my question..hoping someone can clarify. Thanks!!
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    Work out card not posting all targets!

    I've had the same problem. I had to go back to my notes from my 1rep tests and reenter my numbers again. When I went back to rekey my entries, I noticed the system did have about 40% of the original entries I had put in there but mysteriously did not have the rest. I can only assume SNM...
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    Finished Mesocycle 1 - Question about updating weights in workout manager

    SNM Workout manager question Cathe or anyone else, I'm confused about STS. Cathe recommends we track down and write down our reps and weights throughout each workout. I've done this on every workout card I've printed out during Meso 1. I'm assuming this will impact prescribed weight for the...
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    Rotation Question for Fitness Freak

    Hi Hrcfitness, I did Debbie's Basic/Intermediate/Advanced 12 Week Rotation (just the last 8 weeks of it) followed by 4 weeks of Debbie's Muscle Building & Staying Lean rotation. Check them out!
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    Rotation Question for Fitness Freak

    Thanks so much Debbie. That rotation looks perfect! I'm off for a Girls Weekend roadtrip for some R&R and when I get back, I dig into the new rotation and I'm psyched to have it to look forward to! Thanks again for all the time you spend helping everyone :)
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    Rotation Question for Fitness Freak

    Hi Debbie, I am looking for some advice on my next rotation. I had posted a few weeks back about the fantastic results I had from doing the last 8 weeks of your 12 week rotation. I then moved on to your 4 week "Muscle building & staying lean" rotation and have two days left. My body has...
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    Basic/Intermediate/Advanced 12 Week Rotation

    This rotation is a great plateau buster Hi, I don't post much but I just wanted to post a thank you to Debbie for this superb rotation. I jumped in on this rotation at week 5 and am just finishing up my 12th week. I am seeing such a change in my body and I feel like I am truly working...
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    Question for those with a freestanding kickbox heavy bag

    I have one and find I go in stages where I use it frequently ~2-3x per week and then other times eh, not so much :) (but that's because I have so much other stuff I'm into, it's hard to fit it all in. (Kettlebells, the Firm, barre, pilates, bosu etc. :) Love having variety! Anyway, when I am...
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    High Step Challenge

    Timely thread. Couldn't make up my mind on what workout to do today so I did this one based on the thread. It's been a few months since I've done it and I forgot how challenging it really is! I love this workout. Has just the right amount of everything. Feeling thoroughly worked out now!
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    I was about to sell Four Day Split when.....

    I'm glad you posted this. I have not reached for 4Day split since I first got it and shut it off in frustration. I've been thinking of selling/trading it but I really, really want to love it. I will hang on until I can get the patience to return to it and attempt to learn it.
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    Does anyone use Cathe's Calender?

    I have the calendar and I really like it a lot but initially I was disappointed because I bought it in May and of course, lost out on utilizing months Jan-Apr. For some reason, I guess I thought I could just write in the month/date, etc. sort of like a blank exercise log/journal. I also bought...
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    2 Moves I need some pointers on

    Thanks so much everyone! My last workout had the hammer punch lunges and I used all the tips and I don't know if it was that, OR coincidentally I had changed to a different band for firewalkers and MY OH MY major DOMS the next day in my glutes. Wowza! }(
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    2 Moves I need some pointers on

    Hi Everyone. There are a couple of moves I just don't think I'm getting the full effect from so I'm hoping you all will weigh in with your tips for emphasizing the moves or maybe tell me I'm not alone :) First one is the side slam its from Low Max. I try real hard to feel these by squeezing...