Work out card not posting all targets!


Can anyone tell me why not all of the exercises give my target weight when I've done the test and it shows up on the list as completed?
I would need the exercise number and name to help you as well as the STS disc# where you're seeing the problem to help you.


I've had the same problem and just given up. I save my cards and transfer weights or adjust accordingly.

SNM Thanks for the quick reply. I figured it out. I noticed there are two exercises with the same or close to the same description. The numbers are just one digit apart. Back in business!!! Thanks
I've had the same problem. I had to go back to my notes from my 1rep tests and reenter my numbers again. When I went back to rekey my entries, I noticed the system did have about 40% of the original entries I had put in there but mysteriously did not have the rest. I can only assume SNM updated the workout manager software to fix a bug or two and some of our data got lost in the process. I know it was not user error (be sure you are logged in, be sure to click save, etc.) as was suggested in other threads. Everything seems to be staying in there now for me these last couple of weeks. Good luck.

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