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  1. G

    I am New Here!!

    Welcome Fellow Georgian! I am Cathe fan and live in Cumming! I discovered Cathe on FitTV and love her workouts, a real challenge, but time is so precious to me as I have three teenagers and usually resorted to running as my basic fitness routine. I really think you'll love these forums and...
  2. G

    Timesaver DVD

    Thanks so much ladies!I am so blessed to have such great resources at the click of my keyboard. I'll check in with you and let you know how it's going with the weightlifting/running combo. I have a 5K next Saturday and then I'll be in training for a Thanksgiving half marathon. How about that...
  3. G

    Timesaver DVD

    Marietta, Thanks so much! You are so buff! I'll gladly take your advice if you promise I'll have muscles like yours! :) You must be reading my mind regarding the running and doing Cathe's workout concurrently. My poor legs could not fully recover by the next day for a run after doing...
  4. G

    Timesaver DVD

    Carole, I'm new to the forums but was trying to decide which DVD to order first from Cathe--can't afford too many at once. You're in great shape and read your note about the Terminator DVD. How would you work that into your workout routine? When you do a workout from the DVD, is that...
  5. G

    Running Question

    Susan, I think you are absolutely right about Cathe! She is so humble and private in some respects, and I think that's why she has such a fast growing fan base. Were you able to go on Road Trip 2005? It sounded like such fun and I can't wait to participate in the next one! It so much fun...
  6. G


    Kathyrn, Thanks so much for the fitness tips! I'll try this for a month and let you know how things go! I love this forum because I always learn so much! Thanks again! Annette
  7. G

    Cathe! I did it! 5 miles in 59:17 minutes!

    Congratulations! I've been running for about five years now so when you go a new distance like that, it helps if you walk at least ten minutes afterwards to help your muscles cool down. If you can eat a small amount of carbs and protein within 30 minutes of your run, this helps cut down on...
  8. G


    Cathe, I just figured out how to check if I had any replies to my emails. I was just thrilled to see I got a message back from you! Really thrilled! Thanks for the thread to Shonie's reply. I thought maybe if I incorporated some of her training techniques, I could make some...
  9. G

    Hardcore Fat Loss Rotation Check-In - Aug. 1/05

    Shelley, I'm new to the site but may I join in, too? I watched FitTV this morning and did Lo Max (not sure what number??) but I'll do Core Max tonight. What kind of diet changes do you do during this rotation? Annette
  10. G


    Kathryn, Are you a personal trainer? You seem so knowledgeable! I am 46 years old and have been working with weights for about six months about twice a week. I work the whole body for 1 1/2 hours and am totally exhausted when I am done. I discovered Cathe's workouts on FitTV recently and...
  11. G

    THANK YOU Roadtrippers and more details tomorrow :-)

    Marla, I have been visiting the forum for a few months since discovering Cathe on FitTV. I love her workouts and have become a fan! Just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed your feedback and pictures from the Road Trip 2005. I'm 46 and it's so great to see women of all ages staying...